Israel's cost to the American people estimated to be a staggering $2 trillion


Well-Known Member
While I do not doubt the pandering of government to get a vote, I have to disagree with you. Where else but have Israel have we had our foothold since the cold war? Who else do we know will do the dirty work of the us? Not think but know? This alliance is not a one way deal at all anyone with any sense would see that much. Among the other countries listed how many have sacrificed their young men to fight US proxy wars? How many have continued to back US policy even though that policy has now allowed all of this anti israeli sentiment? I respect most of you guys because you have valid points, do I think Israel should be on our list of aid states not really, but again how about all of these other nations? Why is nothing mentioned about them?


Well-Known Member
While I do not doubt the pandering of government to get a vote, I have to disagree with you. Where else but have Israel have we had our foothold since the cold war? Who else do we know will do the dirty work of the us? Not think but know? This alliance is not a one way deal at all anyone with any sense would see that much. Among the other countries listed how many have sacrificed their young men to fight US proxy wars? How many have continued to back US policy even though that policy has now allowed all of this anti israeli sentiment? I respect most of you guys because you have valid points, do I think Israel should be on our list of aid states not really, but again how about all of these other nations? Why is nothing mentioned about them?
Everything is said about them. Cut foreign aid to everybody. :) Happy?


Well-Known Member
Very, I just calls em like I sees em sir. I think all this aid is a joke when we have kids starving and living in cars at this point Fuck everbody we got to take care of us.


Well-Known Member
But on that note Israel really does not get that big a slice of the pie when compared to others not saying its cool just stating a fact ya dig?

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Very, I just calls em like I sees em sir. I think all this aid is a joke when we have kids starving and living in cars at this point Fuck everbody we got to take care of us.
That's because Americans have the American dream. But that's all it is for most, a dream. When we give to other countries, it's like some pride contest of who has the biggest dick. In the end, small dick can make just as much babies.

Then there's the whole disdain for people who use food stamps, TANF, WIC, etc. There was this one guy who told my wife to pop out a few more kids so she could apply for more food stamps. My wife wasn't even using a food stamp card. Yet that asshole assumed three kids means lazy. What if we did have food stamps, he needed to shut his mouth.


Well-Known Member
I pay out of every check I get so I can help my fellow citizens who are in a hard spot. The reason I do this is heaven forbid someday my world crumbles and I can't support my children I will have a saftey net. I think a lot of those who have these negative views are in for a really hard crash back to reality when its their job that gets cut or their home forclosed on. We as americans imo should help each other out, their is absolultly no reason why a child in the USA should ever be hungry none at all. We have become a very odd people as of late and I don't know if we will ever be as one again.


Well-Known Member
The best way to dodge people falling on hard times is for the Government to do its job...necessary law making, diplomacy and the general running of the economy (in a hands off, free market, Government JUST keeps its all rolling kinda way). In a sound economy you should have 100% employment with a multitude of vacancies for people changing job for whatever reason.

But trust me, setting up a welfare state is a bad choice...a certain temporary social security net is fine, people need a little help to get back on their feet sometimes, but a general social welfare for all system is way too open to abuse and promotes laziness and an "entitlement" attitude. We've made that mistake here.
There's a reason George Washington told us to be isolationist... Europe is too many different cultures in too small of an area. It works in America because we combine to form one diverse people, but splitting into all those smaller countries can't work. If the European Union becomes the equivalent to the US Federal government, and the countries as states, maybe, but even then it would eventually fail. The only real economic producers are Italy and Germany, the rest are using their money (Ex. Greece and their austerity measures and bailouts?)


Well-Known Member
That's because Americans have the American dream. But that's all it is for most, a dream. When we give to other countries, it's like some pride contest of who has the biggest dick. In the end, small dick can make just as much babies.

