Potpimp's 99 Bean Grow


Sector 5 Moderator
Thanks Mauler. The job situation didn't work out in Oakhurst; couldn't make enough to even live on there, so we moved to Alaska. Alaska is an even better state for growing than Cali, in my opinion. We're doing great here and I'm getting things ready for my next grow. Sadly, I had to leave all our stuff in storage in Oakhurst, including my grow stuff. So I'm having to buy more equipment here and it's a lot more expensive due to the shipping.

I've already got my seeds for the next grow. I'll be doing Dr. Greenthumb's Iranian G13's, Nirvana's Ice, Jock Horror, Pure Power Plant and Aurora Indica. Our place is really small here and I don't have room to grow. I'll give them a jumpstart in about February or first of March and put them outside in April - IF I can wait that long. :)


Active Member
Thanks Mauler. The job situation didn't work out in Oakhurst; couldn't make enough to even live on there, so we moved to Alaska. Alaska is an even better state for growing than Cali, in my opinion. We're doing great here and I'm getting things ready for my next grow. Sadly, I had to leave all our stuff in storage in Oakhurst, including my grow stuff. So I'm having to buy more equipment here and it's a lot more expensive due to the shipping.

I've already got my seeds for the next grow. I'll be doing Dr. Greenthumb's Iranian G13's, Nirvana's Ice, Jock Horror, Pure Power Plant and Aurora Indica. Our place is really small here and I don't have room to grow. I'll give them a jumpstart in about February or first of March and put them outside in April - IF I can wait that long. :)
Wel, I'm glad your happy with your new digs. I know Alaska is beautiful, but don't know if I could handle the long nights and the coooooooold....brrrr. I know you probably want and need MH/HPS, but get them beans poppin with CFL's. At least one plant.....shouldn't take up that much room if you train her and keep her squat. Hope all works out. Peace. :leaf:


Welcome to Alaska Potpimp, hope things go better for ya up here. I have been growing the powerkush for a couple of years now and is def. a winner for me! Peace 907


Well-Known Member
99! wow!!...I can't imagine anymore than 40 plants in my setup... only at 22 currently though...

Watchn' this for sure potpimp... I'm also curious on your bubba kush... I've been grown it now and it's a 60 day strain...

I'm tuned in bro...


Sector 5 Moderator
99! wow!!...I can't imagine anymore than 40 plants in my setup... only at 22 currently though...

Watchn' this for sure potpimp... I'm also curious on your bubba kush... I've been grown it now and it's a 60 day strain...

I'm tuned in bro...
Oh man, I hate to disappoint you but this was last years grow. :) I've got another grow coming up but I've only got seedlings for now. I'll start a new grow journal on that. ...I gotta ask you something. I can't figure out WTF your avatar is. It looks like two Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles locked into a Kama Sutra gay sex pose. Oh damn, I can't stop laughing now. I am fried man.


Well-Known Member
LOL, I dunno, I see more of a 4 turtle clusterfuck there. Ironically I came up with a ninja turtle come-on line today. I'll have to use it at some point just for good measure. It's a TMNT line for fks sake, I got to!


Sector 5 Moderator
Wow Mauler!!! Man those are beautiful! Congrats on the great success with your grow and even more for the Kush and C. Jack. I've got 9 seedlings up and stretching for the lights. I'll start another grow journal soon; I'm thinking seedlings don't get anybody too excited, LOL. Can me up some of that wonderful fragrance and send it up here. :)


Active Member
Man I dig this website and your info in particular. I'm in Ak also. Let me ask, how do you find out what is really the best way of doing things. Lst or not, everyone has opinions but is there any credible concrete this is the way to do it best advice. Maybe I'm just too damn indecisive. I have a 4x7 room in a room. plenty of height and one 600 w switchable. i see a lot of people on here grow with cfl or t5.


Sector 5 Moderator
Welcome to Rollitup!! It may take you awhile to find out the best people to ask for different things. I suggest going to the different sub forums and maybe asking a moderator there; if he can't give you very good info, he (or she) knows who to ask. We have some amazingly talented and skilled growers here. BTW, I just moved from AK back in March. :(


Sector 5 Moderator
I didn't have a problem with them but I would use one of the flimsy net fences if I ever had a problem.


Well-Known Member
haha im reading all your old shit, i thinks its time for an new journal and an update. and 99 more beans.

(i dont think you had this sig posted when i talked to you a while back unsubbed awaiting new thread :D)


Sector 5 Moderator
haha im reading all your old shit, i thinks its time for an new journal and an update. and 99 more beans.

(i dont think you had this sig posted when i talked to you a while back unsubbed awaiting new thread :D)
Thanks Poly. As soon as I get a place big enough to grow in I'll do another grow. I did a small grow last year and wound up giving all the plants away because we left the state for a couple of months. I've got some things going now that will put me in position to get a new place soon, I hope.