If the State ran the dispensaries..would you be good whith that?


Well-Known Member
USPS and fedex get to determine what type of mail they ship, they stay away from 50cent letters, because the profit is very minimal. Especially in this day and age where emails are priority, and the average user is getting deals online and shipping the parcels to their home or business. They only ship parcels mainly, which is what the internet is dictating. USPS is going bankrupt plain and simple, privatized companies have dictated where the money is going and USPS has been recessing since.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
USPS and fedex get to determine what type of mail they ship, they stay away from 50cent letters, because the profit is very minimal. Especially in this day and age where emails are priority, and the average user is getting deals online and shipping the parcels to their home or business. They only ship parcels mainly, which is what the internet is dictating. USPS is going bankrupt plain and simple, privatized companies have dictated where the money is going and USPS has been recessing since.
USPS is going broke because private industry has taken the profitable business from them. Leaving usps just the 50 cent letter part..the most labor intensive and service oriented part. If usps does go under, that 50 cent letter will be no more private carriers would want $2.50 for that same letter.


Active Member
USPS is going broke because private industry has taken the profitable business from them. Leaving usps just the 50 cent letter part..the most labor intensive and service oriented part. If usps does go under, that 50 cent letter will be no more private carriers would want $2.50 for that same letter.
Hence the reason USPS will never go under. Not in our lifetime anyways.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
Hence the reason USPS will never go under. Not in our lifetime anyways.

Right. The government will keep them afloat...and the the anti government crowd can point at the usps and say.."see the government can't do anything right"..dis regarding the fact that government is keeping the usps open so that you CAN afford something simple like mailing a letter.

By the way, I'm not saying that our Government is perfect, just that the anti government crowd has no Idea of the things that government does to keep them safe, fed, warm and able to enjoy their little anti government lives.

Without a Government, what do you think the price of gas would be? Cost of food? How safe would you be without the military or "fucking cops" as some like to refer to them.Our Government,with all it's faults, saves
us from living in a "MAD MAXX" world..

We are given the right to "pursue happiness" not be spoon fed that happiness.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
And for the "no taxes' crowd...how would you propose infrastructure be paid for?..you know, highways, streets, bridges even back roads. How about the military, which if we didn't have, would mean we'd be run by Nazi or Japaneses rule? (remember that whole ww2 thing...had we lost, I'm sure you'd be happier with the Government that took over)


Well-Known Member
Lol. Where would our government be without us? Sorry the system is broken. It's supposed to be a government by the people for the people.

"those who give up thier liberty for security deserve neither"

bob harris

Well-Known Member
Back to dispensaries. Some form of government regulation (state level) would be necessary. Even if it were only in setting guidelines and and holding operators to those guidelines. And yes, that would cost money, and yes that would have to be paid for by us, through taxes.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
Lol. Where would our government be without us? Sorry the system is broken. It's supposed to be a government by the people for the people.

"those who give up thier liberty for security deserve neither"
So work for reform of government...not destruction of government. Term limits would be a good start.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
Lol. Where would our government be without us? Sorry the system is broken. It's supposed to be a government by the people for the people.

"those who give up thier liberty for security deserve neither"
What's your view of what a government should be like?


Well-Known Member
There are a lot of great ideas on how to reform our government but until we all stand together it will never happen and they are very good at keeping us disconnected, entertained, & arguing among ourselves.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
There are a lot of great ideas on how to reform our government but until we all stand together it will never happen and they are very good at keeping us disconnected, entertained, & arguing among ourselves.
Arguing is good..it's where ideas come from. Entertained is good...it's why Rome built the Colosseum,(even back then government understood the need for the people to have something to do) and disconnected is a choice..not something the government does.


Active Member
a true democracy.with lobbying though there is no democracy.we need to stop the corruption at it's source. when we pay our public servant's 250,000 a year plus benifit's and allow them to take in contribution's into the million's expecting them to still side with the constituient's is nothing more than a joke.the rich continue to buy their way in by brainwashing simple minded indivual's with their rederick of patriotism.most american's think it's unamerican to ask for good wages and affordable housing.
look at the tax on something like a pack of smokes and gas ...just think of what taxes would be put on the green...NOOOOOOOOO thanks decriminaliz it at the very least...

bob harris

Well-Known Member
a true democracy.with lobbying though there is no democracy.we need to stop the corruption at it's source. when we pay our public servant's 250,000 a year plus benifit's and allow them to take in contribution's into the million's expecting them to still side with the constituient's is nothing more than a joke.the rich continue to buy their way in by brainwashing simple minded indivual's with their rederick of patriotism.most american's think it's unamerican to ask for good wages and affordable housing.
$250,000? That's like the presidents wage..not much for the size of the job. some care givers think they should make that for tending 60 plants. affordable housing? House prices are the lowest they have been in decades.

I'll agree that campaign contributions are shady. Term limits would take some of that away, by allowing the person in office to focus on issues, rather than keeping his/her job next election.

And the rich will always have a big say in how things work out..they always have. In the absence of government, the rich would simply buy armies and impose their will. Like they have through out history.

Contrary to popular belief, there are jobs out there. I started my working life for $1.20 an hour scrubbing pots and pans at a cafeteria. Beacame a cook, then a manager, then switched to retail management and after 30 years was VP of Retail Operations for a huge company, making big money.

Good wages are not a right, only fair wages.A good burger flipper can make $10 an hour, that's fair..not good. Good wages are earned through hard work and promotions. Or from taking the risk to start your own business, which is hard work.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
look at the tax on something like a pack of smokes and gas ...just think of what taxes would be put on the green...NOOOOOOOOO thanks decriminaliz it at the very least...
Cannabis could generate huge tax dollars and still be more affordable that it is today. (unless you grow) Cost per ounce for cannabis in a 1000 acre farm would be basically nothing..a few dollars an ounce. I'd be happy to pay $60 an oz with $50 to taxes..wouldn't you?


Active Member
affordable for the rich.without being able to secure a housing loan it does not matter how cheap they are.i would say 75% percent of my friend's rent because they are unable to get a housing loan.they pay more in rent then i do for my mortgage,that's sad paying more for something you will never own.