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question 1,okay so they would have to have physical access to the phone in order to install a tracking application? I've never let anyone borrow/use my phone, so that's not a possibility.
I also took a flashlight last night and looked all underneath my car...the frame etc., and didn't find any kind of gps unit attached to my car. I was thinking that could have happened, but no.
I know they are tracking me but I don't know how...gps units that you would put on someone's car to track them....I check them out and they're HUGE...they look like amps for a car stereo...and I looked under the car and there was nothing.
It has to be the phone...unless they're actually like all on their cell phones and going "he just went north on Main St" and shit. It's really fucked up...I may be getting to the point where I just stop the fucking car and get out and beat them to death. But then I'd have the other 15 cars looking for me because I destroyed one of their buddy's faces.
Are you SURE you can't track someone just by inputting their number into some sleazy tracking website for pay???
I may resort to stop sticks. Not sure. Need something. Could have a friend drive my car and I could follow in another car. I want to catch these motherfuckers so bad.
Last thing - my backdoor tag-teaming ex has a relative on the police dept in a nearby town.. is it possible he got access through his position? How would I inquire about that? I really can't...what would I say?
I really doubt theres a conspiracy against you. She probably at some point installed software on your phone when you weren't looking. I put a key logger on my computer and logged all my girl friend's passwords as a joke, then she broke up with me like a day later before I told her I did it so I just snooped through her e-mails every once in a while.
no use a basic mobile phone with no gps for a few weeks.THANK YOU. I KNEW it. Question - with this tracking thing...when I turn it off can they still see me? OR do I need to take the battery out??????
I went to lead them into an ambush...a cul de sac or something.
Still, I swear when I turned the phone off they couldn't find me...so I don't know about having to take the battery out...idk. What I will do is take the battery out whenever I go driving now.
PS this may be a coincidence but as of last night my phone started shutting down and restarting by itself.
And my wifi just started up by itself.
whats incorrect? You're saying some cop will risk his job for a warrantless GPS tracking of a cell phone just for a distant family member? You're saying they'd pay for a private eye to track him just so they can follow him? I really doubt she spent any money at all on this, she quickly installed something on the phone when he set it down on the table or something.this is incorrrect.
If I were you I'd tell the phone company about this. They should have a fix. Then I'd contact the police and tell them your ex is following you and you think shes doing it through your phone to get a location, and get a restraining ordermy battery went dead in about 30 mins. Was at half when I hopped in the shower, is now at like 10%. And there was a call from a "private number" about 5 mins ago. Yeah, she's got them oney to waste on tormenting me - I did get her pregnant and walk away from her afterall.
If I change my number, wouldn't they have to then go to that tracking by pay website and re-enter the new number? So if I change the number, and keep off Facebook and shit...should I be okay?
An entire post based on flawed logic. This is at least your fourth one... correct? Firstly no they can't track your phone number. What have you been watching pineapple express? They can triangulate your last phone call. Or if you have 3g on. they triangulated the last area you were in based on the three closest base towers. That they can track you with your phone off is a thought made up by IDIOTS! Stop posting bullcrap sl.question 1,
no they only need the phone number to track your phone gps, go online there are actually private eye companys that can do this for you.
and if you read my first answer it says, quote : " you can track a mobile phone no problem without having the phone first" in otherwords you only need the number.
put your sim card in to a cheap mobile phone that does not have gps and they cannot follow you, you can still get your calls and they will get fed up after a few weeks and switch off the online tracking software as it works on a line rental basis, basically it costs money.
after a few weeks return your sim to your original phone. as they will have been calling you all the previous week wondering why the tracker is not working.
do not let anyone know you have changed to a temporary basic phone.
simple as that wink.
question 2,
READ MY FUCKING POSTS PROPERLY.whats incorrect? You're saying some cop will risk his job for a warrantless GPS tracking of a cell phone just for a distant family member? You're saying they'd pay for a private eye to track him just so they can follow him? I really doubt she spent any money at all on this, she quickly installed something on the phone when he set it down on the table or something.