Here to learn about a God created herb


Active Member
Here to learn about a God created herb, Though I agree 100% that cannabis should be legal, I don't grow, use, gift etc and definetly not encourage children to use (unless under a doctors management).
I am a chronic pain patient that would like to have the right to switch from pharmaceutical pain relief to a safer and healthier alternative.
If anyone is uncomfortable that I'm here and not a user than I understand, I'll leave.:peace:
i like this site cause all are welcome to some point information is for all m8 and i hope things get better for your pain marijauna is proven to help in this respect.And it is a natural creation that is way over regulated and possibly in this generation things will change. The next generation is coming and most of us 20 something yearolds are the power holders viva la resistance the changing tide is coming friends....
Thanks, I Appreciate the younger, healthier, stronger generation, that can kick some butt and get things done, I'm at the mercy of chronic pain and a pain management system that refuses to allow me to make decisions for my own body, I am urine tested, under duress, as if I was a criminal on probation and all my pain medical files are open to DEA and local authorities under the contract I was forced to sign to get medical help, under duress, the duress is due to the amount of Pain I am in and the need to get relief, because long term, high amounts of pain causes one to go crazy as well as commit suicide.

The Pharmaceuticals are destroying my body one organ at a time, and now I am forced to take other meds for life due to that damage.
It is a vicious circle, caused by an uncompationate greedy government.

Anyone that can get the laws changed, I'm sure will be really cool to about the 80% of the population that at one time or another have used. But mostly, a change in the laws will save lives, prolong lives as well as give better quality of life to the sick and dieing.

So you guys and gals are my hero's and thank you for fighting for us, when we can no longer fight!
I once used cannabis recreationally, but as I have gotten older it's more often medicinal. At least in Canada they recognize chronic pain as a syndrom relieved by cannabis, where are you??
times will change i have signed small petitons that always get tossed away or strongarmed into silence in my location we have a festival every year for the legalization of marijuana on this day i have actually smoked a 1/2 oz joint with friends in veiw of mounted police not sure why we can do this on 4/20 and i have seen many people arrested over my 10 year attendance but just having a pot festival in a majior city is a sign tome that this is something that is obviously over restricted and should just be taxed like everything else and forgotten about.
for your sake my friend i hope things change in a quicker manner this government of ours has no right in my eyes to controll a person who is under the grasp of something that they cant help unless they are a threat to society.
I would buy a bottle of system flush made to help you pass a drug test and get a nice strain and jsu try it and see if this is something that helps with your particualr situation.
i understand not wanting to take the risk but what the hell pain is a strong ally
times will change i have signed small petitons that always get tossed away or strongarmed into silence in my location we have a festival every year for the legalization of marijuana on this day i have actually smoked a 1/2 oz joint with friends in veiw of mounted police not sure why we can do this on 4/20 and i have seen many people arrested over my 10 year attendance but just having a pot festival in a majior city is a sign tome that this is something that is obviously over restricted and should just be taxed like everything else and forgotten about.
for your sake my friend i hope things change in a quicker manner this government of ours has no right in my eyes to controll a person who is under the grasp of something that they cant help unless they are a threat to society.
I would buy a bottle of system flush made to help you pass a drug test and get a nice strain and jsu try it and see if this is something that helps with your particualr situation.
i understand not wanting to take the risk but what the hell pain is a strong ally

