Hawaii Growers

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
I could only sip the juice...
My gag reflexes were strong this night.. could not get past the thought of what I was about to eat :)
After you guys discussed it a few weeks ago I figured I would give it a try on this recent trip to Philippines..
I wouldn't eat that either :spew: I give you credit for sipping the juice!


Well-Known Member
I could only sip the juice...
My gag reflexes were strong this night.. could not get past the thought of what I was about to eat :)
After you guys discussed it a few weeks ago I figured I would give it a try on this recent trip to Philippines..
Lol! You are a brave man.

Trichy Bastard

Well-Known Member
My Fiance and I will be vacationing in Kapaa for our Honeymoon and wonder if anyone has any tips on where we could find some ganja while we're there to make our trip more enjoyable? :)
You'll probably be propositioned by some local kids if you look "cool". Just be careful you don't get scammed, especially of your glow in the dark white and the whole family is wearing matching Aloha shirts... ;)

I bet you'll have a great trip, Kauai is an amazing place for a vacation, I went often with my family growing up (originally from Cali), and still the memories are some of the best in my life.


Well-Known Member
Aloha Friends, Here’s what I’ve been working on, this was the blueberry and blackberry that went fuck-o in the Roots 707, and I have since switched up my soil with BlackGold with some added dolomite, perlite and Happy Frog Tomato Veg. For flowering I’m testing out Organicare Pure Bloom Granulars that’s been scratched into the first few inches of soil. So far I’ve been testing it on the KO Kush they’ve been flowering for just about two weeks, the flowers are starting to get frosty already….I’m kind of excited about the Organicare pure bloom.




Well-Known Member
I shamefully have to report that my seed hunting didn’t go as planned, To make a long story short we started smoking and we never got off the couch..lol


Well-Known Member
Here are my Clones hehehehe and a seed lol a special one some boy in Hawaii gave me LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Got tons more on my thread hehehe ;)



Well-Known Member
I stepped up my veg station today....I bought a 4 lamp Sun System (Sun Blaze) T5, I got tired of watching my plants burn up in the sun, hopefully the t5 will help harden off my plants once they go outside to flower.