GHS Kalashnikova Waterfarm

My kk's are 5 weeks into flowering and they don't drink much. My ladyburn burn drinks over a gallon a day while the kks only drink about a half gallon.
well day 23 is about to start and i've got some Q's.
PH is high, it's 7.0/7.2. Should I worry about a high PH and whats the best way of getting it down for now?

PPMs are keeping in the range of 210/225. I'm going to do a res change on tue/wed and want to introduce the floranova bloom for more feeding. What's the best amount to start off with? I was thinking of putting in 2.6 or 3ml Micro then 1.5ml of FNB? Does this sound ok?
Last mix of just 2.6ml of Micro per 8.5ltrs was 160PPM. I don't realy want to be going any higher than 220 incase of neut burn.
well day 23 is about to start and i've got some Q's.
PH is high, it's 7.0/7.2. Should I worry about a high PH and whats the best way of getting it down for now?

PPMs are keeping in the range of 210/225. I'm going to do a res change on tue/wed and want to introduce the floranova bloom for more feeding. What's the best amount to start off with? I was thinking of putting in 2.6 or 3ml Micro then 1.5ml of FNB? Does this sound ok?
Last mix of just 2.6ml of Micro per 8.5ltrs was 160PPM. I don't realy want to be going any higher than 220 incase of neut burn.

I was worrying about high Ph as well, then I was told not to worry too much but I still kept bringing it down, eventhough not as vigorously as before. To bring it down I use pH Down by General Hydroponics. Can't help you with the florabloom, I'm just putting things in the bucket where I do my mix and measure the ppms. But I'm doing it by the eye! I would say just put a few mls and then measure your mix and adjust accordingly.
I was worrying about high Ph as well, then I was told not to worry too much but I still kept bringing it down, eventhough not as vigorously as before. To bring it down I use pH Down by General Hydroponics. Can't help you with the florabloom, I'm just putting things in the bucket where I do my mix and measure the ppms. But I'm doing it by the eye! I would say just put a few mls and then measure your mix and adjust accordingly.

I'll just put a few more drops of PH down in my add-back mix to try and get PPMs down a bit more. I won't be using many neuts yet so the PH buffers won't be kicking in yet.
Yeah I think i'll start off small (1.5ml) with the FNB and see how she takes it. Better to start off with less than too much.
Defo I'm gonna be very carefull with nutes. At the moment my white widow is eating very very slowly. I'm on my way now to prepare the next rez and I'm not going to go over 600 despite the fact that I'm entering the 2nd week of flowering. Mind you, 600 is including my base ppm which right now measures 249
Not too sure but I think I might have a zinc problem. Found this in a link on RIU: "Deficiencies appear as chlorosis in the interveinal areas of new leaves producing a banding appearance as seen in figure 18. This may be accompany reduction of leaf size and a shortening between internodes. Leaf margins are often distorted or wrinkled. Branch terminals of fruit will die back in severe cases.
Also gets locked out due to high pH. Zn, Fe, and Mn deficiencies often occur together, and are usually from a high pH. Don't overdo the micro-nutrients- lower the pH if that's the problem so the nutrients become available."

My PH has been high and I thought the add-back might help but it jumped back up. Just now i've lifted the top chamber and put a few drops in the res to try keep it a bit more stable. Might have to do this more often to see if it keeps stable. This wrinkled leaves are to top ones.


Still trying to figure out how to work the camera best. Sorry if my images arn't too clear.
its real hard to get the ph stable. when i do a res change i put it in at 5.0 and then it rises slowly to about 7 then by this stage im usually ready for an add back and i add back about 3 litres of r/o water at like 4.0 and this brings it back down again. i know 5.5 to 6.5 is ideal but u can wander out of those zones a little and by going a little either side i seem to be able to keep it in the sweet spot longest
I'd suggest you post the pics also on the Plant Problems section of the forum to get a good answer about any possible deficiency
Hey natty my kk's were touchy too. At that age I flushed them with florakleen for like an hour and then put in nutes at about half strength, and they took off after that. My plants were looking worse then yours. Also, I try to keep my ph between 5.5 and 6. I can't give an exact because I use the liquid tester that gives you the idea where its at, but now that my plants are 5 weeks into flowering I got my ppms at 1100. Hope you fix the problem it's always sad seeing a sick girl.
Well had a few problems but gotta ride 'em out now and see if things pick up.
Ive moved my light to 36" away now. PH is at 5.8 right now but ill be keeping an eye on her.

I don't think ill top her anymore. Someone did mention that it did slow down growth and mine aint realty the best atm. Still goin 2 LST & scrog tho.
Well she's startin to turn into a beast. She's about 4" tall now and looking a lot better that the PH is down and the light higher.
Made a fresh mix for her at 3ml micro & 1.4ml FNB. PPM was 320. Need to keep an eye out for high PH and neut burn.


i think i wrote off my kk too soon mate it fattened up good ill have a weigh up when its dried but i think ill get about 4 oz off it :)
i think i wrote off my kk too soon mate it fattened up good ill have a weigh up when its dried but i think ill get about 4 oz off it :)

Ahhh what happend? Did it start to get fatter in the last few days? Get some bud porn up and a schmoke report pls? =D
How do u think mines goin?
I loving how bushy she's gettin. Gonna veg for another two weeks.
Yeah it needed the other 2 weeks to get fatter I think it could have gone another week but I didn't have the time the cheese was a better strain the best weed this year my mates reakon :) the kk also rates highly it smells type of toxic/cats piss lol
yeah yours is looking fine mate I think it'll go crazy in the next 2 weeks Defo a 10 week flowering time tho
Ah well, do u think u'll grow KK again? I've still got 3 seeds left myself.
I need to invest into a loupe, but still got plenty of time 4 that. Thanks for the heads up m8!

I'll post sum pics 2nyt when lights come on. She's alot bigger than the last pic update.
Looking forward to the pics. Hahaha natty u already trying to decide what your going to grow next lol. I was like that now I have a bout 20 different strains to grow but no time or room to grow them all lol. Im pretty sure in going with lemon stomper and nightmare kush. Check them out they look killer
Ah well, do u think u'll grow KK again? I've still got 3 seeds left myself.
I need to invest into a loupe, but still got plenty of time 4 that. Thanks for the heads up m8!

I'll post sum pics 2nyt when lights come on. She's alot bigger than the last pic update.

I've got 3 left as well mate yeah I'll grow them again I might throw them in my next grow :)

PPMs are starting to dip alot. Started off with something like 340. Now it's on 220. So i'm going to make a new mix tomorrow before lights go off. Going to go in the range of 400/500.
Alot of new growth every day. These waterfarms are amazing! I'm loving every minute of it.
Hopefully in a couple of days she'll be tall enough too LST. I've been holding the bottom of them stem and doing a light bit of bending to see how strong she is, and I think she'll enjoy the training.
Going to invest in a heat shield aswell. It's only going to cost me £15 and I think it'll be worth it to get the light a lil bit closer. Temps have been great. Allways in the range of 25/27.
