odd looking plants????


this is my second grow i started with clones i took from my first grow... but they look rather odd they all have rounded edges and look like they are curling a bit i put some pics also ....... any help would be appreciated100_1435.jpg100_1436.jpg100_1437.jpg


Well-Known Member
these are clones....from a cannabis plant?
One does not even look like weed , are they getting water? lights,soil,nutes, temps ....maybe someone will chime in, but to me they look like they are hurt bad and need water and some real love


they get watered they have light and everything they need the first grow was great for a first grow but these look different. would anyone recommend just throwing them away and starting from seed again or will these survive??


Well-Known Member
You still did not answer . what lights, how far away,what temps , doya ph the water? ,nutes ... hell if ya are having a hard time with cuts from a mom that did great you are doing something wrong and seeds might not help ya if you have an envoriment problem


600w hps light about 18 inches ph of 7.2 (from a soil tester) am using a seaweed extract nutrient room temprature around 20-22 c


Well-Known Member
If they dont recover before flowering you should look into getting some new clones. Once a plant stresses to bad it will never fully recover.

buddha webb

New Member
They look like tomato/basil plants......there fucked,bin em bro..they will never provide...unless you got an Italian restaurant!One looks like a genetically meddled with half weed plant,the others look like olive tree leaves....i dont know what to say......i dont know what it is.....go get some seeds bro,i think its for the best......B.


Active Member
Hey man, Alot of people said they look like flowered clones. The term for that is monster cropping. Thats what they look like to me.

I just monster cropped a couple off my plant from summer and they are just starting to grow regular leaves again. But like everybody else

Has said. If they dont start getting more normal, as in 1,3,5,7,9,11 for how many points the leaf has then toss them and start over.


Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
I don't know what that "MONSTERCROPPING" is, but they WILL recover. It takes a few weeks (depending on how far into flower they were taken) for them to completely re-veg. You'll see some pretty freaky shit in the process, but once you start getting normal new growth, it's on from there. See the pics of the first one I did that to in my previous post. Scared the shit out of me.


Well-Known Member
A clone taken from a flowering plant and then re-vegged look like this, give it time.


Active Member
Anything like "Super-cropping"?
Well the difference of super cropping is, Your not taking a clone from the plant. With super cropping your just breaking the inside of the stem so it swells and allows for more nutrient and water to pass through the stem.

With monster cropping your taking a clone off of a flowering plant, and putting it back into veg. It makes the plant grow like a crazy mutated bush, and it wont have a dominant point of main growth. Just look around you will see that monster cropping deffinently has its advantages. If your willing to wait for the clone to switch back.



New Member
Well the difference of super cropping is, Your not taking a clone from the plant. With super cropping your just breaking the inside of the stem so it swells and allows for more nutrient and water to pass through the stem.

Are your for real? To make the stem bigger to allow more nutrients and water through!!!! Thats one of the stupidest things I have read here in a long time. Thats how myths get started. The purpose of super cropping is to open the and even the canopy of the plant to allow more light to reach lower bud sites.


Well-Known Member
Yo it could be da dirt is not right type and make mutant leaves
What brand and type of dirt is da it looks like moon dust?