Smallest Area To Grow

past times

Well-Known Member
lowriders are autoflowering. this means no matter what light cycle they are on they will flower and finish usually within 8 to 10 weeks.

as far as the cfms i used the highest power pc fan i could find pushing ait out. i also had a small pc fan by the plant to move air around. and when the hps was in there it was necesary to have the plexi glass how i had described it before. this will let the plant get close while maintaining the right temps and air flow almost acting as a mild wind has been about 5 years since i had the hps in there so i dont remember the exact temps, but the bud turned out beautiful


Well-Known Member
yeah i was wondering where i get those lowriders as well, i was looking at seed sites and couldn't find them

is that just like a name for a certain type of weed? cause ive seen ones at nirvana that are short (like bubbalicious which i love) lol


Well-Known Member
The first one is a lowryder, but I don't know if the site is trusted. Other sites offer them as well. Keep in mind with all autoflowering plants you can't take clones of them, so if you order 5 seeds you get 5 plants max. Hope that helps.

Past times, how close could you get the plants to the glass? and did you use plexiglass, or tempered glass? I thought plexiglass would melt that close to the light, and you could only use tempered glass to deal with heat issues.


Well-Known Member
also, the reason why the lowryders arn't that popular is they stay super small. Like unbelievably small, and they finish really quick, so the bud is small. But for someone in your position this might be the goal.


Active Member
idk im kinda scared to order seeds off the internet cuz i live with my mom and dad and shit but they dont care if i grow i just dont wana buy some seed and try to get busted or tracked and them wait till they are flowing so they can bust me anyone got any info about buying seeds off the internet ???


Well-Known Member
there is a similar one on this site, a DIY that is. I personally find it kinda funny. If I walked into my friends room and saw two rubbermaid boxes, one inverted onto the other one, a cord running from it, ducting, wiring, and fans coming in and out of it with duct tape all over it ..... I would be like ..... Um ..... WTF is wrong with you? Not exactly stealth in my mind, but whatever, go for it if you want. Kinda a hard story to come up with around it though, at least with a closet you can close it, lock it, and no one will go in it. With a rubbermaid, what are you going to tell someone who asks what's in it? Snakes? doesn't scare everyone away, I'd wanna see right away!


Well-Known Member
seedsdirect is a good place. I've gotten from there before, nice guys. If you order something they give you free seeds with every order. Give them a 'wish list' when you order, they usually hook you up.


Active Member
also, the reason why the lowryders arn't that popular is they stay super small. Like unbelievably small, and they finish really quick, so the bud is small. But for someone in your position this might be the goal.

thats what i want nice and small but get some good buds cuz im growing in a very small space u can check it out here and i like how they auto flower i think thats good cuz u can just have it 12/12 from start to finish


Well-Known Member
you can do any plant 12/12 from start to finish, you'd just end up with less results. The autoflower means you can do 18/6 or 24/0 from start to finish and it will flower without you puting it into a 'flowering mode'.


Well-Known Member
yeah im looking for something thats not to complex and just really fun, mainly to learn how to do it, so when i get more room and want to grow more i have some sort of experience

so if anyone has links to strains that i can grow nicely in a simple 2 width, 1 foot deep, and 3 feet talk area put up a link to them from a trusted site lol

also does growing in a small does mirror how to do larger ones, or teach you how the plants work?

past times

Well-Known Member
the plant can get basically right to the glass...i never had the plexi melt either. but now that i thinnk about it the bulb was housed in a little box with glass on it so maybe you do want to go with the tempered glass... but maybe not. i have a little pc experiment going right now with some extra clones. i have the same design idea as far as a wind tunnel goes. there is a 70watt hps on top with a pc in below the plexi glass and a pc out above. when i get the camera ill show pics of both those rooms little rooms.


Active Member
yea like get some buds mabye sell some to ur homiez or somethin get a little extra money do that a couple of times then u can just keep going up from there start slow and work ur way up thats how im thinking of it but not to big u dont wana get busted


Well-Known Member
no this is a pet project i dont want to sell, its for me and my friends to enjoy it, just running out of good dealers and id love to just be able to harvest like twice a year and be able to smoke with my friends down the road

just want to start out small to understand the process

past times

Well-Known Member
thats the right idea man. i started when i was in college with just a few grows using this small setup. learned a ton and had a lot of fun watching. now that i have my own house i have set up just a small closet with a 250 hps and have the twice a year harvest like you are talking about...provides more then enough weed for me and my friends. its a great hobby really as long as you dont go broadcasting your doing it.

and if you are trying to learn and stuff, i take back the lowrider. you will learn with it, but not nearly as much as with regular strains. regular strains you get into training the plants and is where all the fun really begins


Well-Known Member
thanks past times you've been a great help i am not starting to grow till next month but ill def be msging ya lol

also do you think bubbalious (however you spell it lol) will work, or any other good ones i should look out for

past times

Well-Known Member
really it is up to you. half the fun is picking the seeds. bubleicious is mostly indica and stays short so it will be perfect, ,but any other strains with those qualities will work great too. you can spend hours looking on all the sites for different strains.