Fuk it! Out with old in with the new!!!

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Well-Known Member
Right i have been talking to doc fever and i have decided to try a Table spoon of honey in my 5 gallon bucket. the are loads of carbs and sugars in honey for the pants and doc fever see's amazing results doing it in soil, so i want my buds bigger so ill try everything i can as i cant think what else i can add lol
i have upload 2 pics of what i have done to each plant, ppm ph nutes etc...........
and a some nice bud shots with THE LIGHTS OFF for drfever :weed::weed:
Enjoy guys! :):):):):):-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:weed::weed::weed::weed:
i'm thinking of going down you road my on my next grow m8, you have some bad ass bud growing there rep to bro


New Member
hey kev doc!:)
kev i know this is the time for them to fatten up, but im sure the last lot were bigger than these ones, bud fatness i mean! :)
doc, everything just the same pal, put 2 more co2 in today:)

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
HI mr and mrs wiimb. I hope your having a stoned out day smoking those dank ass buds up there ^^^
I was wondering if you might be able to give me some advice.

How important is it to keep your rez temps down? if you dont you will get root rot right?

Does this effect the smoke? the potency? is it really that important.

I have seen some really amazing huge beast waterfarm grows and most of them have some sort of root rot by the end of the grow.
But the plants have all looked super healthy when chopped...
these grows were all done with scrog screens in place making it impossible to get to the inside rez to cool it down with methods like ice or cold bottles.


New Member
hey Dr from what i understand and don;t quote me on this but its like soil as well maintaining temps is very important in root / bud development i mean for instance you pots in soil are on a concrete floor which is realy cold roots will not want to go theres being its to cold so keeping your pots on a floor thats cold is a bad idea rasie them do what ever
now with the water farm i beleive that maintaing temps thru out the water is very important this will stop any stress and keep plant in growth rather then in defense mode trying to stay alive
once we all remind ourselfs that plants are no different then humans we will grow become awesome growers for instance you get cold what do you do you go to a warm place you get to hot you move to a cold place same thing as plants
i am going to try DWC and first thing i will have is water kept in same room temps as to not disturb the temps as well keeping water temps in the 74 - 76 degree mark i think is what i am going to try for
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