Senate Moves To Allow Military To arrest/hold Citizens with no charge or trial


thats nonsense they are not going to go around arresting random people..............let me ask u.......say theres a bad guy making plans to kill us all and hes hiding at the north pole chillin w santa ..........u dont want the military to get him b4 shit blows up?
again that would be off us soil this is on us soil


ok call it detroit............hes hiding in detroit....................
than if they know he's there they'd have intell(some form of evidence for a trial),it's still un-american to have execution with out trial

let's say that seal team caught and captured that scumbag bin laden we could of at the very least gotten some form of intell that could have stopped more possible attacks

if the "bad guys" really are bad why is it a bad thing to have to prove it before you punish. at least "good guys" wont get punished that way


Active Member
u guys are paranoid
OK, so whats your rational explaination of a law the labels people that buy Gold, donate to charity and owns guns as traits of domestic terrorists? This law basically alows the government to implement martial law without a reason. They don't need a flag or a false flag they just need the will to do it if this passes.

Watch 7:30 on in Part 4 . He nails it at about 9:40 in part 5 and on from there. But none of this is happening and everything is just fine and all these bills and amendments are just crazy coincidences... We need to fear the Iranians and other people with cloth on their heads and oil in their ground.

Part 6 is good to 5:12 goes over World Government. And Gambles wife is kind of hot.





New Member
did i miss the part about execution?............would have been alot better to take him alive...........then kill him slow....


dont be a terrorist u wont get arrested.................
look at the no fly list are 4yr olds terrorists? cause some cant fly because of a flawed system deeming them a threat

and you want less accountablity and more uncheck power?

what in the hell is wrong with you?


New Member
i didnt read anything bout giving up guns or jewelry and i watche too much of your nonsense video................


New Member
were not talking bout ww2 germany were talking bout innocent people dying because our government is powerless to help