Highlanders Perpetual. BB,Ice,Void,Qleaner and Some of Chimeras' Strains!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
i'm pretty sure HC has a dinafem diesel from the fairy. almost pretty sure. Glad the smoke was enjoyable.
No but I have a fem Headband seed that you gave me, maybe you were thinking of that. Your HB from last grow I think it was looked nice!

I just burped it today and after a week the smell is turning more and more citrus. I am looking forward to a cured test, again the high is mild and is fairly disappointing in that regard but the turpines are proving to be amazing at every phase. It smells like orange lifesavers right now, I was huffing that jar like a hobo with a bag of gold paint.
Haha well maybe it will be great morning smoke ;)

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah OMG!! i almost pushed water out of my bong on that one!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bumpining the chucklinin :)

How's it going stoney : ?) Blue skies and near record highs this week hehe no shit! It's beautiful!! Getting a nice stone going and figuring out what's next on the list. Garage door repair or transplanting? Work before pleasure I suppose....garage door it is. In a little while lmao


Well-Known Member
How's it going stoney : ?) Blue skies and near record highs this week hehe no shit! It's beautiful!! Getting a nice stone going and figuring out what's next on the list. Garage door repair or transplanting? Work before pleasure I suppose....garage door it is. In a little while lmao
Record high for tomorrow is 66, we are supposed to beat that!

The Lush comes down tomorrow :)
hell yea bro!!! we got the same good stuff here!!! not a cloud in sky!!! been outside all day!!! wish we didn't turn the clocks back yet!!!

and that lush is monster girl!!!! can't wait to see some pics!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey HC. How's things man? I've got some of your girls going here that are making my place look real good. They're getting real photogenic so I grabbed a bunch today and posted up in my thread. I'll just pop one up here for now. So far in flower I've your Casyeband crosses with the C4, Calizahr and BSB.

Here's the Calizahr X CB at 32 days 12/12. She started out life a little stressed out and naturally split like that, along with a couple of other plants I started at the same time. Don't have a clue how that happened but I didn't have to top them to get the two main stalks.

Real great stuff man, thanks again.

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Ok, I lied and posted two. I couldn't help it.

Now, I'll have to make a pot of coffee and catch up on what's going on around here. Curious to see what the other guys are doing with these strains.

Cheers HC.


Well-Known Member
All you normally cold folks have my heat!
It's abnormally COLD AS FUCK here right now.... a frigid 54 lol
Should be back up to the 70s by the weekend though.
54.... frigid.... hahahahahahahaahhahahahahahaha!!!

C'mon!! you gotta be shittin me? it's 56 here now and i have on shorts and sandals!!!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hey Duchieman whats going on. Thanks for swinging by and posting the pics, I'll take all I can get these days with no camera. I think you'll be happy with those strains...did you take cuttings? Between stoney, T, Bobo, Psychild and a few others around here you should be able to get a good idea of the finished product.

I hear ya stoney it's quite balmy this evening...must be about 54 cowboy ;)


Well-Known Member
he he, yepper!
Damn man, made a batch o erl with the diesel trim and a huge scoop of 6 way landrace sativa kief into the shaker........ ma eyzzzz...................... they hurt..... so bad..... roflmao
mayday, mayday, we have some interference capn'


Well-Known Member
yea boy!!!! gettin blasted on leftovers!!!!!

I have a jar stuffed full of some prime trim.... not sure what i will do with it... kinda a bored with the moonshine hash. how do you make your oil cowboy? or should i say "erl"? hahaha


Well-Known Member
I use a half quart mason fill it about 3/4 up with what ever is about to get its mix on then while watching a clock with seconds I pour 91% isopropyl or better up to the level of the material and put the lid on in no more than 30 seconds then I shake it for another 30 seconds then I pop the lid and dump it into a Swiss Gold 220 micromesh cone coffee filter (which I just happened to have and not be using). D uses a bubble bag, I think he said his 150 which probably does better for cleanliness of the end product but the 220 is good enough for me. The key is one minute of contact, no more no less. Then just put a fan blowing away from the dish used to strain to, I recommend a Pyrex cake pan. In about 6-7 hours the alcohol will have evaporated and it will scrap up and stick together like clean kief. If you can get everclear 190 proof you can take it up just before it all goes out and keep it as liquid oil because the solvent is food grade. Iso is a byproduct of burning or charring plant matter so it is poisonous to drink therefore I would think it poisonous to inhale. I have heard of peeps still taking it up as liquid with iso but personally I would not, still makes a nice soft chunk with the most reasonable cleanup in history. This is a bad pic they don't look as dark in person, more like honey or brown sugar.Chunky.jpg


Well-Known Member
That sounds very similar to my moonshine hash.... only i let it sit 3 or 4 days and i can drink mine! only drank it once... usally let it dry just as you speak of. i have all that stuff, Do you think the iso is better? why only the 60 seconds? can i use acetone?

i know i know.... fuckin raiders fans and thier questions all the time!!! hahaha


Well-Known Member
I think iso is CHEAPER lol
The longer it sets it takes in more of the plant material, if you were doing it for ingestion I would do probably do it for 30 minutes soak and a couple minutes shake. As this is for purity you want to keep it at a minute total. Acetone works just make sure it doesn't have anything else in it that will not evaporate.
Nope all good questions.

**Man you just gave me an idea to get dad to do the simpson oil treatment. Does it matter if it's in a shot? lol