Tips and Tricks for Increasing THC production before Harvest??


Well-Known Member
i dont know for sure kronik... but i assume its a super early n. cali snowstorm... season change weather. this is just a guess though


Well-Known Member
I've always been told it's a myth about increasing a couple days before harvest.
well if you think about how a plant grows out doors I could see how it would mature quicker if there was less light. I think it would have to be over a longer period of time to really work well


Active Member
Oh shit mike meyers in the garden thats like a horror film in real life ,,made me cringe to see that lady get shanked


Active Member
Raw what is snow storm all about its a nute used throughout the whole cycle? whats in it? is it like bud candy? or botanicare sweet?


Well-Known Member
I've had fert maxed out.....been flushing for ten days....trichs are really cloudy fans are turning yellow buds are using left over nutes......just trying to have 'em putting on a few extra trich's! was it not a good idea? too late now but we'll see if I like what
bra u really do be growin the kronik hah good shit so sticking he knife thru the main stem realllly works huh ??? damm good shit good thread fasho


Active Member
I personally saw a diff....although there is alot of mixed reviews on stem piercing? I enjoy seeing what i saw....and I know it obviously didn't hurt ' came out BOMB!!! it's up to you buddy good luck....


Well-Known Member
iv heard about piercing the stem to turn purp more purple. only way i could see it working is if you stressed the plant out pretty hard


Active Member
i don't know about more purp....but the whole idea of piercing is to stress 'em hard...their only defense is to resin up? Temp has a major role in color change though...doesn't really change potency just a little more appealing?


Well-Known Member
iv heard of people cuting the stem in half so that it splinters and the plant hangs to the side. and they run sum light cycles like that. geuss that would be the same thing as nailing a nail threw it or a large screw


Active Member
I cut it back the last week. It only took 4 days to see a change. Im going to start going from 12/12 to 11/13 to 10/14
It wasnt until I changed my time cycles to 11/13 and then 10/14 when I really started to see them form faster. I did each one about 3 weeks each before harvest. :eyesmoke: