Wanting To Start My Own Seedbank??

Agar Agar

Hi my name is Agar, i'm sick of getting ripped of by all the seedbanks so am thinking of starting my Own. I already have some names thought:

Buzz automatic - a automatic strain giving high effects.
Couch Lock Haze - a real couch lock effect (regular ONLY)
Enlightenment Automatic - automatic enlightenment!!
Hempapotamus - a high yielding auto flowering strain
Stoned Buzz Automatic - gives a real stoned buzz (feminized)
Stoned Girl - a strain especially for girls (feminzied ONLY!!)

Need to learn how to do genetics so if any of you guys can help me out that would be great, specially need to know how to make Feminized seeds? And autos.

All my seeds are going to be CHEAP, no rip ofs like all the other seedbanks.


Active Member
LOL! THATS ALL I HAVE TO SAY i could rate 10 seed banks i have used and had 100% germ and done 100% brilliant end product man instead of going through all that trouble and years and years i could tell you some good seed banks to use wich wont rip you off i dont see you creating any of these strains but hey good luck bro if you manage to run your own seed bank ill eat my hat! :) :)


Well-Known Member
Hi my name is Agar, i'm sick of getting ripped of by all the seedbanks so am thinking of starting my Own. I already have some names thought:

Buzz automatic - a automatic strain giving high effects.
Couch Lock Haze - a real couch lock effect (regular ONLY)
Enlightenment Automatic - automatic enlightenment!!
Hempapotamus - a high yielding auto flowering strain
Stoned Buzz Automatic - gives a real stoned buzz (feminized)
Stoned Girl - a strain especially for girls (feminzied ONLY!!)

Need to learn how to do genetics so if any of you guys can help me out that would be great, specially need to know how to make Feminized seeds? And autos.

All my seeds are going to be CHEAP, no rip ofs like all the other seedbanks.
You should hook up with Hazey Grapes. Sounds like he might be the expert breeder you are looking for.

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
You might want to have strains before you name them lol.
FUCKING HYSTERICAL! thanks, i needed a laugh
well it carn't be that hard lol
you haven't done a lot of research have you? there's plenty of breeders out there making pure shit that only pisses people off just breeding whatever with whatever. the breeders out there that get the most respect take YEARS going through hundreds of mothers to find that special keeper for a cross, then test dozens of males for the best breeder and then do it again to stabilize a strain.

sure, it isn't hard to let a male plant spray a female, but if you want to make the kind of gear people go nuts over, you need to take a lot of time & do a lot of work and even read up on breeding, back crossing & stabilizing. otherwise, you'll just produce unremarkable schwag or stuff that has so many phenos no two growers get the same plants.

BTW, if you THINK you can pull that dream off from the US, don't act surprised when your door gets smashed in. any US breeders that want to sell their gear like DNA genetics & Dr atomic move to canada or the netherlands.

if you REALLY think it's as easy as all that, try reading some reviews for greenhouse or KC brains and get back to us.


Well-Known Member
...the guys perhaps bit meanspirited in their retorts lol..

but, yes..

breeding is the work of years (at least)

try reading a text explaining breeding written by an expert..

and you´ll realise that simply beginning to understand that text, would require a year of study lol.

by the looks of it, if you begin now and start to experiment and study, if you push yourself real hard, you might accomplish this in perhaps 10 years. (aiming for quality and getting some strains on the market)

but judging by your list, that might take 20 years to accomplish. (if you wanted to do a real proper job)

and yes, you´d need to run hundreds of plants at the same time. even thousands. could perhaps get away with 100, but then you´d have to be really good and lucky.

its by no means an impossible task, but you´d better be prepared for the sheer time involved and effort.

(anyone can chuck pollen and make new plants,and maybe great ones, but is it going to be stable for massproducing?

and just to begin with,f.e, first time i tried breeding, picked what i thought was the best male, pollinated a few females, all offspring turned out to be far inferior to the parents. not till the 3rd generation did i find better plants within that new strain, none of the offspring looked like the parents, nor smelled like them.

and even the 3rd generation was less than the originals. (though better than the second and first generation)

3rd generation was bit funny, from mostly indica plants came for example a decidedly sativa looking plant (long tall slender airy buds on a really stretchy plant)

still was not seeing any buds resembling the original parents. lol

but hey, good luck :) (breeding is fun)

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
20 years? i don't think so. yes.. it IS possible to work a strain, particularly a long flowering sativa that long, but MOST indoor strains flower in just 90 days or less giving a breeder around 4 generations per year to work a strain and the ROUGH summary on back crossing & stabilizing strains in cervantes' "indoor marijuana horticulture" (80s edition) was that that's all you really need to stabilize a strain. make a back cross... create two separate lines with the same breeding goal, inbreed both lines about 2 generations, then re-combine them to create a stable IBL. that's an oversimplification and would take more than 1 year as seeds need to germinate before you can grow them, but you should still be able to get a decent strain in just a couple years if you did enough selection along the way.

i never liked the advanced breeding chapters that got into diploids & haploids etc. and just tried to remember the gist of it in the introduction. i've nnever been that serious about breeding to have to though either.

more than learning advanced genetics though, i'm inclined to think that the most important part of a serious breeding program is having 100 or more mothers to pick from at each stage as well as testing males which would add another generation to any program waiting for results before proceeding. i bet a nickel there's a few top breeders out there who don't know advanced genetics and that just breed intuitively & select the best parents they can get.

the "dumpster" strain, for example, started with a plant literally found sprouting in a dumpster. that's not too scientific, now is it?

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
good luck with this venture mate... It'll be a lot harder than you think... I've thought about breeding a few times... but every time I think of creating a strain with the effect, smell and flavour that I would actually like to smoke through some research I find that there are seeds already available to grow the sort of marijuana that I was imagining... So I don't need to...

