gays and lesbians


Well-Known Member
if it weren't for those gee golly mods, everything would be flowers and potpourri. A magical unicorn would ride a rainbow over a fluffy cloud and shit skittles upon us. Dogs and cats would get along and you would never stub your toe again.

Brick Top

New Member
ironic fail is ironic.
The only way what I said could be considered to be a fail would be by you, or anyone else, putting words in my mouth or redefining what I said as to mean that I am uber-popular, the most popular guy here, more popular than anyone else in this exchange.

None of those were my meaning. I was merely pointing out that if I was as despicable as a few in this exchange are attempting to make me out to be that it is clear that many others do not see me the same way.

1196 likes/34 months = 35.2 likes per month

2547 likes/19 months = 134 likes per month

quantitatively, using your own metrics, this makes me 3.8 times better than you. :cool:
You math is flawed. There were not likes here for as long as you based your figures on. Since it has been a shorter period of time it would increase both our monthly numbers. Also, not that I care about the likes I missed, but I was not here for roughly six months, and in those six months I might have gotten four or maybe five more likes had I been here.

But if you want to play the popularity game relying on numbers of likes then lets also play it using numbers of friends. According to your profile page you have a grand total of 24 friends in your friends list. I have 140 friends in my friends list.

That means I have 5.8 times as many friends, and if you want to consider likes as popularity votes then most certainly friends would also be popularity votes and based on numbers of friends I would be 5.8 times as popular here than you are.

Not that it is a big deal or anything but two of those friends requests were sent by non-members, who held stranger status. One is named ArjanGreenhouseseeds, and yes it is the real Arjan from Green House Seeds. I was rather stunned to receive it since it came right after I posted a message where I was as critical of him and of Green House Seeds as I was kind. The other stranger is lovepotionman, also known as Reeferman. And not that it fits in with friends requests or even this site, but until recently when I asked for my account to be deleted from the Mr. Nice Seeds forum I was having an interesting, pleasant and at times humorous PM exchange going with Scott Blakey (known by most as Shantibaba) but what might have been the most enjoyable to me was when Nevil sent me PMs. He became fed up with the site and stopped posting there some time back now but he still reads messages and he let me know that he liked my messages and appreciated someone telling things the way they are.

Maybe I am reading too much into things but if Scott and Nev think I am a decent guy, and even Arjan and Charles (Reeferman) seem to feel the same way maybe, just maybe, I am not as big of a dick as you would love to be able to portray me as being.

As I mentioned in a previous message. I can and do get along, rather well in fact, with anyone who is not a complete and total asshole.

Brick Top

New Member
Nobody cares about your decades of grow experience.
Mentioning it, along with being part owner in a pot-in-pot nursery is called establishing credibility. If someone asks a question and receives say, 20 replies, and the replies vary in the advice that is given, but one comes from someone with nearly four decades of growing experience and a considerable amount of general growing knowledge that can save the person asking the question from taking the advice of some Beavis or Butthead whose grown for 11 months or 2 years and who like to talk as if they have experienced it all and know it all, but gave the person asking the question absolutely horrible advice.


Well-Known Member
The only way what I said could be considered to be a fail would be by you, or anyone else, putting words in my mouth or redefining what I said as to mean that I am uber-popular, the most popular guy here, more popular than anyone else in this exchange.

None of those were my meaning. I was merely pointing out that if I was as despicable as a few in this exchange are attempting to make me out to be that it is clear that many others do not see me the same way.

You math is flawed. There were not likes here for as long as you based your figures on. Since it has been a shorter period of time it would increase both our monthly numbers. Also, not that I care about the likes I missed, but I was not here for roughly six months, and in those six months I might have gotten four or maybe five more likes had I been here.

But if you want to play the popularity game relying on numbers of likes then lets also play it using numbers of friends. According to your profile page you have a grand total of 24 friends in your friends list. I have 140 friends in my friends list.

That means I have 5.8 times as many friends, and if you want to consider likes as popularity votes then most certainly friends would also be popularity votes and based on numbers of friends I would be 5.8 times as popular here than you are.

Not that it is a big deal or anything but two of those friends requests were sent by non-members, who held stranger status. One is named ArjanGreenhouseseeds, and yes it is the real Arjan from Green House Seeds. I was rather stunned to receive it since it came right after I posted a message where I was as critical of him and of Green House Seeds as I was kind. The other stranger is lovepotionman, also known as Reeferman. And not that it fits in with friends requests or even this site, but until recently when I asked for my account to be deleted from the Mr. Nice Seeds forum I was having an interesting, pleasant and at times humorous PM exchange going with Scott Blakey (known by most as Shantibaba) but what might have been the most enjoyable to me was when Nevil sent me PMs. He became fed up with the site and stopped posting there some time back now but he still reads messages and he let me know that he liked my messages and appreciated someone telling things the way they are.

