1st annual RIU after harvest BBQ! Sat Dec 10th!

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You guys should make an agreement to not tell each other your screen names till the end of the night. We'd all get along fine as long as no one knows who eachother is lol
Yeah, I can see several big campfires. I may try to bring some also

If there are enough people coming, I could still roast a pig


Doh a pig would be totaly awesome but I really don't think enough people are coming, there was ALOT of people at my 420 party and we didn't even dent the damn pig....ok a small dent but my point is, I had way way too much left overs and couldnt give enough away but the dogs sure ate good for a while....

P.S. and our pig was not really that big, If i remember correctly it was in the 60-70 pd range and was basicly the smallest one.
Hahaha ya I am sure it will be more than 20-25 probably, I did post it in the southern cali paitents thread before, but you could do it again goped!!!!!
Hahaha ya I am sure it will be more than 20-25 probably, I did post it in the southern cali paitents thread before, but you could do it again goped!!!!!

norcal is just way to intense for me during that time, It would be great to go up north and meet yall. next time :wall:
Yep, im going for sure.....Im working on a way to get the wood there, as I have a double axle trailer 10L 6W 3H that I can load a cord into easily. I'm trying to get my best friend to go as he has a truck and is the biggest pothead I know....only problem is he works like a madman and is not sure if he can go yet. Hell If I have to I'll rent a truck from home depot, also gonna see if my older brother from arizonza wants to go and he can pull the trailer. Hmmm now that got me thinking, I wonder if my caddy can pull the trailer......lol prob not a good idea. I'll let you guys know when I figure it out, offer still stands if anyone wants to come get sum valley oak for thier campsite....I got more than we could ever take

I am working on getting a truck or two as well out there help with the wood. I would like and dont mind showing up a day early helping set up! Goin to have a big list of stuff not after long. I am gona order some of that chicken from kmk to it looks really good in person : )
HMMMM... Sac area.... Dec 10th..... Unless I'm sick I'll be there! I guess I can save a few things I was going to post on the cali patients thread to give away there, I'll even start the ez-cloner up and get 30 clones ready. A mix of Plush Berry, Pineapple Chunk and Iced Grapefruit most likely, but we'll see when the time comes! Sounds like another master case of vector is in order as well...
Well, I'm in for sure! I'm prolly the closest to camp far west than anyone, so whatever I can do to help, let me know.
***OK LISTEN UP PEOPLE************i'M GONNA PUT ON A COUPLE CONTEST, NOT SURE WHAT YET, ONE WILL BE FOR THE FARTHEST ATTENDEE FOR SURE, TO GET YOU LONG DISTANCE GUYS UP HERE! THE PRIZE WILL BE WORTH GETTING....(you'll have to show up)! I will be giving away other prizes too, not sure what all or, for what, but I'll try to make it worth while to attend, other than just the fun! Some glass will prolly be given away too! Definitly some s****
I'll update the contests and prizes as they come to mind. any suggestions would be cool!

Hey, if your doing contests count my clones in as a prize if you want! I'll have them delivered even if I'm sick!
just me personally speaking,i get alon with everyone and i really wann know who is who.not a name tag or anything,but ask me,ill tell ya who i am! hahaha besides,walking around with those buds in my hands should make it easy!lmao
OK Guy's I just saw the commercial. Many city's are $59 on Southwest! Must book before Nov 14th! Just get there!
Southwest fly's everywhere! You got no excuse now!:-P

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