2 week old seedlings, growth is stunted.


Well-Known Member
nah, I wasn't talkin' about you. You have great follow up info regarding locality and tap content.

I realize some people are lucky enough to have good tap water. But that doesn't apply to everyone. And just by a pure numbers game, there are more people living in populated, polluted urban environments than there are in less populated, less polluted environments. So by that logic, most growers on RIU and elsewhere have questionable tap water, not the other way around.
Thanks and well said, we here in Europe have much better water in general than the US in general, i take for granted water a lot as most over here is soft and of good quality, my company dont even feel the need to add flouride and think the natural levels are by far enough so we just get a little chlorine gas (not them horrible chloramides) and its on its way at a good pH, slate is the bedrock overhere so you can see it dosent really dissolve much of anything into the water.

Thanks again dude, hard water analysis data will tell you exactly what you need to know, without that you are right and there are better alternative waters. I forgive anyone who dosent want to look into water etc etc too much, like you need a college degree just to understand it, we just wana grow some easy dank. Peace


Well-Known Member
It's those plastic cups, I stopped using them b/c of this problem a few years back. Even with holes there isn't enough aeration, it causes early root binding near the surface.


Well-Known Member
Thanks and well said, we here in Europe have much better water in general than the US in general, i take for granted water a lot as most over here is soft and of good quality, my company dont even feel the need to add flouride and think the natural levels are by far enough so we just get a little chlorine gas (not them horrible chloramides) and its on its way at a good pH, slate is the bedrock overhere so you can see it dosent really dissolve much of anything into the water.

Thanks again dude, hard water analysis data will tell you exactly what you need to know, without that you are right and there are better alternative waters. I forgive anyone who dosent want to look into water etc etc too much, like you need a college degree just to understand it, we just wana grow some easy dank. Peace
oh, you lucky soft water devils.

Peace and good growing to you.


Well-Known Member
I've had a successful grow with using tap water, but I recently moved so the tap is different. So my question still is should I flush with distilled water even though I just watered yesterday? Here is an updated pic, they perk up about 12 hours after being watered.
Transplant these into quart sized containers, use less perlite. They'll eventually outgrow the damage...good luck!


Sunbiz are you sure? I used the same exact cups for my last grow with no issues. Should I pull one out as if i'm transplanting to check for root binding near the surface?


Well-Known Member
Sunbiz are you sure? I used the same exact cups for my last grow with no issues. Should I pull one out as if i'm transplanting to check for root binding near the surface?
Let me re-read, you might be doing too much with these.


Well-Known Member
I would like the link to where the chart comes from but im thinking it shows (not the clearest of charts by a long shot)-

Cal/mag approx 45ppm
Sodium approx 35ppm
Other substances 11.7ppm

Total = approx 90ppm so soft water i think if im reading right, generally dismiss the ppb or parts per billion as these are very small quantities, lead is always reported and can vary depending on the amount of lead pipes between you and the pumping station but we need not worry too much about it plus manganase.

I recomend ppm'ing your water to about 150ppm with cal/mag but and would assume if you placed a ppm meter in a cup of tap water it would read 100ppm or less, maybe nothing for meters that work in increments of 100ppm.

Can you provide the link to the site this chart came off and can you ppm your tap water with your meter to confirm the results.

Thank god at least the charts in ppm and not mg/l, that need some work to translate. Peace


Well-Known Member
Well here is my water report, this is the most recent one I can find. Any help would be awesome!
OK, I re-read the thread. I didn't realize that FF LW had all that perlite in it. We know your medium is not the problem. I'm assuming perchlorate is actually potassium perchlorate, which when combined with aluminum powder makes flash powder. Other than that, I have no idea how to relate this report to the problem at hand. Since I am not familiar with water issues, I would holf off doing anything until it is either confirmed as the source of the problem or eliminated. If eliminated, then carefully transplant one to determine if my prior problem is what you are having. I realize these are drinking cups, but something in certain brands can cause problems for plants over time. I wound up transplanting all of mine and placing outdoors for a week until they recovered, of course that was during mid-Spring.


Well-Known Member
Cal/mag approx 45ppm
Sodium approx 35ppm
Other substances 11.7ppm

Seems a rough guide of your water and seems good water, i have only recently got into this stuff so would like it if you had a ppm meter and could actually confirm this by checking the ppm of your water straight from your tap.

Your company dose talk a load of BS but seems like good water, i never worried about all those nitrates and fertilizer levels as i actually drink mainly bottled water and these amounts are always safe for my plants. Potassium is common in water, Evian or bottled mineral water bottles also have similar reports and pH if you got one handy to look at.

PPm your water and if its round 100ppm or below i think im right. Peace


Sorry kingrow I don't have a meter... Thanks a lot for your help, I hope we can figure this out soon before it's too late :( I'm thinking that when I flush with distilled water I'm going to transplant them into 1 gallon grow bags with FF ocean forest. I mean it can't hurt right?


Well-Known Member
Sorry kingrow I don't have a meter... Thanks a lot for your help, I hope we can figure this out soon before it's too late :( I'm thinking that when I flush with distilled water I'm going to transplant them into 1 gallon grow bags with FF ocean forest. I mean it can't hurt right?
Maybe maybe not, what makes us fail also gives us more knowledge, i cannot advise too much as im not seeing the problem unfortunatly but a transplant might be good.

Im pretty sure im right with your tap water and simply a small amount of cal/mag should help lots, transplant and lets see plus lets consider things like temps etc etc now we are coolio with the water and soil etc. New soil will have good nutes in and plants should hopefully adapt, obviously some perlite again is totally recomended for the transplant as well.

Actually looking back at the first post i would totally have transplanted them already, screw the flush just water them in good for first watering and then do nothing till your sure they want water again, if they die they die, i watched many a plant die but i watched many a plant get worse before finally getting better without doing anything but transplant. The things you got going for you are ok roots at the moment.

Worse case scenario is in a week from transplant they havent showed at least some signs of good new growth. Fingers crossed for you dude but lets also check air circulation, temps whilst we sit and wait after the transplant. Peace


Well temps are usually 72-78, humidity is about 45-55%, humidity was low for a little while but the past 4-5 days it's been a steady 50%. Air circulations, I have a 452 cfm vortex fan running at half strength exhausting out of the room, and there is a passive intake (no actual holes) just the cracks in the walls I guess.

Tomorrow I'm buying some distilled water or spring water and transplanting them into 1 gallon containers, and then we'll wait and see. Thanks for all the help, I'll post pics tomorrow after the transplant.


Well-Known Member
I reckon this was just nutrient problems then, maybe fertilize the next batch of seedlings with a low dose in the first week to check this, Evian water is best for plants, distilled i wouldnt recomend for soil really. Lets see how they go with a transplant. Peace