Tahoe OG in Dual Monster Plant System (Scrog Edition)


Well-Known Member
Time Bomb rocks!!!!

Here's a crazy idea to throw into your world Jin.....why don't you harvest half on 50, and let another half go another week. Then you got a Daytime tahoe, and a night time "tahoe clown!" I reckon by looking at her if you let it go those calyxes might actually swell so much they'll pop. I know that's what the dog looks like when she is let loose to run around for a bit longer.....go on, give it a bash.....no not that thing, put that away, I meant your weed silly!!!
That is a crazy idea. And since I'm not flushing, starving, or drowning, I can very well cut some down and the let the rest keep growing. I'll mull it over.

we gott it easy...lol we got good jeans they are still stackin right aolng you and chrissy will have some good dank to burn.. im in soil with organics, call me crazy i think AN is ALL talk.. but yur results arent lying.. i only choose no to support because they didnt back their warranty for a 6 month old ballast i bought so they lost a customer for life.. the shop replaced it and turned me on to a new line of nutes and they rock gh veganics.. but i wouldnt reccomend it for hydro.. it slimes up really fast.. hahaha im doing a side by side this run keep an eye out.. maybe ill get a camera for christmas.. ya i have an old cannon around the garage some where do they even sell regular film anywhere??
Hey, I'm not gonna call you crazy. Sounds like those assholes burned you on an important piece of gear. I'm no huge fan of AN, either... So I'm kind of grudgingly reporting that the Sensi performs better than GH Nova of FloraMicro. My system isn't really like most others. It operates on a basis of concentration and acceleration, so the spotlight is really put on the nutes in the res. Not only did they grow faster with AN, I totally got the sense that the plants grew the way marijuana is supposed to grow... more so than with GH. With, GH, the marijuana plant could be thinking it's corn or cilantro or something. It's true. I've observed many grows with GH.

Nice buds lordjin :)
Peace, Hell.

you seek fire my child AND good eye i wouldnt have seen that...
I only caught it by chance, too. The macro photos really help in terms of observation.

High Five Jin! We made it.
Except mine's only gonna be about 1/8oz.
We did make it. I'm already thinking about starting my next. I'm sure Cheeze will find me something extra smelly.

Yes I have pix, getting my main computer back up & running soon so I can upload again. It's been kinda chilly here the last couple weeks so the plants have alot of purple on the buds & fans. They are purrty. ill try to use my phone to upload a pic or two today. Tahoe og tends to have huge catlyists(spelling) when they fully swell, not a good Joint bud unless using a grinder. The nugs on my plant are chunky, uneven & some kinda have the appearance of foxtailing due to the major swelling.

Like the guy above said, you would not regret cutting half and waiting another week before the other. That will also give you a 1st go round with Curing it & seeing exactly how it dries & when to jar before the 2nd batch comes.

Beautiful Nuggletts you have there. :)
Yes, I'm considering the suggestion. Though purple was a strong presence in the stems during veg, I don't see any purple showing up on the yellowing leaves or buds. I think Cheeze mentioned that this particular Tahoe cut is a pretty pure OG. It certainly smells like it.


Well-Known Member
Jin your plants look delicious brother, I can't wait to see the final results. Very very frosty sir.

Website update: Haven't worked on it too much as of recently, currently in finals week at school and will resume as I have time, are we waiting on final design for launch? May be a good idea to figure out a launch date, and start putting together some content(Some articles people haven't read, for launch day).
Don't sweat it. Your classes come first. We can take our time with this because I'm not actually gonna be shooting Chrissy until second half of Jan. So chill, Slivers. It's great that we're playing around with ideas and you've already started scratching around a bit, but we have time. Once I have Chrissy's photos and videos shot, we'll have to ramp it up. I'll respond to your email when I get home tonight.

And of course... THANK YOU!


Well-Known Member
DAMN 50 day harvest?!

and why don't you do a flush?

was wondering which AN nutes you used for veg and flower.
and was also curious what kind of ballast you're using.
I have to look at the ballast carefully to get a brand name as it's encased in a protective aluminum housing.

I'm using AN Sensi A&B, veg and bloom with Kushie Kush as a bloom additive.

Oh, boy... Flushing, flushing, flushing. I'm glad you asked that question. Here's an overview of my flush history:

When I first started, I wasn't hip to the whole flushing concept, so I just let them keep feeding and happily harvested without any knowledge of flushing. In my early days, I tended to overfeed Nitrogen in flowering, but never had a problem with my harvested crop (even though I didn't flush).

Then I caught wind of the whole flushing thing and I thought all this time I was missing a vital aspect of finishing the grow. So with my hunger to improve, guess what I started doing? That's right. Flushing for a week prior to harvest. It took three grows of flushing before I finally came to realize that my system is too active and concentrated to run the plants on plain water for any length of time. Cell division is so rapid in my system that if I let them go even a few days without nutes, they'll just keep trying to grow rapidly by feeding on themselves... It's a great way to destroy plants and reduce potency in my system.

And so that's why I don't flush.


Active Member
I have to look at the ballast carefully to get a brand name as it's encased in a protective aluminum housing.

I'm using AN Sensi A&B, veg and bloom with Kushie Kush as a bloom additive.

