Too early to tell sex?


Active Member
Too early, mine are at 5 weeks as well. Still no sign, though I bought femenized seeds. I'm not too worried!


New Member
Sexing a plant pre-flowering is next to impossible. Best thing to do is just keep it growing and inspect frequently once you switch to 12/12. As long as you determine sex prior to any pollen release you'll have no probs.


New Member
well when u have decent clone material u can clone and set up a flower chamber just to tell sex so u aint wasting grow space on a male


Well-Known Member
or you could make a plastic opaque sleeve and put it over a branch for 12 hours of the day. that'll make that branch show sex.


Quick Question... Seeds have sprouted only about 2-3cm high and they have 2 round leaves and 2 "weed" leaves... One plant has little/tiny white hairs growing just a few... wondering what it could be? Thanks


Well-Known Member
but then it becomes a chore i got to place and remove to much to go wrong
You kidding me? A chore? Dude I assume you are growing cannabis for quality. The whole process is a chore! Are you really that lazy what the hell could go wrong? A sleeve over your branch is harmless bro. Just do it of you are curious.