CannaWizard's (AMC) Lounge


Well-Known Member
I definetly noticed huge thc increase growing with ceramic metal halides (contain more uvb then reg bulbs). In my opinion a hps and ceramic mh bulbs run together is best u can do indoors.


Well-Known Member
a Que about the ppm ,Ec and ph meters , what price did you guys get yours , is an Ec meter over $500 ??


Well-Known Member
*temps 72f / 60%rhw / 3330ppmc02

--first CT brew off the soilsoupmac came out , beautiful~ ; sucanat has a nice sweet melow smell, relaxing..

(veggin under magentas = stretch; deep-purps are ok, but blue boosters all the way.. come on 350h all blue!! hehe)



Well-Known Member
So is there enough uv made by cfl or tube flourescent lights to do anything? I use 55 watt pl-l lights placed within 1 inch of plants. Also, the cmh is usually housed in a glass safety shield which block most of the uv I think?


Well-Known Member
I guess I should have said standard cfl or tubes have enough uv. I do not know if you took it to mean these were uv lights. I have no way of measuring the uv of my lights and cannot find info online about it either.