20,000 Watt Medical Grow Op Construction

The whole thing got put off till spring again. I was originally going to wait till spring to seal the room, but got all exited seeing Commercial J's CO2 crop. But when I put together the final budget for CO2 gear and HVAC, it was more than I was willing to spend at that time. Right now my biggest atmosphere challange is keeping things warm enough. My clones are taking over 2 weeks now due to low temps. The vented lights in veg were shut down and the Adjustawings fired up to heat up the room. The bloom room is great, though.

Anyways, another post reader suggested getting the 'cold weather package' with whatever split system you get. That turned out to be quite true. Most people would not be running their air in cold weather. But, growers will. Therefore the AC must have a mechanism to slow down the compressor in colder outside temps (cold, as in, under 65f).

Thats great advice on the cold weather package, its those little details people don't see when they are trying to predict startup costs. You know what you need is some nice indoor propaine heaters so you can flood your rooms with CO2 while heating. Just make sure to buy some Carbon Monoxide dectectors to be safe. I have been running a sealed room for a few years now and I would say its totally worth it, however, definately a challenge. In the past it seemed to increase my yield, but with my current pheno of White Widow I am running its more quality improvements than yield, I would say at least a doubling in trichome production. I have been adding lights and every time you do that in a controlled environment it seems to throw everything out of whack, its a real challenge for sure, but this is the time of the year to be playing with it while we have the cold outside air in our favor.

This year I ducted all my lights into the house so I am enjoying temps in 70s with out turning on the heat, which up in the NW Washington it has been getting really cold.
Edit: This was suppose to be a reply to Buddy232 post I failed to quote his original text.

I own the waterfarm hydroponic system that works off these principles. You have a reservoir controller unit which is plumbed to the rest of the buckets and air pumps peculate the nutrients out of the reservoir bottom part of the bucket up into a top bucket with the hydrotons. The system works great really good when its working, but the maintenance is a nightmare. The more active components you have in the system the more places for things to fail. I have ran all hydro systems but the bubble stone buckets and an aerosystem. What I have found is that the more complicated your growing system the more points of failure you have. Like with the water farms I have had hoses kink drying out buckets, drain ports clog with roots, air tubes some how get salt build up and clog, drip rings clog, air pumps fail, reservoir temps get hot leading to root rot and thats just getting started. If you want to have repeated success I would recommend keeping your system as simple and fool proof as possible. When I ran aero I had growth like no other system, but never was I able to get a harvest all the way through with out some disaster dramatically reducing my yields making it a waste of time and effort. I personally like drain to waste systems or zero run off which is what I personally run today.

Wolverine97 you asked me to remind you this weekend for a boil down on your system, I am really excited to hear how you have 1.25 gpw. I only get half that typically so any advice your willing to share would be greatly appreciated.
Ok, it's halftime so here goes: I'll keep the explanation fairly simple, but if you have any specific questions or want clarification just ask. I don't want this to turn into a complete thread derailment though, so keep that in mind please.

I run a custom soil mix, strictly organic (though I'm not hung up on OMRI cert., natural is good enough for me). I'm going to keep this post focused on one room, my old room since I still maintain that space and think it's more applicable to average home growers. I'll start with the room particulars, then get into the equipment I use, ventilation, environment, then I'll get into the soil, containers etc. Finally I'll cover the strains I run. Again, any questions feel free to ask. I just ask that it doesn't get too tedious and off topic.

My overall old space is 5'x15'x7', which is divided into three areas; 5x5 budroom, 7.5x5 "lung room", and 2x5 cloning/veg area. I built 2x4 partition walls to separate the spaces and used panda film to light proof them. The bud room has a zipper door, the veg is done with a roll up velcro door. Both grow spaces are vented into the lung room, which is vented through a carbon filter into the basement area. Temps stay in the high 70's to low 80's with lights on, humidity varies with season but is controlled with a dehumidifier when necessary. I try to keep it around 50-55%.

I supplement co2 with regulator and solenoid valve on a short range repeat timer, and keep levels around 800-1000ppm. This allows me to work with the temps in the low 80's in summer months. I do waste a lot of co2 with this setup, but I don't care.

For veg, I run the lights 18/6 and generally veg them for around a month. Starting in 5" square pots and moving to 1 gal bags. From there they're transplanted into 5 gal smart pots about a week prior to flowering, at which time they're also pruned or supercropped depending on strain and plant structure and my general mood at the time. In this space, I would have to take my clones during the second week of flower for the timing to work (I've since changed that, but needed more space to do so). They'd have to acclimate in the budroom for a week after final transplant prior to 12/12. Not ideal, but it works.