Maybe I am reading too much into things but if Scott and Nev think I am a decent guy, and even Arjan and Charles (Reeferman) seem to feel the same way maybe, just maybe, I am not as big of a dick as you would love to be able to portray me as being.

As I mentioned in a previous message. I can and do get along, rather well in fact, with anyone who is not a complete and total asshole.
Are you a politician BT? Because you can spin virtually anything to justify your posts. Nice name drops BTW.:clap::roll:

Ok BT, we get it. You are a master grower with decades of experience (which apparently nobody else here has. lmfao!!!!), you are NEVER wrong, you know everybody who is anybody in the cannabis world, you are more liked and more popular than anybody else here and everybody else who disagrees with you is just an immature, ignorant asshole troll. Does that about sum it up? :lol:

Brick Top

New Member
mmmmmm nope not weak...just didn't appreciate your pictures thats all. not the place for that.
But of course this is a place for avatars that are as or more revealing and as or more sexual in nature.

Your logic and rationale is as weak as your ploy was.

Brick Top

New Member
So much hostility. Why are you getting your thong all wadded up over a troll?
Why do you play the thread version of a mall cop and attempt to institute and regulate quality control based on your own personal likes and dislikes by trolling someone you suspect might possibly be a troll?


Well-Known Member
Why do you play the thread version of a mall cop and attempt to institute and regulate quality control based on your own personal likes and dislikes by trolling someone you suspect might possibly be a troll?
Answering a question with a question? Classy.:roll:

Brick Top

New Member
Bro, nobody asked a grow related question in this thread. Nobody asked for your credentials (not that we haven't already heard it a MILLION FUCKING TIMES ALREADY!!!!!) or how many decades of grow experience you have. Why bring it up? Low self esteem perhaps?
You asked why I mention it. I explained why. I never said anyone in this thread had asked a grow related question and until you asked me about why I mention my level of experience I did not bring it up one single time in this thread. So it was you, not me, who brought that into this thread and by asking me I explained it in a way that I wrongly believed even you would be capable of understanding it.

Going by your reply I was clearly wrong in crediting you with the ability to understand such a simple concept.

But there was one more part I did intend to add but forgot but now that you have again mentioned how I have stated it repeatedly. You're a mod here and you were a member here long before that. You should know as well, if not better, than anyone else how this site attracts newbies like shit attracts flies. A new busload of newbies unloads here almost every day. Unless they all read my old messages not a single one of them will know my level of experience. So to someone like you what I write would seem like a broken record. But to those who are new or fairly new, it is brand new information read for the very first time, and as I mentioned it might be what saves them from heeding the inaccurate advice of one of the many Beavis and Buttheads here.


Well-Known Member
Not a single one ... and I have never sent a friends request either. I have been very clear on why that is, numerous times I have bee clear about it. Friends. +rep, likes, mojo, karma and whatever else different sites chose to call it is nothing more than junior high school-like popularity crap. I wish none of it had ever been thought up and implemented on any grow site, so I do not use it. If someone sends me a friends request I will not be rude and reject it, but I do not seek them and I do not send them. And when it comes to likes, I have no control over what others do and since it's clear that many people like and appreciate the things I post I have ended up with a fairly large number of likes. The same goes with +-rep, which was used more prior to the adding of likes here.

But it is all based on an infantile insecurity based need to feel like you are accepted and that you fit in with the crowd and that people like you. Basically everything anyone posts is up for a public vote and if people give likes then that is a positive vote and validation of what the posting person wrote, and the more likes a message gets the more valid what they said is seen as being in the eyes others, and of course also their own, and of course in this day and age all the puppies desperately need instant recognition and validation for everything they do or say.

But things like +-rep, karma, mojo, etc. and likes have a negative side to them, a dark side, a damaging side. On sites like this there are always groups of members that stick together like a school of fish or a flock of birds. When one write something, say for example a piece of advice, advice that is inaccurate. Just because it came from one of the school or flock the others +-rep them and give them likes. For those who do not know the advice was inaccurate they see the likes and the messages saying how +-rep has been given and they take that as proof, as validation, that the inaccurate advice was actually sound accurate advice. They follow it and the end up with problems, or if it was about solving a problem their problem only gets worse.

+-rep, karma, mojo, likes and everything else like them are part of what is wrong with grow sites today.
saying "please' and "thank you" is overrated as well. so is telling your wife she is pretty. just all meaningless bullshit.


