National Defense Authorization Act? Is this serious?


Well-Known Member
I just read that last month a new act passed called
"The National Defense Authorization Act",
authorizes the military to detain American citizens indefinitely without giving them their Constitutional rights. Basically, if the military suspects that an American citizen has terrorist ties it can just throw them in military jail without the rights, an attorney or just about anything.

Is this a joke or something from the Onion?



Well-Known Member
I would say your last three words sum it up.

but really, do you think they need to pass some Act to do what they want? You do realize, only about 18% of the people even approve of the job congress is doing. over 2/3rds of the country doesnt trust the gov at all. seems to me we have surpassed the numbers needed to scrap em, fire their asses and start over.

However, just think about that, trying to start over with the fucking mess that already is, there would never be an agreement on anything. I say its far better to fix what we have then to try and replace it with something new. Its actually as easy as removing lobbyists, and the corrupt fucking individuals running shit.


Well-Known Member
watch out vile, there are some people on here who get mad when you ask these questions...

anyways, i think it is total bullshit that obama first said he was going to veto then he flip flops and says he wont veto...

thanks for that right, lol

i would question what obami would do given another 4 years in the house... I dont want to know...

ron paul


Well-Known Member
It is not that bad now but it paves the way for a dictator to abuse this power and lock up everyone of his opponents.


Well-Known Member
watch out vile, there are some people on here who get mad when you ask these questions...

anyways, i think it is total bullshit that obama first said he was going to veto then he flip flops and says he wont veto...

thanks for that right, lol

i would question what obami would do given another 4 years in the house... I dont want to know...

ron paul
Speaking of Obama, remember when everyone was super excited when he got into office? The horrible 8 year rain of "W" was over! But now and almost 4 years later with Obama, I never thought I would say this, but I am starting to miss Bush...

I dont consider Republicans greater than Democrats or vice versa, I think both parties are one of the same and are not controlled, but persuaded by big companies to do their bidding.

I think the choice between only 2 real parties is laughable, even the Simpsons made fun of it during one of their halloween specials when they could only pick between 2 aliens...



Well-Known Member
Why don't we hear about these terrible things in Europe or elsewhere in the world? Why is it every bad nasty conspiracy will only happen in America?


Well-Known Member
Why don't we hear about these terrible things in Europe or elsewhere in the world? Why is it every bad nasty conspiracy will only happen in America?
Probably because America is falling into its worst state since the 1920s.

- Record unemployment
- Record dollar lows
- Record amount of people without medical coverage
- Record obesity

And the list goes on and on...


Well-Known Member
What I don't get is where they read this I have read and reread the bill a few times, and it really doesn't say that this is applicable to citizens. I'm not pro government power or anything like that but until I see where it actually says that citizens can be held the only thing I can think of is this is a smoke screen to keep the sheep busy so they don't pay attention to what is going on, and honestly it looks like its working. No offense meant to anyone.


Well-Known Member
Did you see the part their where they say it is up to the governments discretion? IT's in their keep looking. Even the ACLU is against this bill. Obomber signed it today by the way. Biden on the house floor said it out loud along with several other Reps. ' IT was for Americans. and if they ask for a lawyer tell them to shut the hellup they dont get one' His exact words.