Once acclimated, they are generally ready to start training to the SCROG (6" hort trellis). The first few weeks of flower are a lot of work, you have to stay on top of the training or you get canopy issues. No bueno. I just try to maintain an very even canopy, with no wasted space. Ok, let me back up...

The budroom is 5x5 as I said, in it I run only 1-1kw hortilux in a CAP XXXtreme6 reflector. This reflector spreads the light very well, allowing me to use only the 1kw in the 5x5 (which CG will propably harrumph about...). It is on the light side as far as watts per foot go, but it works for me. I think this is what really allows me to get such high gpw #'s. I generally run 9 plants in that space, and train them heavily. Maintaining the plants is kind of a bitch in that room though, you have to be flexible just to hand water. I lolipop the plants a few days after I take clones. I don't want any growth that doesn't get light, because it will die and lead to rot. And larf, we do not like larf.

As I said before, I run a custom soil mix in 5 gal smart pots. My base for the soil mix is now 40/40/10/10 coco coir, peat, EWC, forest humus, I then cut that by 25% with #4 perlite and add my amendment from there. This mix requires a lot of watering during peak flower, I mean daily. The soil is true living organic soil, so you need to maintain some moisture and not let it go bone dry. I supplement the soil with General Organics and a few other booster products as needed. I harvest heavy, healthy plants packed with glands. All of my trim is still green (usually).

That's about it in a nutshell, but there's a lot of subtle things that go along with it, but I could type for hours about that.... and I don't have that kind of time.
Thank you for taking the time to write out some your grow style in such great detail. I have one of those some hoods for my 1k Veg light and love it! So it sounds like the canopy control is the key to getting that high of a yield. I am interested in what genetics your running as well if you like to share. I just finished up a harvest today of strain we call Shipwreck "Northern Lights x Train Wreck" and some White Widow plants, unfortunately they are both on the low yield side so no where near your gpw. I like your setup and I did add reputation; sorry Kitty I am really new to the forum even though my profile says a few years I have never participated up until a couple weeks ago, I didn't mean to offend anyone. I am also sorry if I am derailing the thread, like I said I am a foreigner to this and do not know the customs and rules on the forum.
You're good, man. CG is a cool cat he won't mind too much as long as it doesn't get out of hand. Someone needs to keep this thread moving *nudge nudge*

Strains are as follows: I'll forget a few, probably
DT (supposed local cross that I suspect is actually Apple)
Casey Jones
Larry OG
Northern Lights
Apollo 13
Jedi Kush
Super Lemon Haze
Blueberry (DJ Short)
Sensi Star ogre pheno
a pure Jamaican sativa
Vanilla Kush
Destroyer from Cannabiogen (soon to be discarded, probably)

I think that's it...
You're good, man. CG is a cool cat he won't mind too much as long as it doesn't get out of hand. Someone needs to keep this thread moving *nudge nudge*

Strains are as follows: I'll forget a few, probably
DT (supposed local cross that I suspect is actually Apple)
Casey Jones
Larry OG
Northern Lights
Apollo 13
Jedi Kush
Super Lemon Haze
Blueberry (DJ Short)
Sensi Star ogre pheno
a pure Jamaican sativa
Vanilla Kush
Destroyer from Cannabiogen (soon to be discarded, probably)

I think that's it...

Casre to enlighten me on yourpure Jamaican?
Casre to enlighten me on yourpure Jamaican?

Sure, what do you mean? It's a pure sativa that I got in JA, grows long fairly thin running buds with pink/purple calyx's. It has a unique thick oil like flavor with a hint of skunkiness and floral notes. Very energetic high. Not devastatingly potent, but very nice stuff.
Man, living in california may be the dream at times. But with all these medical shops giving you bunk strains theres no telling exactly what you got your hands on. Best bet these days is to have close friends who are willing to share their strain. Or ordering seeds, but then you still have to go threw a big batch just to find the particular pheno your interested in.
I don't think I'd mind paying top dollar for clones as long as the genetics are what they say they are, even then you won't know till you finish it yourself. I know I've gone threw at least 5 different "bubba kush's" and out of all of them only 1 was even descent, but the harvest wasn't nothing spectactular compared to my white widow and Orange Kush at the time. Good genetics are hard to come by.
Much understood.
I'm looking for some strong Sativa.
Gonna order Sub's JTR for 2012.

