Tahoe OG in Dual Monster Plant System (Scrog Edition)


Well-Known Member
Ahh that was it? The Tahoe looks like it would be an easy trim. Got a high bud ratio.
Yes. Excellent bud/leaf ratio. Nothing beats a good clone.

Stoned monkey that I am, I forgot to account for the extended dark period to deactivate the remaining chlorophyll. I just turned the light and ac timers off. They'll get an extended dark period tonight, and harvest will begin tomorrow morning. Who says I can't wait until Christmas morning to open my presents?

If this harvest turns out as easy as I think it's gonna be, I might even have time to shoot a few short vid clips.


Well-Known Member
very easy to trim my outdoor tahoe gave me like 6 ounces that took like 45min for me and my buddy to trim!
I believe it. The two practice branches I did were so easy and fun, I was hungry to do more. That's unusual for me. I hate trimming bud.


Well-Known Member
So what's your opinion on this Christmas classic? Does it promote a positive message? Or are there holes in the story?


Active Member
So what's your opinion on this Christmas classic? Does it promote a positive message? Or are there holes in the story?
I think it's a great tribute to claymation. Happy holidays broseph :)


Well-Known Member
The recent spat I had with two "long time buddies" was pretty ugly and I regret that it is the shit smeared on the otherwise pristine, flame-free walls that are the Dual Monster Plant System Journal. In all honesty, I hold no grudges. I'm in too great a mood. It's the holidays, I'm off from work, and all I have planned is smoking up this last 5 grams of shop weed while I wait for my harvest to dry...

And a huge shout out to my journal readers... vocal and silent. I hope you'll find it in your hearts to forgive me for letting out my ugly side here. I fully realize that I'm just as much to blame for bad behavior as anyone else. I at least realize that much. And that's half the battle, right? Well that's what they say in all the twelve step groups... or so I'm told. I'm really gonna make an effort to keep from making all this website stuff just talk.
Props man.

Merry Christmas.

And that's GI Joe bro, not AA, lol.


Well-Known Member
So last night round midnight or so, I decided to get started.

Hello, Ladies.

I love a woman that pours out of her outfit.

So on to the task at hand. One more last look at you, my lovely. Ready for a trim?


If your clippers don't look like this on harvest day, you didn't do it right.



This is what madness looks like.

Kief fodder. It's gonna fuckin' snow on my bowls. Just in case the bud isn't potent enough by itself... Yeah, right.

Do you like my new modern art piece? I call it "Deer Caught on Fence."

Dare me to smoke this? Carpet fibers and all? I will...

Hoo boy! I guess that wraps up another grow, Kids! In closing I'll say that this looks nothing like my Diablo harvest. But since I achieved excellent uniform density (even the lower buds were thudding on the tub when I dropped them), I do believe it's a higher quality yield all around. As heavy? I doubt it. But again, the increase in quality makes up for anything. This weed smells incredible. Buds are hard as rocks, even the small bottom ones. Pat, pat, pat... That's me patting myself on the back. Stinkiest one to date. Now the fun part of watching them dry...

Last time with Diablo:

This time with Tahoe. (Hey, I'm not thrilled about this visual comparison either, but don't let what you see on the surface fool you too much. First off, that's almost a pound of weed in the above photo, so it's a tough comparison for Tahoe. But secondly and most importantly, the almost a pound in the above photo is bloated muscle chicken... so it's not the best Diablo can be -- because I artificially pumped up the yield.) The difference? The Diablo got a mixed reception at the clubs. This here Tahoe is a much lower yielder, but it's the kind of shit that makes a little wet spot appear on the pants of club managers (note the superior trichomes of the Tahoe even from a distance). And also bear in mind that I made a conscious effort to nute them mildly this time to prevent changing the plant's true characteristics... resulting in smaller plants and a smaller yield. I expected sacrificing yield significantly for quality, so this isn't a surprise. I'll compensate by starting another two straight away.

So the moral of this story is... Guys who go around barking things like, "a pound a light" aren't taking strain difference into consideration. If I grew a strain like Big Bud or ICE, I would yield more than a pound for example. True OG is difficult to grow, stretches lanky and is a stingy yielder. That's why it's so damned expensive. And try going into LA shops with jars and jars of Black Domina or something? You won't get very far. Edit: Ready to blow your fucking brains out on some of this, Cheeze?


Well-Known Member
MERRY CHRISTMAS LORDJIN and everyone else here!
Yes! I made it. I finished and I'm still alive and sane... sorta.

Thank you! Merry Christmas to you, too.

Hey Jin do you think Cali connect tahoe or the new pure tahoe could be anything close to the tahoe cut?
I doubt it, but 323cheezy knows more about it.

Props man.

Merry Christmas.

