Pickle Queen
Okay, I said I wanted to post this set of photos ages ago and I have so, nothing more to see. I'm not quite sure why someone would want to take a photo off of here and post it elsewhere, but you're right, they could.
As for guys here being old enough to be my dad, that didn't really cross my mind. Never had daddy, or any other guy for that matter, have anything nice to say about the way I look before; so I liked it and got carried away. I'm sorry.
Jadeey and BiBi can take over from here if they want. Bryon, it's ok, I don't want to make trouble again.
People got bored when I started talking about art history and fabrics anyway.
I've got a half ounce and a few blunt wraps saved over here; I'm off to make best use of them.
Sweety people are not bored with ur pics, quite the opposite, we just want to make sure ur safe, people are not being mean, only trying to help and protect u since ur so young, anyone near the age of 30 or older knows that u learn and grow so much in ur 20's, ur views and personality will change so much, just think about the pics u post, u can never take them back after u post them even if i delete them 4 u, people can snag them in an instant and do as they please and that is out of anyones control. If it's a pic u would not show ur grandma maybe u should not post it here, good rule to follow