12/12 cfl First Grow ever!


Well-Known Member
Hey Ale thanks I'll let you all know how the watering goes when I get back. The descending schedule is start out one week with 18/6 then each week decrease to 17/7, then 16/8, then 15/9 and so on until you get to 12/12.

ML it is not by far my theory at all. I am no expert with 12/12 either. Check out the 12/12 from seed thread in the general marijuana forum on here there are some great 12/12 grows on there. That is why I decided to use it.


tht descending schedule sound intersting i think im gonna try tht out and ive been reading these forums for the past three onths lol


Well-Known Member
Yeah I like the sound of it because it takes care of the whole "how long to veg" question and it transitions the plant into flowering more steadily instead of just flipping it. It should reduce the stress and shock. I've never done it but will on my next grow. I have like 25 seeds to work with so lots of trials and learning until I get a grow system I like.


Water problem solution...If your lights are on a timer just turn off a few leaving only one or two with two water spikes....should keep your plants watered and the growth will still be, just slower but still growing, you see? your soil stays at a even moisture level and your plant still has "sunlight" just less of it. think of it as a extremely slow cruise control. GL bongsmilie


Active Member
i understand that 12/12 might seem like a better option but trust me they def need the 18/6 for a few weeks... the only time i really see 12/12 is w autoflowering... my schedule typically runs them at 24/0 for about two weeks or until they have 2-3 sets of leaves... then ill switch to 18/6 for 4 weeks then 12/12 for the rest of the time... i def wanna try that descending light time that you are talking about... and as far as your pump and overwatering i guess that would just depend on how long the timer is set for running the pump... and im sure you could put some type of restriction on the end of the pump to prevent it from coming out to fast while its on... i can say this is one thing i love about aeroponics... as long as my res is clean and full i have at least 2 days of not worrying about anything but lights or my pH... good luck and looking forward to an update...


yeah thats what iw as thinking abot the transition in to flower maybe itll start the flower faster as it sees the lights are being off longer and longer so its kinda replacing the sunschedule in the summer aned fall cuz it doesnt just switch they become longer and longer by day and shorter and shorter by day so i really think that might benenfit the plants and i was thinking if i grew in a drier room wouldnt tht make my plant more resinous which would make it produce more thc??


Well-Known Member
Jagg I am using a 24/0 light schedule for a seedling now it is def growing faster than my plant that was on 12/12. I am interested in hydro and aero growing they seem a bit complicated right now for the grow area I have. I saw this Emily's garden hydro kit I might get to try it out.

Sooguy I like the idea of cutting back on some of the lights def makes sense. I ordered a gadget called a Tropf blumat but it is not too g to get here in time so I have to use this water spike I have. I'm worried about leaving an automatic pump running.


Active Member
I think I'm going to get a few myself Tik, just in case. Hopefully your order get's there before you leave


Well-Known Member
Check out my new little seedling. it had a hard time breaking ground and coming out of its shell. It has some funny looking leaves. This is a california Orange reg. seed. I've had alot of trouble germinating seeds. I use the wet paper towel in sealed ziploc bags technique. after tap roots shows it moved to soil mix. It takes my seed forever to pop a root then it takes forever for it to break the surface. Maybe i'm just too impatient. Here are the picks of the new girl (fingers crossed) and some of my big girl.



Well-Known Member
Merry Christmas RIU community. I am stressing being away from my girl for so long. Will update everyone after he new year. She should be really developed when I get back. I feel like a negligent parent leaving her alone like this.


Well-Known Member
Happy New Year RIU. Sorry so late. I've been on the road all day on my way back home. Will be back tomorrow, hopefully I get a chance to peak in on my girl before lights off.


Well-Known Member
So my girl pulled through without a hitch. She still looks good and green, and she got really bushy while i was away. I clipped one leaf to expose some lower buds. my little plant did ok. it is still alive, i thought it would be alot bigger though.

I also have this green stuff growing on my soil. Does anyone know what this is?



Well-Known Member
Why not start on 18/6... this is crucial for vegging and would help with your size as well... then switch to 12/12 for flowering... im also on my first grow... using aeroponics and cfl's... heres a pic of 3 colas on my first grow... im 2 weeks in to flowering after vegging on 18/6 for 4 weeks...
aeroponics first grow, i tip my hat to you.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Warped for the info on algae, was getting worried. I'm very happy my girl made it. This is day 70. 33 days flowering. How long, looking at my plant, would you say I have left to go?


Well-Known Member
Pulled my girl out for some close ups. Got some really good ones of her buds. She is getting more and more frosty by the day. Check her out and check out my little plant. The leaves are growing really funny compared to what i've seen on here. It is also about 26 days old, should it be bigger by now? It has 4 26watt CFLs on it, it is growing in a 50/50 mix MG organic and promix soil. I only have one grow space right now so it is on 12/12 like my other plant. If that is the reason for the slower growth i can live with that. Give me some feedback.


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Active Member
I was noticing your leaves too, and I had some like that myself before I started checking the pH of my tap water. It was right around 7.8, so a little high. I would check your pH. Now about how much time you have left.. well I'll guess it's an 8 week strain, indica dominant so 3 weeks to go..maybe a little longer. We're going to be really close on our chop date lol.
Now that smaller plant looks a little over watered to me. Make sure your soil dries out a little before you water. When I grow in soil I use my finger to check for moisture. Stick it in up to your second knuckle, if it's dry then water.. if not wait a day or 2. Is that small plant getting nutes yet?


Active Member
Tik glad to see your lady is doing great... as far as the little guy goes you need to get it somewhere where it can get 24 hour light... at least until you see the second node or 3-4 sets of fan leaves... light is really important early... and if you could get a bulb around 6500k that would help even better if not use what you have... another question i had was did you want these plants to force flower early? bc your light schedule def says so... i have 2 125 watt cfls(1-2700k, 1-6500k) and 4 26 watt cfls(2700k) all on one plant and i still want about 6 more bulbs... light is key...