gays and lesbians

Brick Top

New Member
Oh Really? I will refer you to post #42. I didn't bring up your "decades of growing experience". You did! Are you senile or do you write so much stuff that you forget what it is you actually are writing?

I do admit that you are correct and I was wrong. I did forget that while explaining why I joined this site I said; "Since I had more decades of growing experience than many here have in years of experience, or some have in numbers of crops, I felt I could be of help." Sorry for my inaccuracy, I did indeed forget mentioning that.

But then even you would have to admit that it was not said or used in it's normal fashion and was only a part of an explanation as to why I joined this site, because I believed I could be of great help to many, rather than how it is usually used, to let someone who does not know which of the many differing answers they have received to a question to follow.

I will draw attention to yet another example of why you are not mod material, of how you lack the aptitude for the position. You asked; "Are you senile..." Those are the words of a troll, the words of a pot stirrer, the words of an instigator, the words of an agitator. That is not how a skilled mod who is cut out for the position speaks to someone, it is not how they deal with someone.

When as a mod if you insult or demean or attack or belittle or make fun of someone when the situation calls for calmly defusing things you only make things worse. You never want to say anything in an open forum that will upset or further upset a member because that provides them justification to come back as you as harsh or even harsher than you came at them. You should never push a members buttons or chastise or berate or belittle them in an open thread. It causes animosity that will often linger and be the cause for future problems. Those are things that fdd did and were a large reason why so many members hated him and also why so many members left the site. A skilled mod will pour water on a spark and put it out rather than fan it until it becomes a raging inferno. All you have done is fanned the flames.

You were incapable of remaining unbiased, something that is a must for anyone to be a good mod, and you ignored the seed of the problem and not only chose a side but chose the side of the seed of the problem. From there you teamed up with them to tell me what a horrible obnoxious insolent bore I am.

In this thread you have proven yourself to be the exact opposite of what someone absolutely has to be to be a good and successful mod.

Brick Top

New Member
I'm not sure about that one, but why would anyone who has such negative things to say about this place want to keep on coming back? He made a goodbye thread telling everyone he was done with the place and how bad it and all the members suck, blah, blah, blah. I admit I may not be the best mod, but I don't think I am all that bad either.:cry: Please tell me I'm not that bad!:mrgreen: lmfao!!!!!!

Sorry, but there was yet another troll message from someone who is a mod and who is supposed to do their best to keep that sort of message from being posted.

Brick Top

New Member
Someone has an extraordinary amount of time on his hands.
If that was directed at me there is a simple explanation for it. I am retired. I retired nearly 8 years ago, at the age of 49. When someone is retired they do tend to have more free time than others because once you subtract the things that are necessary in life for everyone to do, for a retired person all the rest of the time is free time.

Maybe you did not notice it so I will point it out to you. Each message of mine has received one, two or three messages in return, either directed to me or to someone else but still about me. It is clear that a number of others here also have an extraordinary amount of free time on their hands if they can do that.


Well-Known Member
I do admit that you are correct and I was wrong. I did forget that while explaining why I joined this site I said; "Since I had more decades of growing experience than many here have in years of experience, or some have in numbers of crops, I felt I could be of help." Sorry for my inaccuracy, I did indeed forget mentioning that.

But then even you would have to admit that it was not said or used in it's normal fashion and was only a part of an explanation as to why I joined this site, because I believed I could be of great help to many, rather than how it is usually used, to let someone who does not know which of the many differing answers they have received to a question to follow.

I will draw attention to yet another example of why you are not mod material, of how you lack the aptitude for the position. You asked; "Are you senile..." Those are the words of a troll, the words of a pot stirrer, the words of an instigator, the words of an agitator. That is not how a skilled mod who is cut out for the position speaks to someone, it is not how they deal with someone.

When as a mod if you insult or demean or attack or belittle or make fun of someone when the situation calls for calmly defusing things you only make things worse. You never want to say anything in an open forum that will upset or further upset a member because that provides them justification to come back as you as harsh or even harsher than you came at them. You should never push a members buttons or chastise or berate or belittle them in an open thread. It causes animosity that will often linger and be the cause for future problems. Those are things that fdd did and were a large reason why so many members hated him and also why so many members left the site. A skilled mod will pour water on a spark and put it out rather than fan it until it becomes a raging inferno. All you have done is fanned the flames.

You were incapable of remaining unbiased, something that is a must for anyone to be a good mod, and you ignored the seed of the problem and not only chose a side but chose the side of the seed of the problem. From there you teamed up with them to tell me what a horrible obnoxious insolent bore I am.

In this thread you have proven yourself to be the exact opposite of what someone absolutely has to be to be a good and successful mod.
You clearly have no clue what you are talking about. I've broken no rules and I said it once before.......I AM NOT MODDING RIGHT NOW! I am allowed to have time off from my unpaid job as a RIU mod ya know? I'm a person, just like you and I have opinions and bias. Normally, I keep my opinions to myself if it's not a "nice opinion". Unfortunately, I see you shitting all over the forum and felt compelled to speak up. I didn't team up with "them". I have my own opinion of you BT, and I've given that opinon. You can make this about me all you want. Keep on insulting my mod skills or lack thereof. You won't get the reaction you are seeking from me. Keep trying though.;-)

Brick Top

New Member
i could be wrong, but isn't his constant discussion of how the site is moderated against the rules as well? i don't know to be honest.
Why not ask potroast if talking about how some mods here are not up to the position is verboten or not? If it is than in the past there would have been a whole lot more deleted threads and members banned when fdd was a global moderator because many members complained incessantly about him.

