Republican Obstructionism and extremism will cost them


Well-Known Member
So the Republicans blocked a $60 Billion infrastructure bill on the grounds that it is paid for with a .7% surtax on millionaires, which makes this a budget neutral bill. Republicans and Democrats have successfully passed infrastructure bills time and time again for decades - but once again the hyper-partisan pledge of "no new taxes" is stopping progress. Cool.

This isn't over either; The Democrats will likely offer a bill that closes corporate loopholes and instead offer a renewal (and possible expansion, if we're lucky) of the payroll tax cut. Forcing Republicans to side with unpopular corporate loopholes.

How will the Republicans be percieved by American voters if they continue with this idealogically-charged obstructionism? Pretty much every poll I've seen shows broad support for closing tax loopholes - even among registered Republicans. Many polls also show broad support for tax increases on the very richest Americans(those making $1 million or more, which is ~350,000 taxpayers), and even nearly half of registered Republicans also support the idea. An interesting - but not surprising - statistic found is that among Republicans, over 70% of Tea Party Republicans are against any tax increases while 52% of non-tea party Republicans support tax increases. This seems to be painting a picture in which the current Republican party is too partisan for most of the country. Does this spell disaster for the Republicans? Seems so.

Furthermore, this interesting and lengthy NYTimes article attempts to model Obama's chances of re-election.. Worth the read imo. The article takes into account presidential approval ratings, economic performance in the US, and percieved partisanship (giving credit for moderates being more electable than partisans). Basically, this article ends up arguing that a moderate Republican has the best chance at beating Obama. It seems Romney still has a very good chance to win the nomination, but anyone else is an underdog(unless the economy gets worse).

My prediction? Republican obstructionism and extremism will cost them them a very winnable election for the White House.



Well-Known Member
The Republican spin machine is very very powerful. Conservatives themselves are gulible to the point that they are commonly convinced to vote against their own best interests by this very machine. In contrast, the Dem propaganda arm has always sucked. Perhaps it is because they loath lies but it is more likely that Dems are not authoritarians and seldom march in step to anything. Unless there is a concerted effort to rub Republican's noses in their actions, even these obvious actions will go unnoticed by the general population. Of course there is that very special mindset "I will someday be rich, and I want the position to be ready with lower taxes and more perks when I get there". After all, who is more in need of our help to attain "fairness" than the rich?


Well-Known Member
Of course there is the issue of conservative compartmentalization as well - this is a peculiar thing in conservative thought. I have a friend who's wife has enough ill health as to make her uninsurable in the current situation. This hard core conservative found a way to get the government to guarantee his wife will be insured and at a fairly reasonable rate as well. Even given his situation, given that he would never have gotten insurance without government intervention, he still thinks "Obamacare" should be repealed and can't understand how my objections to his duplicity have any merit.


Well-Known Member
Yea,,,cutting the Tax Loophole's is the same thing as raising Taxes in The Republican's eye's. They want all profit's and nothing else. Let the poor slob's pay the Bill for roads,,,Police,,,'s etc...They Pay to put there kid's in Private school's that they pay for and they will be the Leader's in the future unlike the poor slob's in "Government schools",,,I mean public.


Well-Known Member
Why Should the poor be allowed to steal from the rich with votes.

Why stop there?
Why not sieze all the evil rich folks money?


Well-Known Member
Why Should the poor be allowed to steal from the rich with votes.

Why stop there?
Why not sieze all the evil rich folks money?

And here it is. Why should the rich be able to buy votes? Why is anyone who is not rich arguing for "fairness" in an unfair society? Little is fair in the world but the cause you take up is ensuring "fairness" for the rich - the ones least in need of your help?


Well-Known Member
Why Should the poor be allowed to steal from the rich with votes.

Why stop there?
Why not sieze all the evil rich folks money?
25% of millionaires pay a lower effective tax rate than 40% of people making 30-40k per year. Fair?


Well-Known Member
I'm very very poor an I don't want the Gov to tax me to give it to inefficient gov programs to help the worthless. ( witch I would never qualify for!)
I'm sure the rich feel the same.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Why Should the poor be allowed to steal from the rich with votes.
Why should the rich be allowed to control our representation in government with money?

No one is stealing from the rich. The unprecedented concentration of wealth in the hands of the top 1% proves that. If anything, the rich are stealing from the poor. Holding shares of a company is not the same thing as working. When a shareholder makes money, that money comes from the labor of the 99%. Who's stealing from who?

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
And yes. The insanity of republicans is not only going to cost them the whitehouse, but most likely their congressional majority as well.

With the economy the way it is this should be the easiest election ever for republicans to win. Even many democrats don't like Obama. But republican's insistence to push extreme corporatist policy on Americans is going to blow it for them.


Well-Known Member
I'm very very poor an I don't want the Gov to tax me to give it to inefficient gov programs to help the worthless. ( witch I would never qualify for!)
I'm sure the rich feel the same.
you might qualify for basic literacy improvement.
The wealthiest 1 percent of the population earn 19 per*cent of the income but pay 37 percent of the income tax. The top 10 percent pay 68 percent of the tab. Meanwhile, the bottom 50 percent—those below the median income level—now earn 13 percent of the income but pay just 3 percent of the taxes.So what is your point exactly other than you don;t like wealthy people.
You need to change your signature from an O to a Zero because that is what Obama has done for the country!


Well-Known Member
The wealthiest 1 percent of the population earn 19 per*cent of the income but pay 37 percent of the income tax. The top 10 percent pay 68 percent of the tab. Meanwhile, the bottom 50 percent—those below the median income level—now earn 13 percent of the income but pay just 3 percent of the taxes.So what is your point exactly other than you don;t like wealthy people.
You need to change your signature from an O to a Zero because that is what Obama has done for the country!
The top 1% may only earn 19% of US income, but as of 2007 they own 34.6% of US private wealth.


Well-Known Member
The top 1% may only earn 19% of US income, but as of 2007 they own 34.6% of US private wealth.
So now we're going to start factoring in savings when it comes to considering tax codes? You brought it up, so I'm guessing you think it should be considered. I guess I should pay more than my neighbor who makes the same income I do, because I saved my money while he blew it on vacations, cocaine and hookers? Be careful, you're starting to show the ugliness of your true agenda, mame.

This is exactly why your mindset needs to be stopped in it's tracks, we KNOW where it will end up.