What are the kids calling it these days?


RIU Bulldog
I have a chance to finally get my hands on some LSD but I've never done it before and I've never learned about it. He tells me he has needlepoint, fluff and silver and I have no idea what hes talking about. I read that it might be the purity of the acid? Also what is it that they cut acid with and what can the side affects be of dirty/bad acid (body load, "bad trip" etc.)?
I'm 6'2 - 280, how much do I wanna take for my first time?

never had silver but fluff is usually white on white blotter and NP is rare as hell and i would choose np over any as its the est purity you can get
LSD is like any drug really you could take anything and it could kill you, When i took LSD i took 4 strips and it blew my fooking mind off i went for a ride with my mate on his every time he change gear he turned around and strangled me(so i thought) not good when doing 40-50 down a road. Take as many as you feel like taking. Just make sure your around happy people and you are in a good mood so you you don't have a bad trip
all the best enjoy
Arent you fairly old? Unless one is a teen under peer influence, its not worth it. If you could do some pure in a setting with other experianced hands watching you might say maybe.

Chances are that stuff today is cut with no telling what and you could easily have a bad trip or it wont be worth the brain cells it would destroy, too risky IMHO.

And if your mind is all set to take a trip then find a natural way to do it. I highly doubt that that garbage will give you a decent trip let alone and insight or revealations.

Good luck!
If I was as big as you "or preferably larger" I would kick ur ass just for wanting to try it! ur using ur hobby as a gate way... we need you! stay away from the shitola. :)
Never heard of fluff or the sort. The only acid I've done was liquid drops, paper, and gel caps (windowpane). All I can say is, do it at home with some friends, NOT ALONE, put on some good jams and have a blast. Since you've never done it, I wouldn't take more than 2 hits. I've done like 6 at one time and tripped balls, another time I took 3 of some very good blotter and tripped harder than I ever have before. Usually I'd have to turn the lights kind of dim to hallucinate really hard, with those 3 blotters it didn't matter. All the lights were on in my house and I was seeing all kinds of shit. But weaker acid won't make you trip that hard, you might just see the walls vibrate and the carpet and your friends might look funny. And you'll laugh at stupid shit until it feels like your jaw is going to fall off. That's why I say stay home. Everytime I've tripped and gone in public, it never fails I always crack up at strangers. Everyone looks so comical. That, and it's hard to control the volume of your voice which isn't good in public. Especially when you don't have a whole lot of control over what you say. :) And size and weight don't make any difference. Just if you do trip, go with the flow of everything, always tell yourself that it's cool to be insane for a little while, and have fun.
If you decide to do it, start with one or even a 1/2. That way you will get some idea of what to expect and how your body will react. Its a commitment, make sure you are with friends who you really do like and definitely with someone who has experience. I have not touched it since college, so i don't know what is going around who what these kids are calling anything these days.
Arent you fairly old? Unless one is a teen under peer influence, its not worth it. If you could do some pure in a setting with other experianced hands watching you might say maybe.

Chances are that stuff today is cut with no telling what and you could easily have a bad trip or it wont be worth the brain cells it would destroy, too risky IMHO.

And if your mind is all set to take a trip then find a natural way to do it. I highly doubt that that garbage will give you a decent trip let alone and insight or revealations.

Good luck!
I'm not that old. I'm 27 (and I live in Vegas too ;) ) and I've had my heart set on trying it for a few years now, but I seriously thank you for your concern. Damn decent.
I quit all other hard drugs. All I do nowadays is smoke weed and take my methadone and that's it. I don't even drink anymore. I did mushrooms once and friggin loved it. It really was a revelation. Changed my life. I was pretty intimidated to try LSD but a buddy offered it so I said fuck and decided to go for it. I trust the guy I'm getting it cause really seems to know his shit. He's very knowledgeable on the subject.

If I was as big as you "or preferably larger" I would kick ur ass just for wanting to try it! ur using ur hobby as a gate way... we need you! stay away from the shitola. :)
LOL Awe man... I don't get a break for never have trying it before??? I'm not a crackhead fiendin' for it?? lmao
I've always like psychedelics man, I've just never been able to get a hold of them. You should really try mushrooms once. There's nothing like it... It's amazing.
Did you guys hear about that John's Hopkins study that said a once in a lifetime dose of psilicybin can make lifelong personality changes?
A single high dose of the hallucinogen psilocybin, the active ingredient in so-called "magic mushrooms", is enough to create a lasting personality change, according to a new study. Lasting change in the part of the personality known as openness, which includes traits related to imagination, aesthetics, feelings, abstract ideas and general broad-mindedness was found in nearly 51 participants in the study who were administered the compound.
Researchers in the field say that after the age of 30, personality doesn't usually change significantly.
"Normally, if anything, openness tends to decrease as people get older," says study leader Roland R. Griffiths, a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.
Changes in these traits, measured on a widely used and scientifically validated personality inventory, were larger in magnitude than changes typically observed in healthy adults over decades of life experiences, the scientists say.
As a word of caution, Griffiths, also notes that some of the study participants reported strong fear or anxiety for a portion of their daylong psilocybin sessions, although none reported any lingering harmful effects.
He cautions, however, that if hallucinogens are used in less well supervised settings, the possible fear or anxiety responses could lead to harmful behaviors.
The study has been published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology. (ANI)

Never heard of fluff or the sort. The only acid I've done was liquid drops, paper, and gel caps (windowpane). All I can say is, do it at home with some friends, NOT ALONE, put on some good jams and have a blast. Since you've never done it, I wouldn't take more than 2 hits. I've done like 6 at one time and tripped balls, another time I took 3 of some very good blotter and tripped harder than I ever have before. Usually I'd have to turn the lights kind of dim to hallucinate really hard, with those 3 blotters it didn't matter. All the lights were on in my house and I was seeing all kinds of shit. But weaker acid won't make you trip that hard, you might just see the walls vibrate and the carpet and your friends might look funny. And you'll laugh at stupid shit until it feels like your jaw is going to fall off. That's why I say stay home. Everytime I've tripped and gone in public, it never fails I always crack up at strangers. Everyone looks so comical. That, and it's hard to control the volume of your voice which isn't good in public. Especially when you don't have a whole lot of control over what you say. :) And size and weight don't make any difference. Just if you do trip, go with the flow of everything, always tell yourself that it's cool to be insane for a little while, and have fun.
That sounds awesome.

put it under ya eye lid
How long do I hold the sugar cube in my eye before it dissolves?
lol lotta hate for lsd? really honestly? how can you even fathom hate

it DEMANDS respect
acid is not for teens ... and as a big notice you guys are in the HS threads this is not the area to lecture him about trying to use lsd

more or less helping him is the response he wants
Hallucinogenics are just plain FUN!!! There is probably no way for you to know how many mics each dose is (probably about 150 or so, if it's decent) I'd drop 1, then when I started feeling it, drop another. Be sure that when you do it you have nowhere to go for the next 8 to 10 hrs. It really is a lot of fun. If you can do it with your girl, that's even better. Sex on acid is awesome!!!!
I know right? Wasn't expecting that. I figured people around here like their psychedelics :\

They're just a bunch of chicken-shits. Afraid they'll end up like this:

Or like this: