Lace and Frills <3


Okay, I said I wanted to post this set of photos ages ago and I have so, nothing more to see. I'm not quite sure why someone would want to take a photo off of here and post it elsewhere, but you're right, they could.

As for guys here being old enough to be my dad, that didn't really cross my mind. Never had daddy, or any other guy for that matter, have anything nice to say about the way I look before; so I liked it and got carried away. I'm sorry.

Jadeey and BiBi can take over from here if they want. Bryon, it's ok, I don't want to make trouble again.

People got bored when I started talking about art history and fabrics anyway.

I've got a half ounce and a few blunt wraps saved over here; I'm off to make best use of them.

Sweety people are not bored with ur pics, quite the opposite, we just want to make sure ur safe, people are not being mean, only trying to help and protect u since ur so young, anyone near the age of 30 or older knows that u learn and grow so much in ur 20's, ur views and personality will change so much, just think about the pics u post, u can never take them back after u post them even if i delete them 4 u, people can snag them in an instant and do as they please and that is out of anyones control. If it's a pic u would not show ur grandma maybe u should not post it here, good rule to follow :) My grandma has seen me in a thong but i'm french lol ;)
My grandma likes the pinup stuff at least. I don't understand why someone here would take pictures of someone else. I keep getting upset and messing up the thread so someone needs to take over. I know my moods and self image are erratic, they always have been and they seem to drive everyone crazy, so sorry about that in particular.
Was gonna send a pm but your inbox is full. April and Matt's advice pretty much sum it up. Be careful on the internet, MOST people aren't considerate when they have no repercussions personally, be careful who you trust. The no-face-in-naughty-pics doesn't sound like a bad idea, I know I would be pretty annoyed if there was a pic of me floating around on some (gay?) porn site. I don't think you should stop posting, a lot of people enjoy the witty conversation you bring to this thread, and I don't think that would be easily replacable ;-). If you think it's in your best interest to stop posting completely though you should.
I'm a big fan of the Itty Bitty Titty Committee style

I support the flat chested alliance.

But who's taking kuroi's pics and putting them on gay porn sites?!
Well if your pix are on a gay site that makes you a fag hag LOL, Hummmmm don't know why that would be so bad at least you know they won't mess with you, well they might take your clothes, the bitches, as for you leaving, you will be missed. I hope the fleas of a thousand camels infest the crotch of the MF that caused you this grief.

and remember the Karma Truck is looking for people like that....

Peace, Love and Hare Krishna

Hi all,
I was the one who was told im old enough to be xKs Dad,im 40 yrs old.I only complimented xK on her looks and equisitness.
I am not here to make any problems and ive seen other people comment on xK without the offence,i guess being 40 isnt acceptable on here.
Any way whoever took a picture off here and posted it on a porn site should be strung up,police informed and banned.
I would personally snap them in half if i knew.
RIU and especially xK,i apologise for upsetting anyone..Matt Aprill and anyone else that thinks im too old,i apologise.
xK your great and growing up,keep your pictures because if someone posted one of you on a porn site,they will probably do it again,life has to have limitations because of the ignorance and greed....
Anyway,xK dont let people upset you,youve a great future.just be you and all will come to you....
Fuck being upset and thinking too much,this will pass ,so as hard as it feels,blank out everything,then when clarity returns,you will be free of negative thought!!
Puppets,he may well be Indonesian,ive been looking and its quite coarsely made so maybe hand made....its about 10yrs old i reckon cos its made from wood and not too rotten...i will find out......but she/he is thought provoking and ethnic central..............B.Only think Frilly.....B.
Buddha Webb, I don't see that you have a thing for which to apologize. Jmo. cn
<edit> The Karma Truck! (text reads: THE KARMA TRUCK IS COMING I know a few people I'd like to see under it)


Buda brother you have nothing to be apologetic for, however it does show you have Character and Style, things some people lack around here along with manners. xK likes older men, sorry all men/women and is not discriminatory in any way, except she is very fond of goats. Right Shan Shan.

Anyway Matt is jealous of your body and I guess feels threatened, he never called me an old man when I posted in his thread, Matt's a good guy. Matt don't be so rude to our friends or I'll get your sister to kick your ass. Besides if she liked older men, we would have hooked up long ago LOL, last guy who called me an old man really screwed up his hands on my head, he will never play piano.

So the moral of the story is don't insult older people that is a form of ELDER ABUSE April are you listening, my sweet

and anyone who has read the whole thread would know xK can handle herself quite well when it comes to men, hugs sweets and keep on being "U"

Uncle Woods
i like them a hand full thats the truth..
I always say go with what you got, variety is the spice of life,

I can't see myself saying sorry your boobs are too big or too small, I'm equal opportunity and I'll sort it out the next morning when I'm not wearing beer goggles


April out camping, nice axe :joint::mrgreen::joint::mrgreen::eyesmoke:
Buda brother you have nothing to be apologetic for, however it does show you have Character and Style, things some people lack around here along with manners. xK likes older men, sorry all men/women and is not discriminatory in any way, except she is very fond of goats. Right Shan Shan.