It's good stuff, a little racy and can be a paranoid buzz but it's very good (not running that atm, but I've got a couple packs waiting). Both Vortex and Apollo 13 are great...
It's good stuff, a little racy and can be a paranoid buzz but it's very good (not running that atm, but I've got a couple packs waiting). Both Vortex and Apollo 13 are great...

If I get into hashmaking I'll grabsome A13.
And I'm interested in Pandora's "no-ceiling high"

Yo CG, how should Iget started on live soil organic?
I'm like a headless chicken, I know you've dabbledbefore.
You're good, man. CG is a cool cat he won't mind too much as long as it doesn't get out of hand. Someone needs to keep this thread moving *nudge nudge*

Strains are as follows: I'll forget a few, probably
DT (supposed local cross that I suspect is actually Apple)
Casey Jones
Larry OG
Northern Lights
Apollo 13
Jedi Kush
Super Lemon Haze
Blueberry (DJ Short)
Sensi Star ogre pheno
a pure Jamaican sativa
Vanilla Kush
Destroyer from Cannabiogen (soon to be discarded, probably)

I think that's it...

Thank you for taking the time to list all your strains out. About a year ago I had an emergency shut down which cost me all my genetics and so I started back with seeds with the exception of a White Widow clone that gave me spider mites and thryps. Its really difficult up here in NW Washington because we have a 45 plant limit with 3 recs and I have met a few people now who have been raided and given a felony called a count correction. Limited to a total of 45 plants makes high grading a nightmare and I am starting everything from seeds these days since I was able to get arid of my bug problem. My current line up is White Widow and Shipwreck "NL x Trainwreck" in flower and I have Wonder Woman Skunk, Super Bud, Super Lemon Haze, Bubba Kush "greenhouse seeds" and Holy Grail 69 in Veg. I have also just put my first run of Super Bud, Holy Grail 69, and Super Lemon Haze into flower yesterday so we will see how they do.
I am really interested in how you like growing Blueberry? My Girlfriend is really pushing me to grow it, but it looked like it required an extended flower time which I would like to avoid if for no better reason than 10 weeks would throw all my timing off on my perpetual harvest. I am also really interested in where you found your Casey Jones genetics? I would really like to give that one a try.
Thank you for taking the time to list all your strains out. About a year ago I had an emergency shut down which cost me all my genetics and so I started back with seeds with the exception of a White Widow clone that gave me spider mites and thryps. Its really difficult up here in NW Washington because we have a 45 plant limit with 3 recs and I have met a few people now who have been raided and given a felony called a count correction. Limited to a total of 45 plants makes high grading a nightmare and I am starting everything from seeds these days since I was able to get arid of my bug problem. My current line up is White Widow and Shipwreck "NL x Trainwreck" in flower and I have Wonder Woman Skunk, Super Bud, Super Lemon Haze, Bubba Kush "greenhouse seeds" and Holy Grail 69 in Veg. I have also just put my first run of Super Bud, Holy Grail 69, and Super Lemon Haze into flower yesterday so we will see how they do.
I am really interested in how you like growing Blueberry? My Girlfriend is really pushing me to grow it, but it looked like it required an extended flower time which I would like to avoid if for no better reason than 10 weeks would throw all my timing off on my perpetual harvest. I am also really interested in where you found your Casey Jones genetics? I would really like to give that one a try.

Yeah we have pretty tight limits too. I should've added that I don't actually run all of those at any given time. Usually around 6 at a time, the rest are kept as mothers in the meantime. Starting from seed is tough to keep within the limits, but ya gotta do it. I try to keep everything completely within the law, occasionally one gets by me but overall I'm pretty good about being well below my numbers.

I really like the Blueberry, but what I've found with mine is that it doesn't produce "A" grade buds throughout the plant. Mainly just the top colas, so I end up just growing that one for my stash and give the B grade away. I've kept it around for a while because I really like the buzz and the smell/flavor combo is awesome. It (mine anyhow) grows rock hard buds, but can be very finicky if you don't keep her just so. I still mess with her though, so yeah...

Casey came from a friend, a very unhealthy cut that I nearly tossed. Very glad I didn't, it's my favorite smoke. It's around out here if you know where to look. Oh, and I've pretty much resigned myself to 10 week cycles, it just works better. I even have a couple that go 12...