Oh, boy... Flushing, flushing, flushing. I'm glad you asked that question. Here's an overview of my flush history:

When I first started, I wasn't hip to the whole flushing concept, so I just let them keep feeding and happily harvested without any knowledge of flushing. In my early days, I tended to overfeed Nitrogen in flowering, but never had a problem with my harvested crop (even though I didn't flush).

Then I caught wind of the whole flushing thing and I thought all this time I was missing a vital aspect of finishing the grow. So with my hunger to improve, guess what I started doing? That's right. Flushing for a week prior to harvest. It took three grows of flushing before I finally came to realize that my system is too active and concentrated to run the plants on plain water for any length of time. Cell division is so rapid in my system that if I let them go even a few days without nutes, they'll just keep trying to grow rapidly by feeding on themselves... It's a great way to destroy plants and reduce potency in my system.

And so that's why I don't flush.

ah I see. I didn't realize plants are basically dying during flush lol. when you have flushed though, what ended up happening to your buds? Your shit doesn't turn out to be a harsh smoke?


Well-Known Member
ah I see. I didn't realize plants are basically dying during flush lol. when you have flushed though, what ended up happening to your buds? Your shit doesn't turn out to be a harsh smoke?
The Diablos in my last grow were a good example of what happens when you slowly starve a plant. The appearance became really wild and the leaves dried up to a crisp. Appearance points lost. The buds were still potent as hell, but OG smell/flavor was compromised. Not a harsh smoke, just not strong enough. Again, I, and couple of shop guys, agree that potency was lost... which is fuckin' scary because they were still out of this world potent. But overall it could have been better.

No such issues this time around.


Well-Known Member
Hey, what's right for me isn't necessarily what's right for everyone else. I'm not preaching you should do the same. Stick to your familar techniques that have given you success.


Active Member
Where do I apply for independant smoke reviewer or apprentice trimmer ??

How long did you veg the clones on this one vrs Diablo ? Are OG Kushes faster stretchers than say an indica dominat hybrid ?


Well-Known Member
Where do I apply for independant smoke reviewer or apprentice trimmer ??

How long did you veg the clones on this one vrs Diablo ? Are OG Kushes faster stretchers than say an indica dominat hybrid ?
Oh, boy. I think you're gonna have to see my agent, 323cheezy. Lol.

Veg time was a week longer than Diablo due to screen filling. 28 vs 35 days of veg.

Yes, OG's are stretchers. Some more than others, but they all pretty much have enough Sativa traits to make them stretch. Indica dom structures are great. Short and squat.


waiting patiently for the harvest...u should make a vid. i need some motion picture bud porn. btw is there really that much of a difference in grow speed between hydro plants and soil plants? difference in yield?


Well-Known Member
waiting patiently for the harvest...u should make a vid. i need some motion picture bud porn. btw is there really that much of a difference in grow speed between hydro plants and soil plants? difference in yield?
Definitely! Yield is a definite, and speed probably as well Lol.....but it could take you 2-4 weeks to screw up a plant bad enough to kill it in soil. In hydro it could take 5-9 days and your baby is gone!


Well-Known Member
Definitely! Yield is a definite, and speed probably as well Lol.....but it could take you 2-4 weeks to screw up a plant bad enough to kill it in soil. In hydro it could take 5-9 days and your baby is gone!
Speed too. When I look at photos of soil growers' plants, I always think their age report is wrong. I often find myself thinking, "How could he have been vegging for over a month when his plant looks like mine just a little over two weeks?


Well-Known Member
Well i dont know if this is really a good subject to speak on ... but ive been wanting to add my 2 on this hydro soil debate for a while now....
I might not be to partial to hydro .. after all im a soil grower and maybe have a soil bias....
But i wont say hydro is better,faster, or danker than soil or vice versa...
I remember when most people called soil grows organic and hydro wasnt ...
Thats before all the organics nutes got big allong with more hydro systems...

You have to ask yourself ...Why have so many growers gone hydro???
The answer is simple...
(Illl admit i am a common sense kind of guy ...Common sense??? how dare me...i get that sometimes...
Altho i do base many of my assumptions on laws of science ... getting to into science will just confuse people)
So enuff about me here it goes....

The reason hydro has taken over s because its easier ....imo
Much more complex, complicated, and expensive yet easier...(doesnt make sense? ...ill explain)...

Hydro is catered toward a much larger scale grows ..
Imagine how long it would take to hand water 20 to 50 plants ... no simply task ....
soil growing takes allot of watering and watching...

So my theory is simply that to grow on a large scale... and oh yes there are many large scale growers, your colletives favorite vendors ....hydro is the way to go .... plus it looks cool..lol

In jins case ..having two plants ... im sure soil wouldnt really hinder his grow ....he has the time.....
But on the other hand ..his box is kinda small...and i just dont see there bein enuff room for two 10 pound gallons of dirt ...
That would probly match the size of his rubbermaid...probly not
So in his case hydro is better .. and he has all kinds of money at his disposal to do so...

I can almost garuntee tho.. that if jin grew in soil...under the same conditions/setup/root space.... the buds would not be that much different...
Hes a great grower ....who puts alot into his small time grows....and u cant say that nutes or hydro made his grow any better...Its really just great grown bud... and to match it ...you would have to go the extra mile like jin has... and need my clones...lol
(jin could grow any crappy clone into dank)

All in all i could be wrong...
does this sound kinda right jin... your the hydro expert...