I'd like to imagine she's fond of at least one goat... I know there's at least one goat that is quite fond of her...
Thank you my friend,
I understand Matt being jealous of my body,,joke!!!! I know 99.9% of the people on here are cool and good hearted stoners..I never meant any jibe towards Matt,and im sure everyone wants whats best!!
Its just being called hurts.
xK is super popular for reasons obvious and not so,,,lets stop all the talk and make all the posting shit go away,all smoke one up,love one another,look after one another,and let live and be lived..
xK if you read this,your great,now lets smoke!!!!
Thanks for the kind words,i just thought people were infering i was being a dirty (old) man,,which i aint........................yet!............B

Buda brother you have nothing to be apologetic for, however it does show you have Character and Style, things some people lack around here along with manners. xK likes older men, sorry all men/women and is not discriminatory in any way, except she is very fond of goats. Right Shan Shan.

Anyway Matt is jealous of your body and I guess feels threatened, he never called me an old man when I posted in his thread, Matt's a good guy. Matt don't be so rude to our friends or I'll get your sister to kick your ass. Besides if she liked older men, we would have hooked up long ago LOL, last guy who called me an old man really screwed up his hands on my head, he will never play piano.

So the moral of the story is don't insult older people that is a form of ELDER ABUSE April are you listening, my sweet

and anyone who has read the whole thread would know xK can handle herself quite well when it comes to men, hugs sweets and keep on being "U"

Uncle Woods
Buda brother you have nothing to be apologetic for, however it does show you have Character and Style, things some people lack around here along with manners. xK likes older men, sorry all men/women and is not discriminatory in any way, except she is very fond of goats. Right Shan Shan.

Anyway Matt is jealous of your body and I guess feels threatened, he never called me an old man when I posted in his thread, Matt's a good guy. Matt don't be so rude to our friends or I'll get your sister to kick your ass. Besides if she liked older men, we would have hooked up long ago LOL, last guy who called me an old man really screwed up his hands on my head, he will never play piano.

So the moral of the story is don't insult older people that is a form of ELDER ABUSE April are you listening, my sweet

and anyone who has read the whole thread would know xK can handle herself quite well when it comes to men, hugs sweets and keep on being "U"

Uncle Woods

So it's best to encourage a young vulnerable women to remove her clothes and potentialy have her ass and face plastered all over the internet without her consent, I'm so confused about ur logic muffin, i know u guys like looking at her half naked, but just because U like it does not make it the best choice for a women her age. Considering all the facts she has made available i think Kuroi should keep her pants on and find real friends, not grown men who like her for her body :) That's just kinda nasty man, she's a mans daughter, not a women yet, i know 14 yr olds with her body type, are they ok to look at because they like older men looking? sorry but fail muffin, but i still luv u :) lmfao

And fuck blondie my axe is bigger ;)

Matt's not jealous he will have his hands all over me soon enough ;) hehehehehe
I think April raises a decent point about the kinds of pictures she's posted maybe being something she might regret down the road. On the flip side, when you get older and the hormones stop working so well.... you might be glad you have them to look back on. Just sayin. I know I wish I had more older pics of myself lol.
Hi all, I was the one who was told im old enough to be xKs Dad,im 40 yrs old.I only complimented xK on her looks and equisitness. I am not here to make any problems and ive seen other people comment on xK without the offence,i guess being 40 isnt acceptable on here. Any way whoever took a picture off here and posted it on a porn site should be strung up,police informed and banned. I would personally snap them in half if i knew. RIU and especially xK,i apologise for upsetting anyone..Matt Aprill and anyone else that thinks im too old,i apologise. xK your great and growing up,keep your pictures because if someone posted one of you on a porn site,they will probably do it again,life has to have limitations because of the ignorance and greed.... Anyway,xK dont let people upset you,youve a great future.just be you and all will come to you.... Fuck being upset and thinking too much,this will pass ,so as hard as it feels,blank out everything,then when clarity returns,you will be free of negative thought!! Puppets,he may well be Indonesian,ive been looking and its quite coarsely made so maybe hand made....its about 10yrs old i reckon cos its made from wood and not too rotten...i will find out......but she/he is thought provoking and ethnic central..............B.Only think Frilly.....B.
I'm quite sure a porn site, assuming it's not located in some weird country, could be contacted and asked to remove the picture or face a lawsuit. Or you could just serve them up a lawsuit straight up and they might pay you to go away.
Hummmm a wise man said never argue with a woman....

April I do agree with your advice, that I have no issue with. What I was trying to say was "if everyone here thinks there are no older people on here or should not be on here they can go fuck themselves"

I guess I was not clear, sorry for hiding the meaning in humor, I can be grumpy some times

Very admirable you watching out of us all Thank you I lost my moral compass, by the way if you check all my post you will find I have made it very clear I only have eyes for you, well there was this one time on my 3000 post but that will never happen again

as always your humble servant

Mr Footin Mouth

I'm taking my bong and going home....