PG Porn. with Jenna Haze


And you're welcome, I think I picked the more tasteful, ones. I sounded really picky though... Maybe it's because I'm a girl; analytical and won't fuck everything after a drink. Not that either of them would go with me anyway. So much for a threesome with Jenna and Shan-Shan

Sorry for being bitchy and judgemental XP

Hey, some men as well. Jenna has a sweet face, a nice butt; I'm gratified to see that she kept them real ... but I like a bit more waist&hips on a woman myself. And the stereotyped behavior of pornettes does not work for me.

As for the vid ... oh emm gee when the singing started. "Rogers and Hammerstiff" it ain't. cn

I really like a nice waist and having some hips to run my hand over...

I also like kindness, patience, a good sense of humor, a sense of curiosity/adventure and sincerity :3

I really like a nice waist and having some hips to run my hand over...

I also like kindness, patience, a good sense of humor, a sense of curiosity/adventure and sincerity :3

My husband prefers hips too! & let me tell you that's a GREAT thing for me hahaha. I thank my mom for this womanly body. Sticks... well I don't wanna hate but that's it it's just a stick!
My husband prefers hips too! & let me tell you that's a GREAT thing for me hahaha. I thank my mom for this womanly body. Sticks... well I don't wanna hate but that's it it's just a stick!

she gets it form her mama
I hope I'm looking for all the right things. Or not being a poor judge of character. I'd like a girlfriend but all the girls I had feelings for gave me the 'itd ruin our friendship' excuse... And dated my friends instead @_@

And you're welcome, I think I picked the more tasteful, ones. I sounded really picky though... Maybe it's because I'm a girl; analytical and won't fuck everything after a drink. Not that either of them would go with me anyway. So much for a threesome with Jenna and Shan-Shan

Sorry for being bitchy and judgemental XP

I'll save my money and we could make that happen... :) I'm just sayin...
Lets see, A Kuroi, bblzs, and a ML75 three way? I volunteer for camera man, maybe if everybody is really nice we can get sweetiepie in there also, it will be epic.... epic I tell you....

that could probably get me a award or something, maybe even director of the year.....
What about air fare?

Should I bring my own ganja... Got to have ganja, I just don't want to be told off for hogging it if the host offers...

Wait, who's house?!
HOUSE??? naah, you ladies deserve a Palace....
And I wouldnt expect you to bring your own MJ, Wouldnt want to risk a pretty thing like you going to jail... all tho, that could be a totally new movie.
house??? Naah, you ladies deserve a palace....
And i wouldnt expect you to bring your own mj, wouldnt want to risk a pretty thing like you going to jail... All tho, that could be a totally new movie.