Honestly, I can't guarantee how long I'll hold out, but my position makes it safe to speak out publicly, I use hemp seed oil, which is legal to digest in US, I'm not sure about testing though yet, It reduces the amount and severity of the whole body spasms that sends me straight to hell. I have read recently that the Air Force is restricting it because it is turning up in tests, duh, maybe that is why it works, my point is, after more than 10 years in pain I know all the pharmaceuticals and their side effects as well as the allergies I have against them, I have nothing but positive health benefits from hemp seed, yet have to take large amount of synthetic pharmaceutical morphine, so far I refuse the Oxycontin and morphine pump, highly deadly and addictive and makes a person puke out their guts and renders them brain dead, kills the liver and kidneys etc etc etc, I already know from my younger years that I don't have any allergies or bad reaction to cannabis And THC will reduce the amount of morphine and muscle relaxers that I have to take, I only want to have the right to go from hard core addictive destructive pharmaceuticals to a helpfull healthy safer alternative, it's not to much to ask But the wicked government wants us on Oxycontin. I want to be on Cannabis.
I want to be on Cannabis.
And you should be. Is there any possible way that you could move to an area where medical use is allowed?? I know that the laws vary from stste to state , unlike here ,where its all across the country. .Peace::peace::peace:
im likeing canada more and more it just sux that its so close yet so far away why cant you guys just be in the usa ...??
oh w8 if you were you could be in the same boat as wv
And you should be. Is there any possible way that you could move to an area where medical use is allowed?? I know that the laws vary from stste to state , unlike here ,where its all across the country. .Peace::peace::peace:

-begining of rambling-
Yes I suppose I could move, mentally, though my support system is here, my grown sons that watch out for me are here the 78 year old aunt and greatgrand son that mom left behind need me here to help them, I need them, they are my family my friends.

I live in a small rural area isolated from city life, I already know I'd not do well in a city because I lived in them many years when I could work. I have a thick southern ignorant sounding accent lol, do I want to deal with that all over again? it takes about 10 years to beat out a bad accent. I'm a hillbillie, And health wise I don't do good under 2,000 ft elevation.

-more rambling-

I could move physically, will I survive mentally? alone? ... don't know.
I want to move for health and saftey, yet in my heart this will always be my home.
Either way I need to be here until my youngest finishes college and gets on his feet. I won't leave him behind.

I've moved many times in my life and enjoyed every bit of it, so I don't know if it is the pain that is talking, but this time the thought of it is making me feel like a big chicken... maybe I'm just tired right now, or maybe it would be the first time moving without my son's now that they are grown, I don't think I can leave them behind and move across the nation. I'm going to have to sleep on this.

-end of rambling-
I recently saw on tv a vending machine in california that distributes pot if you have the medical use card. You put card in & put finger on printpad as your print is in the system when your accepted, but to my mind , getting away from vending machine alive would be a bigger risk to life, then most illnesses.. I know about pain meds . they screw up your insides.
Hope you succeed in your hunt :)
who am i to say what one should do with there life
and my poinion hold no weight in this serious topic but if i were to come into this issues i

would do what i felt was the right decision no matter what law states
when you think about it the constitution is nothing anymore and every year new rules and laws will contridict and even change a way of thinking that was adopted years before.

this world is so off tilt that nothing really matters but having a basic common decency to respect life and alow change, when i hear you story it sux you never wanna break the law but i ask myself who the hell made the laws and why does the next guy get to change them.I am supportive of all infastructure that is benificall but ill be dammed if someone is gonna force me to deal with something that only i know and then put a restriction on how i remedy the issue i say do what is good for you not the man..
I recently saw on tv a vending machine in california that distributes pot if you have the medical use card. You put card in & put finger on printpad as your print is in the system when your accepted, but to my mind , getting away from vending machine alive would be a bigger risk to life, then most illnesses.. I know about pain meds . they screw up your insides.
Hope you succeed in your hunt :)

Thanks, yep, I wonder if the vending machine has little handcuffs that rap around your fingers when you reach for your medicine.
Honestly, I'd rather just grow it quietly than wonder if someone that wants/needs but too poor to buy it due to the outragous prices is going to mug you. Also if it's legal than insurance might pay for part of it.
Thought I'd let everyone know that I'm looking into moving to a medical marijuana friendly state so I can get better medical care.
goodbye wild and wonderful-such a beautiful state. good for you for going to a place where they wont criminalize you getting medicine.