i could use some advice


Active Member
may need some more pics, but theres a few things that i can see that may be wrong. one, there doesnt appear to be perlite in your "soil" so the water you put it isnt draining very well which will cause mold. also, if you do not have a fan blowing air around your pot then you may encounter mold. the yellowing of the lower leaves may mean you should feed it. how often do you feed and water? as for the mold on the soil, just get all of it off and get less moisture and more air circulation.


Well-Known Member
it dont look bad yet so your not doin bad.

asd is right , if there is no circulation then the mold will grow faster. a tiny bit of algae on the surface is pretty much normal. just rub it in with your fingers and/or cover it with a lil peat moss or perlite or even a lil soil....... then do it again when it starts again.

just make sure the whole plant is getting plenty of circulation an not staying wet an your shit will be fine.

the tiny bit of yellow looks to me like she wants a dose of food. no big deal just feed her a "veg food".

soil :weed:


Well-Known Member
Also, is it sitting in one of those pots with a tray on the bottom that holds the water in? If so, get rid of the tray. Get something to stop the water from making a mess on your floor, but thats it. A fan will help but its usually from overwatering.


may need some more pics, but theres a few things that i can see that may be wrong. one, there doesnt appear to be perlite in your "soil" so the water you put it isnt draining very well which will cause mold. also, if you do not have a fan blowing air around your pot then you may encounter mold. the yellowing of the lower leaves may mean you should feed it. how often do you feed and water? as for the mold on the soil, just get all of it off and get less moisture and more air circulation.
yes i dont have perlite in my soil and im using a fertilizator NPK 6,7-3,2-5,2.and ive put about 10ml solution in 2l water.and i put water one day yes one day no.about 200ml every time



Active Member
1. your soil doesn't have proper drainage
2. the bottom yellowing foliage is cause from either root rot, or 1st&2nd stage fungus gnats living in your soil eating your roots. Either way its root damage

Transplant to new 5 gallon pot with a 50/50 perilite to soil mixture. Keep an eye out for little flying black bugs dwelling in or on your soil and water only when the top 1" of soil is dry

If you have h202 you could mix 1tsp per gal and water before transplanting. This will aerate your soil and provide a semi sterile environment for the roots to recover
Be sure to water slowly otherwise you will get wet foamy soil everywere

Good Luck!


1. your soil doesn't have proper drainage
2. the bottom yellowing foliage is cause from either root rot, or 1st&2nd stage fungus gnats living in your soil eating your roots. Either way its root damage

Transplant to new 5 gallon pot with a 50/50 perilite to soil mixture. Keep an eye out for little flying black bugs dwelling in or on your soil and water only when the top 1" of soil is dry

If you have h202 you could mix 1tsp per gal and water before transplanting. This will aerate your soil and provide a semi sterile environment for the roots to recover
Be sure to water slowly otherwise you will get wet foamy soil everywere

Good Luck!
you're right.its a 2 gallon pot.i dont think i have any bugs in my soil and i can not find perilite in any store where im living.how can i transplant from a 2 gallon pot to a 5?its kind of big now.please help


Well-Known Member
i hate to argue , but that bitch dont have root rot ..... yet. if she does , you guys have superman eyes.

as long as that pot is drying up in 3 or 4 days then your soil is fine. the perlite would definatly help the top to not get algae, an would help with drainage..... but i just dont see the need to replant. when are you going into flower ?

if your usin 10ml of food , use 15 next time then go back to 10, 10 , 15 ....... or somethin like that. you wanna gradually start feeding a lil more.

if you decide you wanna replant then just make the hole in the 5 gallon pot big enough to slide the other pot right in ........ if its rooted good , all the dirt will stay in place.

soil :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
when do you plant to flower? if soon then your pot is plenty big enough. if you want her to veg any more then you will need to transplant to a bigget container.

make sure either the container now or the new container has good drainage, if you have to set it inside something like a rubbermaid container or whatever and place the bucket on top of a couple of 2x2's to allow the soil to drain into the container you put your pot in but not sit in the water once it has drained.

i think your issue is overwatering right now. just let it dry out a good bit before you water again. depending on how hot your grow space is you probally only need to water every 3 days, if that. a good idea is to pick up a moisture test thing for soil and use it or you can just pick it up and judge by the weight.

