I can't roll.


Well-Known Member
I seriously can't I have to use a roller to roll any j's.. anyone else have this problem.. I've tried everything even people showing me and I just can't get it down at all.


Well-Known Member
when i first started smoking my j's sucked but i learned to roll better with time. i think it is like anything else, the more you practice the better u get.


Well-Known Member
bro im not scared to admit it! inless its a super phat j im aweful and 90% i do use the machine..ive gotten better but damn ive seen dudes roll a joint like NOTHING


Well-Known Member
Soo My friend has really fat short stubby like fingers right, and he can't roll for his life because he can't touch all his fingers to his thumb it's funny to try and show him though


Well-Known Member
dude i am useless when it comes to rolling shit up, i have only ever tryed a few times .


Well-Known Member
I can roll a perfect J. I never used a machine , Back in the day I would practice with tobacco got it down to a science and been smoking ever since


Well-Known Member
when u get good u can do it 1 handed. i aint that good lol.
I used to be able to whip one out with my left hand but not any more,getting old ive lost most of the feeling in my hands.

I can still twist a mean fatty using both hands though :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
it does take time to get the hang of it but soon as i got good i bought a rolling machine and i have never ever looked back since
soon i want to get a longer one so i can roll blunts in a matter of about 2 minutes
put the bud in the grinder, put the bud on the paper, roll it, wrap the leaf
toke it up


Well-Known Member
know a guy that works on a ranch all day riding his horse. he can roll a mean j behind his back with one hand, while on his horse.


Well-Known Member
my friend can roll a blunt with one hand while driving a car and paying 100% visual attention to the road
the first time i saw that i envied the shit out of him


Well-Known Member
so do i, im not actually that good at rolling the paper but when it comes to the leaf im teh shit, i know to to perfectly put it on to compensate for how tight the paper might be rolled
have you ever gone to the RIU FAQ page and look at some of those rolling techniques
some of those are fucking insane especially the one that is 3 big ass joints rolled together


Well-Known Member
I used to be really terrible at rolling, they weren't even smokable. But, with time I was forced to learn. When you don't have a pipe and no ones around to roll it for you. You do what you got to do to get high!


Well-Known Member
yeah you cant rely on others when it comes to rolling
i prefer my blunts over everyones and i think everyone feels the same way about their blunts
my friends used to never let me roll blunts but then one day i hopped on you tube and rolled 4 blunts in a row and they were all badass


Well-Known Member
Start using a dallar bill then go to free hand....Use the dallar to roll it up with the papper and the wed inside of it just like a roller.. But your still doing it free hand and it comes natural after that. Teach every girl ive been with to roll like that.


Well-Known Member
i fucking love the dollar bill method thats a life saver and something ever pothead should be aware of
nice ass joints in the matter of seconds
and youre right using that method is good training because you understand the logistics of rolling