I'm going to be releasing an update to the windows version of herb.iq in the next couple days. This new version will include support for a stand alone asp.net capable webserver (XSP). The ASP.NET version of herb.iq will also be included and can be turned on with the click of a button with the built in web server support.
You'll be able to start up the winapp, hit the button to turn on the webserver and go into your grow with your mobile device (tablet,phone,etc) and update your datafile back on your pc with the web version (assuming you have a wireless network that goes that far). They both share the same datafile this way so there is no need to sync anything.
I also updated the web version and added support for uploading pictures, just like the datafile when you come back to your pc after snapping pics and uploading them they will already by there attached to the plant in the windows app. I still plan on releasing a native android/ios app, this is separate from that and supports any device with a web browser (iphone/ipad/andoid/blackberry).