if you get a H2O2 solution mix a verry small amount in a spray bottle and lightly spray the mold then allow it to dry well. you are growing mold because the soil is staying too moist, if you allow it to dry good and drain properly you should see the mold go away. as far as the yellowing leaves, they could be from a number of things but i wouldnt go changing your nute schedule right off. let soil dry good, transplant and wait a few days see how she looks. if you see more leaves yellowing then you know its something else but if the yellowing stops you probally have solved your issue already and no need to change anything else.

also like above person said, you can gradually go up on your nutrients say something like 10Ml, 10Ml, 15Ml, 15Ml, 20Ml, 20Ml, 25Ml, 25Ml and so on. you dont need to feed with every watering, usually every other is fine.

hope this helps

oh and your plant looks good so i wouldnt worry too much
gl with your grow :)


Thanks to everybody , as for flowering i was thinking after another month of veg but my space is small and and i going to leave her another week to see if he recovers after increasing the fertilizer amount and start flowering knowing that it will probably double in size or triple
and for the mold problem i will water once a week and see how it grows and scoop first inch of soil and replace with fresh soil


Well-Known Member
if your going to wait a whole month to flower then i would say yes replant it in about 2 to 3 weeks ....... put plenty of airation in your soil (perlite , sand, or even rocks) add some good food to her an throw her in bloom.

that yellowing is a very very slight N def , thats all , an like matt said , go by the weight of the pot to tell if its dry or not .... it cant be staying too wet or it would not be that healthy.

soil :eyesmoke:


if your going to wait a whole month to flower then i would say yes replant it in about 2 to 3 weeks ....... put plenty of airation in your soil (perlite , sand, or even rocks) add some good food to her an throw her in bloom.

that yellowing is a very very slight N def , thats all , an like matt said , go by the weight of the pot to tell if its dry or not .... it cant be staying too wet or it would not be that healthy.

soil :eyesmoke:
back with an update.wyteboi you were right.the yellowing of the base leaves where caused by N deficiency.and i transplanted into a 5 galon pot and there wasnt any sign of root rot but let just say that my transplant didnt go very well.some soil broke off and the roots was exposed.
so im having some questions if you don't mind.how long will it take to see if i did something wrong?
and also how long to let her recover before i change to flowering?


Well-Known Member
back with an update.wyteboi you were right.the yellowing of the base leaves where caused by N deficiency.and i transplanted into a 5 galon pot and there wasnt any sign of root rot but let just say that my transplant didnt go very well.some soil broke off and the roots was exposed.
so im having some questions if you don't mind.how long will it take to see if i did something wrong?
and also how long to let her recover before i change to flowering?
you will know within 3 days if your roots got messed up. i doubt it , those things are tough. If you dont see any difference at all then they are ready for flower now. 1 week after the replant (or longer) is a good time to bloom them.

now remember , those plants looked good so dont change anything else. they didnt need replanted now , but its done an hopefully it was worth it.

good job, keep um green !



so im back with an update.this is how my plant looks its 3 weeks into flowering and im seeing some yellowing and dying of the lower leaves.ill be thankfull for a feedback.



Well-Known Member
shes fine .... the last pic kinda does look like a N def , but all the rest of the pics show her to be really healthy , an the one pic with the twisted leaf looks as if a very slight overdose of food. (that could of happened a long time ago though)

she dont really need anything right now , just give her a bit more veg food an some bloom food according to your schedule. dont change anything at all really.



thx wyteboi i open another thread and somebody said the same thing.but until somebody answer i flushed because i thought ive put to much fertilizer.nobody answered.and now i put some flowering fertilizer 4-6-6 in about 3 days ill be putting some veg fertilizer.also il you dont mind with another opinion arent the buds kind of small for 3 weeks?thx for the answer



Well-Known Member
thx wyteboi i open another thread and somebody said the same thing.but until somebody answer i flushed because i thought ive put to much fertilizer.nobody answered.and now i put some flowering fertilizer 4-6-6 in about 3 days ill be putting some veg fertilizer.also il you dont mind with another opinion arent the buds kind of small for 3 weeks?thx for the answer

mine aint much bigger at two an a half weeks an they are beautiful, so i would guess that your strain is more of a 10 to 12 weeker instead of 6 to 8 ?

what species ?
you usin big lights ?



honestly i dont know what species are they i got them as a gift from a friend.
im using a 400watt cfl light and a 100watt vertical neon.i read somewhere that its better to have light from all sides