switch to hydro


Well-Known Member
I have been growing in dirt for a while and want to switch to either dwc or ebb flow but dont know which to try so may be some one can help i want to get the most yield possable and which ever one is easyiest to learn to use


Well-Known Member
I would recommend starting in a passive DWC system, easy and quick to make and not a lot to go wrong.

If yield is what your after then NFT, but it does have its headaches and I would suggest gain some hydro experience first in simple passive DWC.



Well-Known Member
I'm going to build a RDWC(Recirculating Deep Water Culture) system here in a few months...its really simple...and easier to manage than just straight DWC since you have a separate bucket to do maintenance on the system with and don't have to constantly drain individual buckets to drain the system and fill them individually...just takes a small submersible pump and some black tubing to make it recirculating :)


Well-Known Member
well the reason i want to switch to hydro is i have friends that have 12 light rooms and they are pulling killer yields and i dont just grow for my self i grow for three other people i have to be able to hit 16 oz every three months and its a hit and miss with the dirt i have switch brands got better results but all my boys that do ebb flow or dwc hit a pond with no problem or more


New Member
Groth is much faster with hydro. Plants also have much greater steer-ability in hydo ( they react fast to changes in nutrients). In my opinion dwc is prone to root rot problems and is a very amatuer systym
especially if you don't have a chiller for your reservoir( Cold water holds much more O2). Have you thought about a drip systym?
Ya I hear you. I choose this for couple reasons..one I like that I dont have to spend all my money on nutes cause it is deep water. 2 I like the simple ease of it with having to just "top it off" every two days. I have an extra resy in case I go away for more than 2 days. Plus I like the easy of the turn around. With 1 1000w & 1 600w with 4 widows I can average 2 1/2 every time. I am a stickler for quality of quantity. That's with about 10 days in Veg and then switched to 12/12.
Coolman another reason I choose this system because I didn't need a chiller due to shallow water. I have seen a 10 bucket system running and it also doesn't run a chiller due to shallow water.
id go right to aero. the setup is pretty easy and its yields are even higher than dwc & ebb n flow. if you get it tuned in right. do some research on aero and give it a go!
The only thing I don't like about the WF is the air line can tend to get salt build up and clog. They are also really loud when the air turns on to bubble. They do work just like the new system.
huey really depends on many things. It is hard to ever compare systems when it is very rare to ever see 2 rooms the same. So hard to get numbers the same or close. If you do it right and not try to overkill or add to much cause it might make it bigger...and better you should be fine. Like I was saying with that system I listed is it is easier to use and no need for a water chiller. Plus with deep water u need to have a ton of nutes on hand. That system uses what it needs and what the ladies want and like. Look at it this way....Sure you can make a Fiero look like a ferrari....but it wont drive like one! Some systems have the looks and the $$ but aren't all that.


Active Member
Make your own ebb-n-gro. With gravity drain back, no controller needed. This type of setup has explosive growth and not as prone to root rot as dwc is.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I've never understood how people pull off root rot in DWC, i've never encountered an issue and don't really see how there would be rot anyway if you have light-proof tote and there is air to the roots and they're not sat in a hot bath of a reservoir.