gays and lesbians


Well-Known Member
Wonderful, another troll has come out of the closet to join in the lynch Brick Top for being honest about this thread and the trolls in it, which include several mods.

This really is my lucky day!

You re telling me to accept the one thing that I said is wrong about Doc and a few other mods here, and like a whole bunch more on other sites. That I should be held to a higher standard of behavior and decorum than a site moderator who is the most visible face of a site, that is a representative of a site, that is supposed to monitor a site and put out fires rather than throw fire on them and troll and abuse and belittle and berate like has been going on in this thread.

Shouldn't mod be the ones expected to hold to the highest standards and to set an example? The mods here are setting the example that it is OK to troll and abuse and belittle and berate others here if you just don't agree with them or just don't like them.

Why don't you tell them to start their own site where they can continue being some of the worst mods imaginable and then let this site replace them with quality mods, mods who know how to do the job and do it right so this site can finally reverse the long downhill slide it has been on?
see that was a lil better.... i read all of that... still about a paragraph or so too long.... now is we could only do something about your nagging and trolling you would be a much more likeable person... take small steps first bro! good job


Well-Known Member
No chip here pal. I just call it like I see it. I think BT has had pretty good restraint considering the amount of people trying to get him stirred up. Not one of you is interested in diffusing a situation or getting back on topic.

please dont take this the wrong way at all... but in all honesty.... are you one of the escorts he is said to frequent? lololol j/k..... but really you dont like me??? damn im such a likeable person i think.... now im sad and will have to smoke some more dank ass bud to mask my pain.... ALL BECAUSE YOU DONT LIKE ME!!! thanx alot bro!!!! now n ot even that pic of the goose stealing money can make me happy again.... lmao..............................


Well-Known Member
please dont take this the wrong way at all... but in all honesty.... are you one of the escorts he is said to frequent? lololol j/k..... but really you dont like me??? damn im such a likeable person i think.... now im sad and will have to smoke some more dank ass bud to mask my pain.... ALL BECAUSE YOU DONT LIKE ME!!! thanx alot bro!!!! now n ot even that pic of the goose stealing money can make me happy again.... lmao..............................
I never said that I don't like you. I don't even know you. Are you seriously a mod on here ? See how you want to troll me because I don't agree with your pals ? This place is a disgrace because of attitudes as yours.


Well-Known Member
I never said that I don't like you. I don't even know you. Are you seriously a mod on here ? See how you want to troll me because I don't agree with your pals ? This place is a disgrace because of attitudes as yours.
my easy going, fun loving attitude?

Brick Top

New Member
can't they put a limit on the amout of characters in a post like they do in PMs? maybe that would stop all this wasted cut and paste space. i mean no offense but if i wanted to read an article off the www i would search for it and read it myself. when i came here to learn about grown weed i wanted to talk to farmers. i can read all i want but it's no replacement for a conversation. i appreciate you if you have grown all that weed mr BT. thanks for the buzz, i'm sure i smoked some of it along the way. :peace:

If you want to make this site even worse by limiting the amount of factual information that can be posted ... though someone could always split something up into two or three or four messages if need be.

Ignorant people bitch about C&Ps. If there is a very long very detailed piece filled with a very large amount of information there is no way to condense that into a four line message that the average Beavis or Butthead here wants to read. So much important information would be lost that it would be virtually meaningless for purposes of education.

Also, just saying do this or do that in response to a question is not teaching and if people want to learn they need to be taught and to be taught you need to read actual facts and actual facts seldom are found in comic book form or the length of a joke in a piece of Bazooka Joe bubblegum.

If anything format-wise should be changed here, along with the normal registration information there should be an IQ test and anyone below average intelligence would not be accepted. Of course if the requirement were made retroactive and apply to all current members the number of members would be cut to about one-eighth of what it is now.

But at least all the tweedle dum and tweedle dumbers would be gone so the place would be much better for the few of us that remained, and to make things even better it would get us a number of new mods in the process too. Someone would have to fill all those new vacancies created by the weeding out process.


Well-Known Member
If you want to make this site even worse by limiting the amount of factual information that can be posted ... though someone could always split something up into two or three or four messages if need be.

Ignorant people bitch about C&Ps. If there is a very long very detailed piece filled with a very large amount of information there is no way to condense that into a four line message that the average Beavis or Butthead here wants to read. So much important information would be lost that it would be virtually meaningless for purposes of education.

Also, just saying do this or do that in response to a question is not teaching and if people want to learn they need to be taught and to be taught you need to read actual facts and actual facts seldom are found in comic book form or the length of a joke in a piece of Bazooka Joe bubblegum.

If anything format-wise should be changed here, along with the normal registration information there should be an IQ test and anyone below average intelligence would not be accepted. Of course if the requirement were made retroactive and apply to all current members the number of members would be cut to about one-eighth of what it is now.

But at least all the tweedle dum and tweedle dumbers would be gone so the place would be much better for the few of us that remained, and to make things even better it would get us a number of new mods in the process too. Someone would have to fill all those new vacancies created by the weeding out process.
you lost me at Beavis and Butthead, j/k. i totally agree with the IQ test. but honestly sir, i've read SCADA SOPs that are more interesting then your posts. sorry but it's true. you have to know your audience :peace:

Brick Top

New Member
you lost me at Beavis and Butthead, j/k. i totally agree with the IQ test. but honestly sir, i've read SCADA SOPs that are more interesting then your posts.

I could eat alphabet soup and shit out messages more compelling more interesting and more factual than you could ever formulate.


Well-Known Member
384282_10150471413903465_129446698464_10597763_1873506741_n.jpg LOL you saw my last avatar...
why are you getting all personal on me? i called you sir and thanked you for growing weed AND i agreed about the IQ test ;-) you know i would pass with flying colors.

get out more, enjoy the fresh air, i don't think retirement agrees with ya.

Brick Top

New Member
LOL you saw my last avatar...
I actually picked it up some time back in the Mr. Nice forums. There used to be a member there who was fond of saying that and it always amused me. Maybe he saw your last avatar?

why are you getting all personal on me?

Possibly it has something to do part of what you said but did not refer to in the message I am now replying to.

Originally Posted by mysunnyboy

but honestly sir, i've read SCADA SOPs that are more interesting then your posts.

That wasn't exactly sending me hugs and kisses, now was it?

get out more, enjoy the fresh air, i don't think retirement agrees with ya.

I live on a rather large lake and unless the weather is foul my dogs and I walk the shoreline or walk in the woods every day, plus in warm weather we swim daily, sometimes more than once daily, and boat. I get in a round of golf now and then but thanks to an old back injury I cannot do that as much as I would like. Where I live I don't have what would be called close neighbors, but I do have a few and like I mentioned in an earlier message I was away from my computer for a few hours. My dogs and I walked the roughly quarter mile to my neighbor's and hung out with them a while.

I get out as much as I want or need.

You were somewhat accurate when you said you did not believe that retirement agrees with me ... or maybe me with it. I loved what I did and I was very good at it. But at times I feel like the old horse that was put out to pasture, that used to pull the fire wagon, but when it hears a bell ringing it still wants to run.


Well-Known Member
You were somewhat accurate when you said you did not believe that retirement agrees with me ... or maybe me with it. I loved what I did and I was very good at it. But at times I feel like the old horse that was put out to pasture, that used to pull the fire wagon, but when it hears a bell ringing it still wants to run.
Honest and wrenching.
Why have you seized on this thread?
Vast mind is the key.

Everyone, have an awesome night. Peace!