Big ass fan leaves!


Well-Known Member
Head high420 post some pictures of that plant harvest time and what dry weight is and we will see who pulles more weight and better buds...Till then ...........Peace


Well-Known Member
there is always going to be debate over "defoliation" i remember on icmag there was 180 odd page discussion on it, I use it myself but not to the degree some of them guys do, it is strain dependent on results, if you have a few plants try it on one and see if there is a noticeable difference :)

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Head high420 post some pictures of that plant harvest time and what dry weight is and we will see who pulles more weight and better buds...Till then ...........Peace
Yeah, that's what I'm saying. It makes absolutely no sense and goes against biology to remove any fans. I have seen the results of when a friend of mine did just that. "Somebody online" told him to do it. He ended up with just over an ounce and a half out of 12 plants. This I just gotta see.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, that's what I'm saying. It makes absolutely no sense and goes against biology to remove any fans. I have seen the results of when a friend of mine did just that. "Somebody online" told him to do it. He ended up with just over an ounce and a half out of 12 plants. This I just gotta see.
So does topping/fimming/supercropping/lollypopping/air pruning roots/hydroponics/aeroponics/18 or 24 hour lighting then just 12/12?

As for 1.5 ounces for 12 plants, my god did he use 45w cfl to flower?
Removing too many leaves can stunt the growth of a plant, it's obvious some strains don't like it, some strains flourish I would never recommend this technique on a whole grow unless they have previously tried it out on a test plant of the same strain.


Head high420 post some pictures of that plant harvest time and what dry weight is and we will see who pulles more weight and better buds...Till then ...........Peace
I will do... it does work well as I have done it both ways..

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
I will do... it does work well as I have done it both ways..

And I'm not saying it won't work, Just that I'll have to SEE that one for myself. Dude who chopped his fans had a 600w HPS over them. And even if it DOES somehow work, I think throwing that kind of info out there for a newbie to read will cause more harm than good. All a newbie is gonna see is "cut the fans", not the lengthy explanation that follows that info.
I cannot state definitively that it doesn't work, as I have never personally done it. But I did try to nurse dudes plants back to some sort of a normal state and never could get them to come back!! I hope you prove me wrong.


Well-Known Member
Just to support the cuttin fan leaves clan feast your eyes on the link im gonna throw up zhey did nt av any fan leaves from 4th week of flower give me a min

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Jack not tryin to rub any1s nose in it but ill let the pictures do the talkin

done right and you can gaim weight instead of losing !!
Like I said, I'd like to be proven wrong!!! But I'd like to see a side by side on a level playing field.

These are the kind of buds you can get without cutting off the food supply. These are my JH, 7 weeks in, and it's a 12 week strain.

BTW, that is impressive. I would have never guessed that it would be possible. I just wonder how much MORE could have been had if they didn't give the plant a gastric by-pass?


Jack not tryin to rub any1s nose in it but ill let the pictures do the talkin

done right and you can gaim weight instead of losing !!
About time someone who knows WTF I am talking about... they have no clew that the colas act just like fan leafs and take in C02 just the same..... Thanks for the post of your bad ass plants. Looking nice.


Like I said, I'd like to be proven wrong!!! But I'd like to see a side by side on a level playing field.

These are the kind of buds you can get without cutting off the food supply. These are my JH, 7 weeks in, and it's a 12 week strain.

And once again you are not cutting off the food supply just by cutting the fan leafs off once the plants are a certain size... do more reading up on this my friend.. I had buds just as big on my last grow without fan leafs just the same... it all maters on the nutts and the amount of C02 you supply them. Colas take in the food just the same if not better then the fan leafs.. and when you cut them off you do promote bigger colas if done the right way. and feed them molasses for weight and thicker colas. I have done grows and have also compared side by side the first time I decided to cut off my fan leafs cause just like you my first time doing it I was ifffyy about how it was going to turn out. But it works great I go just as much buds if not more from the plants without the fan leafs then the one with them. they were grown under the same conditions so I did my own testing on this and it does work great. When I find my first grow journal with both plants with and without fan leafs I will post you a side by side so you can see them for yourself.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
It's not about the CO2 intake so much as it's about the photosynthesis. You cant make bricks without cement! (or whatever the hell they make bricks out of!!) And like I said, I stand corrected. That is one hell of a lot more than my buddy got. I'd just like to see a side by side done on a level playing field, same strain, same nutes & media, same lights by the same grower, then compare yields.
MY whole point with that throwing out the whole "chop the fans" thing is that newbies almost never read the entire post. They'll see pics of large buds, and "chop the fans". It can cause more harm than good for someone with little to no experience growing.


And I'm not saying it won't work, Just that I'll have to SEE that one for myself. Dude who chopped his fans had a 600w HPS over them. And even if it DOES somehow work, I think throwing that kind of info out there for a newbie to read will cause more harm than good. All a newbie is gonna see is "cut the fans", not the lengthy explanation that follows that info.
I cannot state definitively that it doesn't work, as I have never personally done it. But I did try to nurse dudes plants back to some sort of a normal state and never could get them to come back!! I hope you prove me wrong.

The trick is to cut off about half of them then a few days later cut more of them off so you don't stress or shock the plant. Think of them as growing in the wild and all the dear and rabbits that eat the leafs but yet the plan still grows. Don't just cut them all off at once but over a weeks time you can safely remove the fave leafs once they are under 12/12 lighting and the buds have to start showing as well before you remove all the leafs or you will kill the plant for sure..