Well-Known Member
Oh Really? I will refer you to post #42. I didn't bring up your "decades of growing experience". You did! Are you senile or do you write so much stuff that you forget what it is you actually are writing?
boom, facial.

i must admit, i do not have the endurance needed to wade through the novellas he feels are worth writing. kudos to you sir.

Brick Top

New Member
Answering a question with a question? Classy.
My reply was to the point, and it pointed to what began all this. The self-appointed thread quality control crew that magically and mystically were somehow able to divine from thin air that the person who started the thread is a troll and who then went on to troll him and the thread.

What you are doing, Doc, is, again, pointing out how you lack the aptitude and skills needed to be a mod. You ignore what started all this. You see it as being acceptable. And then you have compounded your lack of mod skills and lack of experience by getting involved in this exchange and riding me in an open forum exactly the same way the self-appointed thread quality control crew trolls have.

That is not to say anything about you as a person. I have no problem with you as a person, but not ever person is cut out to be a mod, and you are one who clearly is not. And it is not only you here who is not cut out for the position. Going back to when I joined this site had a mod problem. The system was changed and some tension was eased, but a number of those handed mod positions are terrible at what they do. They, and now as you have clearly exhibited yourself as being, are part of the problem rather than being a solution. Rather than defusing a situation you have thrown gasoline on a fire and made it worse. That's the sort of thing that fdd used to do.

Look at your messages to me. If you were not a mod and if there were a good mod, a skilled mod, he or she would have calmly defused things and nipped what you are doing in the bud, as they also would have with what myself and several others have been doing.

But you did not do that, did you? Instead you joined in and have been insulting and sarcastic and rude and considering the ongoing nature of your messages it could also accurately be said that you have been abusive.

As a mod you have done everything wrong in this thread since your first message to me, and actually before because you should have calmly, and in a totally unbiased manner, defused things long before that.


Well-Known Member
My reply was to the point, and it pointed to what began all this. The self-appointed thread quality control crew that magically and mystically were somehow able to divine from thin air that the person who started the thread is a troll and who then went on to troll him and the thread.

What you are doing, Doc, is, again, pointing out how you lack the aptitude and skills needed to be a mod. You ignore what started all this. You see it as being acceptable. And then you have compounded your lack of mod skills and lack of experience by getting involved in this exchange and riding me in an open forum exactly the same way the self-appointed thread quality control crew trolls have.

That is not to say anything about you as a person. I have no problem with you as a person, but not ever person is cut out to be a mod, and you are one who clearly is not. And it is not only you here who is not cut out for the position. Going back to when I joined this site had a mod problem. The system was changed and some tension was eased, but a number of those handed mod positions are terrible at what they do. They, and now as you have clearly exhibited yourself as being, are part of the problem rather than being a solution. Rather than defusing a situation you have thrown gasoline on a fire and made it worse. That's the sort of thing that fdd used to do.

Look at your messages to me. If you were not a mod and if there were a good mod, a skilled mod, he or she would have calmly defused things and nipped what you are doing in the bud, as they also would have with what myself and several others have been doing.

But you did not do that, did you? Instead you joined in and have been insulting and sarcastic and rude and considering the ongoing nature of your messages it could also accurately be said that you have been abusive.

As a mod you have done everything wrong in this thread since your first message to me, and actually before because you should have calmly, and in a totally unbiased manner, defused things long before that.

More insults? lol! It's ok BT, everyone is entitled to their opinion. Show me one post where I've been insulting. Sarcasm isn't against forum rules, but you got me there. I am a sarcastic SOB! lmfao!!!!!

BTW, this is not my forum, so I am not modding at the moment. I am also a member as well as being a mod and so long as I don't break forum rules am allowed to post whatever I wish, to whomever I wish.


Well-Known Member

More insults? lol! It's ok BT, everyone is entitled to their opinion. Show me one post where I've been insulting. Sarcasm isn't against forum rules, but you got me there. I am a sarcastic SOB! lmfao!!!!!
i could be wrong, but isn't his constant discussion of how the site is moderated against the rules as well?

i don't know to be honest. but i am a self-admitted shitty mod.


Well-Known Member
i could be wrong, but isn't his constant discussion of how the site is moderated against the rules as well?

i don't know to be honest. but i am a self-admitted shitty mod.
I'm not sure about that one, but why would anyone who has such negative things to say about this place want to keep on coming back? He made a goodbye thread telling everyone he was done with the place and how bad it and all the members suck, blah, blah, blah. I admit I may not be the best mod, but I don't think I am all that bad either.:cry: Please tell me I'm not that bad!:mrgreen: lmfao!!!!!!