I quit growing. This is my last post and my story.


We're all addicts. Call yourself a "patient" and if that's what it takes to validate your drug use in your own mind, then that's completely okay. There's dope and there's medicince. As much as you wanna preach it, marijuana is DOPE. Just like Ativan (which I take in loads). I don't call it medicine. IT"S DOPE. Does it relieve my symptoms? Yes. But I'm not gonna act like ti's some kind of miracle medicine that "fixes me". It blasts me out of the world and AT THE SAME TIME relieves my symptoms. If I had an alternative that did the same thing without the high, I'd NEVER choose the alternative. You know why? Cause I like to get high. Just like you. You and me are the same. We're dopers and love to get high and escape.

Nobody will ever change my mind. I'm tired of people living in denial. I'm an addicit and I'll admit it. I love getting fucked up. and if given the choice between simply feeling better or feeling better and getting high as a motherfucker in the process, I guaran-fuckin-tee you and me both will choose the latter.

So put that in our pipe and smoke it brother.
I think your whole thread is BS--all you've done is piss-moan an whine!! Get a life and actually have a "LAST POST"!:fire:And I'm a Mrs.


Sector 5 Moderator
Just for the record, pot *may* be a "drug" but hundreds of people die every year from Tylenol. Not one has ever died from pot. Tylenol for my liver? No thank you. Good luck on your search for planet X.


Well-Known Member
in my opinion, Healing is Healing without mind altering. For instance if my back hurts, i'd rather walk or do yoga to naturally releive pain instead of smoking weed. Healing is healing without mind altering


Well-Known Member
I took 6mg of Ativan had five 24 oz. Steel Reserves and don't give a fuck.

Suck it.

At least the cops won't lock me up for it, and I'm higher than anything Attitude ever did for me.

Suck it again.


Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
good for you, but

Paranoia is just another word for ignorance-We are turning into a nation of whimpering slaves to Fear—fear of war, fear of poverty, fear of random terrorism, fear of getting down-sized or fired because of the plunging economy, fear of getting evicted for bad debts or suddenly getting locked up in a military detention camp on vague charges of being a Terrorist sympathizer.” Hunter S. Thompson


Well-Known Member
I took 6mg of Ativan had five 24 oz. Steel Reserves and don't give a fuck.

Suck it.

At least the cops won't lock me up for it, and I'm higher than anything Attitude ever did for me.

Suck it again.

Yeah but now you are an asshole, so there's your trade off I guess.


New Member
Let's put it this way... If these "medical" users had a choice of a pill that would completely relieve their "symptoms' without the side-effects (the high), or smoking pot, which would they choose. My bet is that they'd take the side-effect "medicine' 10 times out of 10.
I have chronic anxiety and ulcerative colitis. Was on many different pharma meds for years including marinol. These damaged my liver and screwed with my hormones and kidneys. I tried MJ and low and behold my UC has been in remmission for 6 years and I have very little anxiety and no panic attacks at all and I take no more pharm's. MJ has been used as a medicine since the dawn of man. It is natural and has never caused a single death in all recorded history. Big pharma can certainly not make the same claim.

I applaud and very much respect your decision family should always come first. P.S. Don't let the boy go to mars, let him be President and end the illegal, immoral and useless war this country is waging against mother nature. Peace be to you and yours!

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
he OP breath in and out real fast for 30 seconds, thats you getting a high from oxygen and you breathing all the time thats you addicted better not breath for a while


New Member
even though marijuana has positive effects towards some serious illness's. Marijuana Doesn't not cure nor help MOST OF THE 215 patients. I think the marijuana laws/state/fed is corrupt. The fact that so many people are getting their card is ridiculous and should be regulated More strictly.

Do u know how many people i know that have their card and Shouldn't have it?
Do you know many people that use marijuana should not need their corrupt government to give them permission to responsibly use a naturally occuring medicine? All of them.


Well-Known Member
Steel Reserve and Ativan FTW!!!

Bring the Police!!!! I'm not scared anymore.

Go fuck yourselves.


You type too well for a drunken night of forum posting, this is coming from a stoner who is currently typing with his toes cuz i like to switch it up


New Member
I am between grow cycles and have not smoked for 3 weeks. No withdrawal, no delerium tremens, no using anything I can get my hands on to get stoned. How many benzodiazapene addicts can say that? Also, smoking pot has never made me get so angry at people I don't know that I need to take my frustrations out on them through an anonymous web site. Benzo addiction causes 100's of deaths every year. But Doctors (who are only required to take 2 semester hours in all of their schooling relating to addiction) continue to prescribe it. You can easily get it without a RX on the web. I have an 8 year old daughter, anyone tries to put my kid on ritalin and they will have a fight on their hands for sure. Does that mean I will give her pot? Hell no! But when she is 18 and her brain is developed, I will be the first to spark it up with her, if she so chooses.

In 2007, the CDC reported 27,658 deaths due to unintentional and/or accidental overdose of man made substances prescibed and unprescribed. How many of these do you think were from marijuana overdose? 0.