The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
i was gonna chop mine over a period of time as well but ive only one grow area at present and i needed the space to hang and dry the bud so they all had to come down at once.


Active Member
So annoying trying to score some decent shit & having no luck when UKRG can't shift some fuckin stinking nice shit for 140 an oz.
On the plus side my 2 cataract kush girls are getting big! Gonna flip them to flower soon but with I'd planned it better for chrimbo bud :(

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Sigh, i'm in the position of having to tell the business owner to stop trying to help me with my work because she does a shit job. One of those dys, everything went into the oven, everything came out of the oven, everything went straight in the bin, day wasted.


Well-Known Member
wit r u expecting Dura. Can I still get mine????
havnt a clue billy but you will definetly be phoned if theres anythin after our mutual friend has been sorted, ahm no botherin keepin anything , fuck the score bags, ah need the readys up front. ahll gee ye a bell on friday and tell you wots happenin mate, it should be dry enuff by then.


Active Member
right my auto AK47 hasnt grown much in last 2 days and it seems the top little leaves are losing its green colour,anyone know why this is? it is 7 days since it poked through the soil.


Well-Known Member
right my auto AK47 hasnt grown much in last 2 days and it seems the top little leaves are losing its green colour,anyone know why this is? it is 7 days since it poked through the soil.

cant do shit without pictures bruv! pissing in the wind comes to mind


Active Member
right my auto AK47 hasnt grown much in last 2 days and it seems the top little leaves are losing its green colour,anyone know why this is? it is 7 days since it poked through the soil.
At a guess, rootbound? Possibly overwatered? check the bottom of pot for roots poking out, if youve got it in a seed tray it will need potting up


Active Member
At a guess, rootbound? Possibly overwatered? check the bottom of pot for roots poking out, if youve got it in a seed tray it will need potting up
its not root bound as ive put it straight into a 3 gallon pot,ive not over watered it coz ive made sure.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Do not use those little probes to gauge your watering. I often ended up overwatering despite the probe convincing me it was dry enough to water.