BCseedking order


Well-Known Member
Gay porn doesn't bother me one bit. What intrigues me more is the reason for posting it. Are you recruiting? What message do you intend to get across to the rest of us? Is that your favorite position? Is this a fantasy of yours?
Why do I have to have some kind of "gay agenda"? Seriously you people unnerve me. you blatent level of irrational fear is disturbing. It's NOT EVEN PORN. they are both wearing clothes, so it's YOUR brain that's connecting the dots, so to speak. Just CHILL THE FUCK OUT.


Well-Known Member
hahahahah now that's funny. I can't remember the last time I watch MTV...stopped somewhere when Carson Daily started regurgitating his take on pop-shit into the mouths of young America.


New Member
OMG! I hope you were joking!:roll:
Gay porn doesn't bother me one bit. What intrigues me more is the reason for posting it. Are you recruiting? What message do you intend to get across to the rest of us? Is that your favorite position? Is this a fantasy of yours?

Skunk Baxter

Well-Known Member
I can't believe a site whos members are all potheads is also infested with so much homophobia. Grow up people.
Hell, I don't have anything against gays. They can screw whoever they want, and more power to 'em. Just don't do it in the middle of the street if I'm running late for work.

It's those goddamned clowns that scare the shit out of me. I'm tellin' ya, they're up to something with those big-assed red noses and that silly-assed orange hair, and they ain't fooling me for a minute. There ought to be a law against them breeding.


Active Member
hey to get this post back on topic i ordered my seeds from bcseedking on 3/11 got them on the 19th descrete packaging and credit card bill. I am on the east coast us. They are very good. Got 2 free of each pack i ordered plus 12 free mango so for 30 seeds i got 16 free, not to bad. 6/6 geremed sofar.



New Member
Guys help me i am looking for pukka skunk you know this kind?Its very strong weed god damn very strong .....I cant find seed bank who sending this pukka seeds in US or CA ...Find pukka skunk guys looking good sexy and strong weed.If you know where buy pukka seed in US or Ca let me know PM