

Well-Known Member
anyone else having issues. mine just went out last night. right in the middle of surfing. i tried again today and nothing. i even uninstalled, downloaded and reinstalled and it still won't work. i have changed NO settings. it just went bye-bye. :confused::confused: ie sucks. :evil:


Well-Known Member
firefox has nothing to do with 'connected' issues. meaning it is end user if one firefox went out, it wouldnt be connected to another one? if im explaining it easy enough

if firefox has went out, it HAS to be something on your end. firefox program doesnt connect to the mainsite/developer inorder for it to be able to work...

i suggest power cycling your modem

repair you connection.....clearing out the network cache and shit


Well-Known Member
I'm using it right now.
I'm not sure what to say but uninstall it then download this program called ccleaner and when you install it and its up and running click on "registry" then click "scan for issues" then after its done scanning click "fix selected issues". Then install Firefox again and it should work.

Not sure if it will work but its worth a try, that usually fixes all my problems.

CCleaner - Download


Well-Known Member
smokie420 has brought up a valid point.

you may have some Viruses or Trojans that are taking your bandwidth hostage!!!!

swatit pro is good!


Well-Known Member
When you delete firefox from your pc some files storing your profile settings are left on your computer. I had the same problem as you and I after I found and deleted these files I was able to install and run firefox again. when I reinstalled w/o deleting the profile info it didn't work but after I deleted profile folder it worked fine but had to reinstall all my add-ons.

I found the profile folder on my pc here
C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles

Maybe even deleted the whole mozilla folder from application data folder. Can't remember


Well-Known Member

Try using this to uninstall your Firefox, this will clean up any corrupt files you may have dealing with Firefox



Well-Known Member
i d/l'd firefox once,,lasted bout 20 minutes and uninstalled,,,did not like it's performance at all,,may work for some,,but I didn't like it

Keep on Growin
