I think whatever happened to the owner, the dog would have appreciated their companionship rather than being removed and destroyed. Dogs are tough and adaptable, it isn't quite the same as a lone stray, and in many ways better than an animal abandoned. The dogs give their owners warmth, companionship and protection. Some help carry possessions, attract people to give money and offer the person some hope and a responsibility to keep them motivated.
The strays in Trinidad are amazing. They are all pit bull type mixes and literally about 10 on every block. No matter how much people yell or throw things at them, they are willing to give anyone a try. I sat on the beach with three dogs lying my my side, one in my lap an one letting me scratch him under the chin, when I could just as easily have hit them and I didn't have any food to offer (they do a great job of cleaning up the town's food waste)
That kind of compassion even in the face of adversity warms my heart. Homeless people have a hard time taking care of themselves without sharing the little they have with their furry friend. The street dogs of Trinidad didn't have to comfort me when I was sad and alone when they could have spent their time looking for food from someone who actually had some.
Love survives everywhere. That gives me hope.