Help Am I Over watering???


Active Member

It use to look so good. So is this over watering and nothing else? my 1st time growin just want someone with experience to let me know if anything else is wrong but im pretty sure its just over watering, the other day it was slightly droopy so i added more water (pure) next morning it looks crisp, fat, and hung over


Let the soil dry out completely. check her in about 3 days and she might need some. Make sure it has drain holes also.


Well-Known Member
over watering and some over nuts u can c your top leafs r wrong .... Low nut put in water so ...or in this age i use one day water only...
best regards


Active Member
whats wrong with the top leaves and i havnt fed them since last watering. i water and feed every other watering


Well-Known Member
yo wat size pot is yo plant in? possible root bound?
while yo at it what dirt/nute yo using?
Only water da plant when the pot is light!!!


Active Member
no clue what dirt, its from another plant (i kno bad choice but low budget) im using power plant (veg stage) at full strength since seedling ( again proly bad choice lack of knowledge at the time) its been ok for the most part ive cut back on the nutes and i get disstilled water, maybe i should flush and as for the pot i think the size is fine for it since ive seen others with even bigger plants than mine anf i dont tend to let it get to big proly a foot and a half before i start flowering and hopefully harvest at 3 to 2 feet hieght


Active Member

so this is what it looks like today... i havent watered it for bout 3 days now,.. its picked up slightly it use to be all the way down


Looks like an over-water to me, but it is recovering from the earlier pics as you said. Perhaps mixing some perlite or sand into your dirt will help with drainage. Or maybe put a layer of smooth rocks on the bottom of the pot when you transplant. This helps alot with drainage.


Active Member
7 nuetral and my food water is at 5.5, and ive thought about the rocks at the bottom il prolly do this once ive trasplanted. just wanna make sure im doing ok and not fuck more shit up than already, i just got sum fox farm ocean forest im pretty new to growing , when i switch pots and soils how will it do on food?



so this is what it looks like today... i havent watered it for bout 3 days now,.. its picked up slightly it use to be all the way down​
The soil still looks pretty moist, I would wait at least another day if not more, before watering. Ph for soil is best between 6-6.3


Active Member
is 5.5 to acidic? ive used it for awhile now and no real problems from what ive seen, any home remedies to ph up? anyone know how much a small bottle of ph up is?


Yes, 5.5 is too acidic. When I start a seed, the ph of water never goes below 5.9, but ideal at 6.1-6.3. As the plant matures I slowly raise the ph until full maturity the ph levels at 7. This is what works for me. You will get a million replies for ph-up, my opinion wood ash works well. Your best bet is too spend $10-$15 at your local hydro-shop for something.


Active Member
ok cool lol i was waiting for an army to bash my knowledge but 10 15 is cheap, i think i can fork that out since i just got sum bad ass soil


Active Member
ya the lowest you"ll ever go is 5.8 and thats if your runnin in a hydroponics system. for dirt the golden number is 6.2. i like to keep it at 6.2 the whole lifetime as thats the PH where the most nutrient absorbtion takes place in plants, but if leyroy says he runs his up to 7 in the final stages it might do something beneficial, such as shift nutrient uptake more to the P and K realms as well as carbohydrates.

also you need to make sure that you get your ph down to about 5.9 before you mix nutrients into the water. the nutes will make the water more basic so if your ph reading of 5.5 was done before you put nutrients into the water, then ur actual ph was probably about 5.8-5.9, which is perfectly acceptable. but obviously test it to make sure about 20 mins after youve mixed the nutes


Active Member
also you need to make sure that you get your ph down to about 5.9 before you mix nutrients into the water. the nutes will make the water more basic so if your ph reading of 5.5 was done before you put nutrients into the water, then ur actual ph was probably about 5.8-5.9, which is perfectly acceptable. but obviously test it to make sure about 20 mins after youve mixed the nutes
so when getting water say distilled with a netrual 7 should i add nutes to it and ph up or ph down first altogether before adding nutes?