Then there's the whole disdain for people who use food stamps, TANF, WIC, etc. There was this one guy who told my wife to pop out a few more kids so she could apply for more food stamps. My wife wasn't even using a food stamp card. Yet that asshole assumed three kids means lazy. What if we did have food stamps, he needed to shut his mouth.
I think this guy who said that must not have kids. Because I have two a six yo and a two yo and I can say my wife is so busy with them she works harder than I do. Imo this whole class warfare thing is a damn shame. That guy probably listens to too much talk radio. Those are the kind that can't come to their own conclusions and they are to be pitied(not talk radio listeners but the ignorant who don't realize they are in the buissness of shock stories, its all about ratings and some tale it for gospel truth)
You guys do realize that the reason we the united states pay this money is so we have a foothold in the mideast right?.
The United States doesn't have a foothold in Israel. Do you see any American forces stationed there?

You also seem to forget the countless trillions we have spent on Africa and their aids epidemic.
When it comes to aid, each case must be taken on a case by case basis.

but you do realize that if the us was not there to stop it, as you all claim to want so badly, that at the first rocket attack Israel will roll in and wipe them out. I don't understand how you can want both and consider your point valid. As for israels leadership they have blood on their hands as well as all other leaders. Does this make them evil? How about the aid they send to palestine?
The United States, and more specifically the American taxpayer, is not responsible for Israel's security.

Or is that one of those inconvienient facts you just brush away as zionist lies? I am appalled by the blatant misinformation a few of you continue to try to pass off as truth. Shame on you for either being so ignorant to facts or so brainwashed by your crazy conspiracy theory floating heads.
It seems to me you're the one who's ignorant here.


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah? I'm sure to a fool sense seems folly. At the end of the day we built up Israel as our jumping off point for the Mideast during the cold war. We painted a target on their backs, and now you would like to see us abandon them? I would hate to be an ally of yours. I also like how you dogded the africa statement that was cute. And I'm the ignorant one? I am really not trying to be rude here mainly because you don't mean shit to me but do a little homework, and so you know there are other news sources than prison planet just sayin.


Active Member
Oh yeah? I'm sure to a fool sense seems folly. At the end of the day we built up Israel as our jumping off point for the Mideast during the cold war. We painted a target on their backs, and now you would like to see us abandon them? I would hate to be an ally of yours. I also like how you dogded the africa statement that was cute. And I'm the ignorant one? I am really not trying to be rude here mainly because you don't mean shit to me but do a little homework, and so you know there are other news sources than prison planet just sayin.
alliances for the sake of alliances leads you to WWI

why should we be allies with a terrorist state?


Well-Known Member
What are you talking about? Israel is not a terrorist state that's the most dense thing I've heard here. Just because you don't like something does not make it a terrorist state. In fact if you look at the real numbers Egypt got the same amount of aid and ally status. I just don't understand how you feel that way.
At the end of the day we built up Israel as our jumping off point for the Mideast during the cold war
That's crap. We built up Israel because the U.S. gov't is a lapdog for Israel.

We painted a target on their backs, and now you would like to see us abandon them? I would hate to be an ally of yours.
Yes. By all means cut them the hell loose. They've already cost the taxpayers enough already. Not to mention the worldwide scorn and condemnation that comes with the gov't's commitment to Israel, the increased risk of terrorist attack, etc... As an American taxpayer I don't feel any obligation or responsibility for Israel's security whatsoever.

I also like how you dogded the africa statement that was cute.
It has no bearing on the subject matter of this thread.

And I'm the ignorant one?
That's what I'm saying.


Well-Known Member
Oh I see. What is your evidence? How else should a country fight a group who wants their death? All feelings and in your case crazy ass zionist control thoughts put to the side, how would you say a country should defend itself? How would you?


Well-Known Member
Oh I see. What is your evidence? How else should a country fight a group who wants their death? All feelings and in your case crazy ass zionist control thoughts put to the side, how would you say a country should defend itself? How would you?
Wouldn't need to defend itself if it stopped randomly kicking the shite out it's neighbours...

Just sayin...


Well-Known Member
But let's say tomorrow Israel pulls out settlements,right now do you really think for a second that the Palestinians would just come to this great peace movement? I mean let's look past personal views and look at it as country A and people B. Let's look beyond that to the real issue the cost. In todays climate Israel is hosting a large scale military exercise. Including United State's soldiers. In this tense US-Iranian moments how is Israel doing anything other than painting a bullseye on their backs. If you think its all zionist world control I guess I see how this wouldn't make sense. I hope you know how really out there that is. It may sound good and juicy buy really look at it once if ya would.