Also, please excuse my ignorance. I was unaware you are a mod. Had I know that I would have pointed how like Doc you are absolutely horrible at handling your position. Like so many who lack the aptitude to be a mod you, and Doc, along with a few others here, clearly believe it is a license to troll and abuse threads and members. It gives someone not cut out to be a mod a feeling of entitlement, as it did fdd, where they like to see themselves being above the rules and guidelines they are supposed to enforce thus giving them the freedom to do and say whatever they desire, even though if someone else said or did the exact same things they would tell them that it is unacceptable.

but i am a self-admitted shitty mod.
At least you were honest and accurate in that statement. I highly commend you for openly admitting that as a mod you are highly flawed, or as you yourself put it, a; "shitty mod."

Brick Top

New Member
I AM NOT MODDING RIGHT NOW! I am allowed to have time off from my unpaid job as a RIU mod ya know?
Regardless of if you consider yourself on duty or off duty you are still a mod, you still are a face of the site, you should still be a role model, you should conduct yourself with as much restraint and decorum when off duty as when on duty. If not how do you expect anyone to respect you when you rant and abuse and berate and belittle, in other words when you troll, but then once you go on duty you then tell someone else that when they do the exact same thing it is unacceptable?

You make yourself the epitome of a hypocrite when you do the Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde when being back and forth between being on and off duty.

I'm a person, just like you and I have opinions and bias.
Someone who has the aptitude and temperament for being a mod, as in being a good mod, will step aside from being a normal member, their position precludes them from being able to slip back and forth between being just a member and being a mod. Regardless of if at ay given moment a mod is performing their duties or taking a break they are still a mod and certain responsibilities come with that and they go beyond just what you do while on duty. Also, they will set aside all their biases when it comes to dealing with people and situations.

A person with the temperament and aptitude to be a mod would never get involved in an argument even if they were off duty. They would be adding to the problem that some other mod should be dealing with and they would be making that mod's job tougher on them. A true mod, when off duty, would not become involved in an argument. They would not troll and abuse and insult and berate and belittle a member or members, especially not by teaming up with others, mods or not, to do so. They would stay out of the argument and remain unbiased even if that meant not backing up or supporting an on duty mod, because after all, you are off duty and a good mod would never want to make himself/herself out to be the ultimate hypocrite by trolling and abusing and insulting and berating and belittling a member or members while hiding behind the protection of the on duty mod or expecting that your feeling of entitlement grants you the right to do what you would not tolerant others doing, especially while you are not on duty.

Brick Top

New Member
More insults? lol! It's ok BT, everyone is entitled to their opinion.

No, Doc, I have not been insulting you. I have only been telling the the truth about you.

BTW, this is not my forum,

So, in your eyes that means it is totally Kool and the Gang for you to troll me, and this thread, and make fun of me, insult me, belittle me, berate me and abuse me.

Clearly along with the sense of entitlement that puts you above the rules, guidelines and general accepted etiquette of the site being a mod also gives you a get out of jail free card from the mod whose forum it is, you get a pass for things you do that would not be granted to others.

It is so very typical of what I have seen on sites where I have been a mod. A good old boys club is created where the mods that get along with each other turn a blind eye when a member of their club trolls a thread and a member or members.

That is why I turned in my mod stripes on sites I have modded. I wasn't going to join the club, I wasn't going to accept the feeling of entitlement that other mods felt and relied on, I wasn't going to take sides and instead I was going to remain unbiased. It got to the point were I could no longer stomach the abuses by other mods.

When first offered a mod position here, roughly a year ago last October, after long hard deliberation I said yes. With this site not having a pool of mods I felt that I would not be up against a number of mods who were not fit to hold the position and who would readily abuse their position. After potroast lifted the lifetime ban fdd slapped me with he again offered me a mod position, but he said how a large number of mods had been already been chosen and put in place and I knew how things would become and I said thanks, but no thanks. In this thread I am seeing a good bit of what I knew things would become. I am seeing the same abuses followed by the same excuses for them that I saw in the past from other mods that were unfit to hold the positions they held.

Brick Top

New Member
i moderate the politics section.

which section are we in right now?
Read what I said to Doc about a mod being a mod and how they should retain the same level of decorum regardless of being on duty or not, or if not in a forum they moderate. You are another example of the feeling of entitlement that those who are unfit to be mods quickly develop.

Rather than remain out of arguments when off duty or in a forum other than theirs they feel they have the right to be king trolls and that they are protected because they are mods. They do not care that they are mucking up some other mods forum and making things more difficult for them to deal with. Often that mod will be as unfit and they will give a pass to a troll mod, a get out of jail free card, of sorts.

But regardless of what forum you might be in at a time or regardless of being on duty or off duty you are still a mod, a cyber-face of the site, a representative of site order. So what do you do? You make a complete and total hypocrite of yourself by trolling up a storm and then later when on duty and in your own forum telling someone else to ease off on their trolling.

Mods like yourself and Doc, members who do not have the aptitude or attributes needed to be a good mod, are exceedingly hypocritical because you take a position of do as I say, not as I do.

That is why many mods on all sorts of sites end up being more of a problem than they are a solution. Why should any member believe and accept that they should be held to more stringent rules than moderators are? That results in a lack of respect for mods, a resistance to accept a mod as a true authority figure and it makes members dislike mods because they see mods getting away with things that those very same mods would, or possibly have, chastise(d) them for. It creates an underlying us against them feeling that with it are feelings of resentment due to seeing a double standard in play.