You've Seriously Gotta Be Fucking Kidding Me


Pickle Queen
pretty funny shit considering it's a social norm to teach kids that IT'S PERFECTLY OK for a complete stranger to come into your room while you're sleeping and leave you money and presents for body parts and certain behaviours (toothfairy, santa claus)
And the fucking Easter Bunny ;) "Here little boy eat my chocolate eggs" muhahahahahaha


Moderatrix of Journals
you guys never disappoint on the .gif front! :hug:

why is it that all the juicy holidays involve somebody doing stuff "while you were sleeping"?

no wonder teenagers never get out of bed..... they're waiting for "clean my room fairy!"


Well-Known Member

Word that became very popular on the World of Warcraft forums on April Fool's day 2007. During the course of the day, the Blizzard forums were changed so that each normal poster had blue text and an animated icon, which is normally what Blizzard posters look like. To go along with this, each Blizzard poster was listed as a player, with normal white text, and a troll for an icon, signifying they were forum trolls. The staff posted sporadically all day in threads, trolling. One of the expressions used in most of the one-line replies was "lol wut?" After this, it became very popular on the forums for the next few weeks.


Well-Known Member
Dam that's thirsty work time for a whiskey, couple min pass, only one double left I guess god wants me to drink beer today...LOL WUT


Well-Known Member

Don't forget the pedo beard