Local Hydro store asked If I wanted seeds or clones....I'm very suspicious!!!


Well-Known Member
my hydro guy asked me if needed clones or seeds....I've only been in there like 5 times and only to pick up something real quick....The fact that they trust me enough to ask questions like that makes me very suspicious...I mean, how do they know I'm not a cop????.....Unless they're not worried about it cause they're cops....maybe Im too paranoid???.....But, I really do want some clones....how would you approach this????
if hes that trusting tell him to give u a joint of his stuff to try, meet in an open spot get it and walk away. if he lets u walk away with it hes a little more trustworthy, if he starts coming after you eat the joint. if he lets u walk and u still wanna try set up a drop place tell him to leave the plant there(again in an open spot) tell him when u pick up the item ull pay him or just buy one at first so ur not out a lot of money, than when u go to get the item, pretend to pick it up and walk away to ward your vehicle if nothing happens ie. no one tackles you and tries to arrest for possesion, go back in like 10 15 min and pick up the goods
I wouldnt even start any miami vice type reverse psychology stuff with him,tell him fuk yeah i want clones,i seriously doubt cops have set up a hydro shop complete with educating cops in the hydro method all in hopes of snagging a few growers.

I'd grab some clones & split,how fast can you eat a half dozen clones if they try to pull you over :mrgreen:
No way I'd trust him at this point. He could have your info (checks, credit card). He narcs you out to the cops, gets a per plant bounty, yada, yada.

Be paranoid - you'll miss a few clone, but the downside is huge.
well if i remember correctly cops cant actually sell u illegal substances, so they get others to than bust ya, just like a setup. thats why i suggested what i did, if u dont want to go to all that trouble just by one to start, worst case scenario they bust ya and u get charged with intent to grow, in my area if its just one u usually get probation maybe some comm service
They don't bust you immediately with intent. They give you couple of weeks to get the plants going, stake out the place to see how big a player your are, who visits you, etc.

Hey, if you own a house with 100 plants, its seizure time!

Fallen or greedy third parties make law enforcement possible.
cops can sell you illegal substances.. everyone needs to get their shit straight..=)..

I think the guy there is just probably hella cool.. Hydro stores are for one thing and one thing only.. I don't care how many tomato and basil plants they have growing in there no one that goes in there isn''t growing bud=)... Just play it safe though.. I would be very very careful=)

I usually go in reeking of Bud so if you were to do that then you know.. a few times the guy is like man that smells like some ROPE you were smoking...=) "I can't wait to get home.."he then said
Hydro stores are for one thing and one thing only.. I don't care how many tomato and basil plants they have growing in there no one that goes in there isn''t growing bud=)...

Dude, that is some funny shit! LMFAO! I was thinking the exact same thing. ~Rock~
I wouldn't trust anybody willing to give me or sell me clones from a hydro shop. In the Seattle area, a hydro shop was busted a couple of months ago for doing just that, selling clones. They got the customer list from the shop and hunted down those who bought clones. Better to be safe than sorry. Just my 2 cents.
Maybe you just look like a stoner...
Did you walk in with glazed eyes, beat red and barrelly open and the smell still lofting off of you???
yeah what i mean is they cant sell u stuff and than that officer bust you, i grew up in a small town where the cops would bust the teens for pot take it than half mile down the road be rollin up a big fatty. i love small towns
i had the same thing happen to me. what i did is threw some weed slang at him he just stared at me. pretty sure he was a cop. of course make sure not to go straight home as u prolly already know. peace
yeah i wouldnt accept them or go there again. They are either stupid and will attract cops who may follow regulars home, or they work with the cops. cops have been known to start shops to build cases. A local store around here just got busted in a "drug ring" for supplying clones and equiptment to customers. You dont want to deal with idiots.
hydro shops have been know to sell customer list to leo (operation green merchant) i think its called. he may just want to be sure thats what you are growing if you say "yeah" he knows what you're growing(the same thing as 99%of the folks who frequent hydro shops). or the guy could be cool(but not very intelligent) but i wouldn't take the chance. remember the three rules of growing NO TELL, NO SMELL, NO SELL!the guy who owns my hydro shop is a biker/hippie who acts just like chong from the cheech and chong movies(like a complete stoner) but i wouldn't trust him as far as i could throw him or anyone else for that matter. UNLESS he took me in the back and said "VIOLA" and showed me a room full of ganja trees then id think about it and still prolly say "fuck no! i grow vegatables!"