America can be a wonderful place. We set up an excellent framework in our constitution. We find ourselves where we are today because of 2 reasons.
1 - 9/11. The neo-conservatives happen to be in power when this occurs, and the patriot act is passed. I am not brining up any 9.11 conspiracies, but the fact remains that this act was passed only because of Americas fear from 9.11. The original patriot act was far less invasive into our rights, and was agreed upon by the senate, THEN drastically changed at 4am the day of the vote. The new version was crafted by John Ashcroft, and Alberto Gonzoles. (now both confirmed douchebags)
2- Corporate take over of all aspects of our needs.
Think about it. your food is grown in a poor country and the farmers are paid squat, they use tons of pesticides and destroy natural environment, causing birth defects and cancer among poor farmers. This food is shipped across the globe, burning tons of carbon, and then when it comes to the US, is sold in a handful of national chains. These companies all pay poorly, Walmart, for example, is referring their full time employees to welfare because they still cannot make the bills. End result, a few ppl on top come out great, and the bulk of the workers are dying off from lack of health care. The government assists with this process by removing trade barriers piece by piece, and are bought off through campaign contributions. There is a term for when our democracy is eroded by this process, its called COOPERATE FASCISM .
So, What do we do? buy local, support your local farmer, and keep your money in the community. Also, protest like hell when the bush admin tries to peek more and more into our lives. O by the way, bush says he can open your postal mail, how do you feel about that? Is that the America you dream of?