Happy travels...


Well-Known Member
20 years? i don't think so. yes.. it IS possible to work a strain, particularly a long flowering sativa that long, but MOST indoor strains flower in just 90 days or less giving a breeder around 4 generations per year to work a strain and the ROUGH summary on back crossing & stabilizing strains in cervantes' "indoor marijuana horticulture" (80s edition) was that that's all you really need to stabilize a strain. make a back cross... create two separate lines with the same breeding goal, inbreed both lines about 2 generations, then re-combine them to create a stable IBL. that's an oversimplification and would take more than 1 year as seeds need to germinate before you can grow them, but you should still be able to get a decent strain in just a couple years if you did enough selection along the way.

i never liked the advanced breeding chapters that got into diploids & haploids etc. and just tried to remember the gist of it in the introduction. i've nnever been that serious about breeding to have to though either.

more than learning advanced genetics though, i'm inclined to think that the most important part of a serious breeding program is having 100 or more mothers to pick from at each stage as well as testing males which would add another generation to any program waiting for results before proceeding. i bet a nickel there's a few top breeders out there who don't know advanced genetics and that just breed intuitively & select the best parents they can get.

the "dumpster" strain, for example, started with a plant literally found sprouting in a dumpster. that's not too scientific, now is it?
So basically you read the summation of breeding for dummies, skipped the real part of breeding and now giving advice on breeding? Gotcha.


Well-Known Member
What you are asking about is not breeding.
Its genetic hacking, Myself been hacking for years and would not call it breeding untill I could get upto 100 of each malle and female to select from.

Otherwise its hacking.

Others have mentioned the time that goes into the original F1

an F1 is not made buy crossing X with X. first parents are inbred like the post above mentions. then through this whole prosses you need testers.
Ones you have a good parent then X with X makes F1.

If you do it how you say "Like how GHS does it every year" people will not buy them.
Sure noobs will when they see what you used but after they will feel raped. More so when they see how its done.

£-$ 100+ seeds normaly meens alot of time and effort (sure you get the ones that think what they have is better, not normaly) but the end of the day its still cheap hacked out F2s

To kack them varieties you talk about. you need good genetics (Originals from original breeders are normaly allready IBL)
a good eye for good weed, males is a trial and error thing, you dont get a feel untill you try out you hacks.

If you need help or advice on HACKING genetics, sure many here to help (some prob think their breeders to)

Brick Top

New Member
Hi my name is Agar, i'm sick of getting ripped of by all the seedbanks so am thinking of starting my Own. I already have some names thought:

Buzz automatic - a automatic strain giving high effects.
Couch Lock Haze - a real couch lock effect (regular ONLY)
Enlightenment Automatic - automatic enlightenment!!
Hempapotamus - a high yielding auto flowering strain
Stoned Buzz Automatic - gives a real stoned buzz (feminized)
Stoned Girl - a strain especially for girls (feminzied ONLY!!)

Need to learn how to do genetics so if any of you guys can help me out that would be great, specially need to know how to make Feminized seeds? And autos.

All my seeds are going to be CHEAP, no rip ofs like all the other seedbanks.

Sounds like you want to be a breeder, not a seedbank which purchases seeds from breeders and then resells them.

Step number one. If you do not already live in a country where making seeds and selling seeds is legal, relocate to one.

Step number two. Take university courses in plant genetics and plant breeding and strain stabilization.

Step number four. Travel the world and collect genetics. The more that you have that others do not have the greater chance you have of creating strains that are not more or less like one hundred other strains that are already out. Do not rely on the work of others for your breeding stable. Do not start with what others have already created and think you are a true breeder.

Step number five. Create five or six strains that are good enough to be worthy of being marketed and then find seedbanks that will purchase your product for resale, then add to your number of strains.

Hint number one. Don't go heavy into gimmick genetics like auto-flowering and feminized. Regular seeds are more stable and more reliable.

Hint number two. Wait until you have a strain ready to market and name it either according to it's 'personality' or that will be in some way descriptive of it and if you cannot do either pick something catchy, but not like the names you listed. Example: True Hazes are either all sativa or mostly sativa, neither being known for producing a couch-lock body stone so "Couch Lock Haze" would be a contradictory name if it was indeed a Haze. And if not a Haze it would be false advertising.

But you might as well go into breeding. There's about a hundred or so breeders now that know little to nothing about it, so one more won't hurt.

Agar Agar

Hi thanks for the advice guys I am overwelmhed by the responce. I have taken all your advices on board and my site should be up sometime this week!!! Watch this space...


Well-Known Member
Thanx, i needed that, kinda been in a grouchy mood today... this made me laugh enough to take that away....


Well-Known Member
why do i get this feeling that we are all feeding the troll?

it was hard not to laugh reading this.

Beyond that I too wish I could breed genetics. I find it a very calming, fun, and peaceful thing to do...especially if it could be my "job".
However it probably wont happen. too many obstacles in the way: ie. my location (USA is not the place to do it and im not even sure what countries you can do it in anyway but i know they cant be close lol); the amount of studying it would take to do it properly and not just some thief stealing others' genetics or half assed breeder with half assed strains.

Agar Agar

Guys I'm not a troll I'm a human bean also I'm going start selling other people seeds first but call them cool names so people buy them more!!. Half the money goes to breeder remember I think this works out for everybody.


Active Member
Lol if you think so. Good lucking on becoming a distributor for multiple breeders. Why would they want you to sell their seeds with false marketing? Unless you are just going to buy them and then resell them, your profit margin would be amazing. Not. You might be able to get away with it with cannabis seeds, but if you do that with real products you will get sued for your gross and end with less money than you started with.
Make sure you post a link though.