And that's GI Joe bro, not AA, lol.
Ha ha. Merry, Christmas.


Well-Known Member
Great looking harvest √ Hope you had a great christmas √
Thank you! My Christmas was awesome. I got so high during harvest, when it was done, I slept for 12 hours straight... just like in Pineapple Express. LOL.

My lower back and butt are sore, but my hands and fingers are fine thanks to my trusty spring-loaded clippers. Love these things. Looks like they're pretty standard issue among growers.

I don't use a grinder. These clippers are my grinder. So in addition to rocking through four harvests, this thing has ground up tons and tons of dense OG bud. Sharp as the day I bought it.


Well-Known Member

This is some of the smoothest blade hash I've tasted. That hashy bite isn't nearly as harsh as some other scissor scrapings I've smoked. Really nice high too. Gonna go to Starbuck's now.

I think it's because I let it dry overnight too. I swear this could pass for good hash. It tastes better than lotsa actual hash I've smoked!

It's also the most blade hash I've ever gotten from a harvest. Scraped and smoked two huge bowls during harvest, mixed another medium sized ball with Titanium OG, and I still have a huge bowl left after smoking that wake and bake. These plants produced more scissor hash than much larger OG plants I've harvested.


Well-Known Member
I guess I won't have much to report on while my bud dries, but here's what I got planned.

She's served me through six grows. Wow. It's time to cut a new lid. I've been putting it off too long.

A note to 323cheezy: The plan moves forward as I described earlier. In about a week or so after these have dried, I'll need you to come over with two new clones. I should have the new tub prepped by then. And this time I'm going to sterilize the entire cab.


Well-Known Member
Hey jin ...u know im working on it....
I know u wouldnt mind having a couple more tahoes....
But it would be more interesting ....for the viewers to seee something new...
Not to worry ....ill try and get something on that level....
Would u mind two different strains.... that grow about trhe same...???
I guess ill just bring 4 or 5 this time ...and u can choose yourself....

One thing ....if u dont already know... its hella dry out ... make sure your buds dont dry out to fast ....
I love the sticky factor.... ever wonder how some premo buds are still kinda wet to touch... and still taste good like they were dried perfectly...???? Without having them mold ... i always wondered myself... since i trend to be a lil safe when drying buds...
Whats your rh ...right now?


Well-Known Member
Hope you had a Merry Christmas Jin & Juicer! Congrats on another beautiful harvest! Question, you actually sell your buds to the clubs instead of keeping it all for yourself?


Well-Known Member
Hey jin ...u know im working on it....
I know u wouldnt mind having a couple more tahoes....
But it would be more interesting ....for the viewers to seee something new...
Not to worry ....ill try and get something on that level....
Would u mind two different strains.... that grow about trhe same...???
I guess ill just bring 4 or 5 this time ...and u can choose yourself....

One thing ....if u dont already know... its hella dry out ... make sure your buds dont dry out to fast ....
I love the sticky factor.... ever wonder how some premo buds are still kinda wet to touch... and still taste good like they were dried perfectly...???? Without having them mold ... i always wondered myself... since i trend to be a lil safe when drying buds...
Whats your rh ...right now?
My rh is on the low side ranging from 30-35%. But don't worry about these drying out too much. They can't. They're so stiff with resin that they're like little oil balls on sticks. But I'm watchin 'em.

Wow, so excited. I can hardly wait to see what you bring. You'll be happy to smoke some of my Tahoe and take some home with you, too. :D


Well-Known Member
Hope you had a Merry Christmas Jin & Juicer! Congrats on another beautiful harvest! Question, you actually sell your buds to the clubs instead of keeping it all for yourself?
Thanks. Hoping you had a good one, too.

I usually have so much after harvest that it makes sense to vend some to soften the power bill. But these are a low yield strain of the utmost quality, so I may keep it all for my head this time.


Well-Known Member
Awesome possum !.... ill be over id imagine next year....2nd... 3rd...ill see watsup...
Boil some water bastard... i want them to be sticky as fuck..... Well atleast its not hot out...
If it was hot ... i like to keep mine around 50 to 60 rh...
But if its cold i dont mind ,like now... i try to keep them aroun 40 to 50 ...

Its really impossible to fuck them up now.....
Hopefully next grow you can put a heater or something when lights are off..or keep the temps a couple dgrees higher....... so u wont have to bust your ass using serenade...
Dont think that cold temps will make bud denser...its more imo a matter of keeping em cool ...not cold silly...Cold temps equal problems ..especially when lights off....
The temperature swing can leave cuts more vulnerable....
Will u promise me that boy??

edit ...okay okay ill leave it alone...Im sorry ....
do what u like... by all means....
I just wanna smoke that shit now...