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
See, that's what I'm talking about. It works for you (obviously), but there is a proper way that you do it. Problem here is that I'm sure my buddy got on some site, most probably this one, and saw a thread on cutting fans. probably didn't read the fine print and just went in and cut off the fans in one swell foop. I see what you have done, and can't argue with it, but I will never do it. I'm happy as hell with the yields I get, now if you can show me that I'd get more than I do now, I'm all ears!!!


Head high420 post some pictures of that plant harvest time and what dry weight is and we will see who pulles more weight and better buds...Till then ...........Peace
remember my buds look small now cause they have only been under 12/12 for about 7 days. So there is still a lot more growth to come. I will post you updates weekly so you can see the progress.


Active Member
U know head high, thats wat I did. I cut off about 30% of the fan leaves betwween 4-6weeks of Veg. And Now that the plant is growing out instead of up. The leaves are being pushed down and damaged because it is outgrowing the width of the room. So instead of haveing damaged fan leaves I will cut them off. 1 plant, 1 light, that is creed. No worries. I bought this starter plant 1' tall from a dispensary. Everything but the fertilizer was given to me. I use Sensi-Grow and Bloom made by Advanced nutrients. Oh yea I didnt flush out the Veg nutes and went straight to bloom. How about if I water it once without nutes. I wish I could figure out how to post a video. It seems to go private.


U know head high, thats wat I did. I cut off about 30% of the fan leaves betwween 4-6weeks of Veg. And Now that the plant is growing out instead of up. The leaves are being pushed down and damaged because it is outgrowing the width of the room. So instead of haveing damaged fan leaves I will cut them off. 1 plant, 1 light, that is creed. No worries. I bought this starter plant 1' tall from a dispensary. Everything but the fertilizer was given to me. I use Sensi-Grow and Bloom made by Advanced nutrients. Oh yea I didnt flush out the Veg nutes and went straight to bloom. How about if I water it once without nutes. I wish I could figure out how to post a video. It seems to go private.
you can water it just fine with out nutts otherwise known as flushing. you don't want to add nutts every time you water the plant. Just make sure you check the PH of course before watering. If you stop by a Walmart the distilled water they sale by the gallon for about .80 cents is exactly 6.0 PH and you don't have to do a thing to it but feed it to the plant. Follow the feedings from this link and you will get a good idea of when you give them nutts and when to give them straight water. also when they start to flower if you want sweet tasting smoke add honey or molasses to the water when feeding. The colas will love you for it. I also lightly pinch up and down the stock of the plant to make the stock thicker and stronger when it heals itself. If you look at the stocks on the two plants I posted you will see how fat they are and they were that fat sense they were half that size. Also save your egg shells and crush them up and mix them in with your soil every now and then. This gives the plant a good source of calcium witch also makes for a stronger plant. If you have a few extra bucks buy a cheap red party light and have it turn on with your normal light setup as well when they start to flower. Remember the number one rule is the plant is a weed and you should treat it as so... Don't play with it to much or touch it to much. do the work you need to do to it then let it grow like a weed. Cut any growth off of the bottom of the plant as well as that usually will die off later in time so it's best to just remove it all as soon at you can. If you plan to cut the fan leafs don't remove them all at once or you will stress your plant to death. Take a quarter of them off one week then another quarter the next week and so on. I would recommend you cut them fan leafs when the lights are set to come on so it gives it time to heal itself. Hope this helps a little and happy growing.. Good luck to you let me know if I can help with anything else. MAKE SURE YOU DON'T REMOVE MOST OF THE FAN LEAFS UNTIL IT STARTS TO FLOWER or you can do more damage then good to the plant.


U know head high, thats wat I did. I cut off about 30% of the fan leaves betwween 4-6weeks of Veg. And Now that the plant is growing out instead of up. The leaves are being pushed down and damaged because it is outgrowing the width of the room. So instead of haveing damaged fan leaves I will cut them off. 1 plant, 1 light, that is creed. No worries. I bought this starter plant 1' tall from a dispensary. Everything but the fertilizer was given to me. I use Sensi-Grow and Bloom made by Advanced nutrients. Oh yea I didnt flush out the Veg nutes and went straight to bloom. How about if I water it once without nutes. I wish I could figure out how to post a video. It seems to go private.

it will cause it to bush out more for sure. If you want it to be taller a good trick is to move your light a little higher away from your plant and it will force it to stretch upward. I use 4300 and 4800 lum CFL's that put off no heat at all. You can have them lights on for 24 hours and they will still be cool to the touch. Keeps the cops from finding you on flir if you are growing somewhere you should not be. just take your time and don't rush it cause you only have one plant. bellow is a pic of one of my mother plants that I super cropped and then some clones I was making for some friends. The gray you see on the plants is not mold it is bat guano mixed with water that gets sprayed on the plants twice a day and they love it...



I will post more up to date pictures when my lights kick on in a few hours. Those CFLs are about 15 bucks at your local home depot or hardware store. Believe it or not everything I bought for this grow cost me less the $75. bucks and those lights last forever. This is my fourth grow with those CFL's.


It's not about the CO2 intake so much as it's about the photosynthesis. You cant make bricks without cement! (or whatever the hell they make bricks out of!!) And like I said, I stand corrected. That is one hell of a lot more than my buddy got. I'd just like to see a side by side done on a level playing field, same strain, same nutes & media, same lights by the same grower, then compare yields.
MY whole point with that throwing out the whole "chop the fans" thing is that newbies almost never read the entire post. They'll see pics of large buds, and "chop the fans". It can cause more harm than good for someone with little to no experience growing.

That would be there fault if they don't read the full post and kill of there plants. Live and learn & I bet the next time they will learn to read the full post before trying to play doctor to plants they know nothing about. Why get on a forum to learn how to grow if you are not going to follow the full post. Even after reading a post I still do further research before making up my mind to believe what I read in any forum.