• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Christianity has been debunked once and for all

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Well-Known Member
While I have my own issues with the Christian religion, I'll second what Zenmaster said. It's sad that so many religious and non religious entities have turned to what is essentially mudslinging in an effort to convert others to their point of view.

Also, personal rant: The US was founded on RELIGIOUS FREEDOM! Not Christianity. While some of the founding fathers (certainly not near all of them) may have been Christians, many were not, and they wanted to create a country where all religions were tolerated.


Well-Known Member
I read the piece and felt that it more than lives up to its title. Obviously Christians won't like it, but it clearly raises valid issues, makes very valid points.


Well-Known Member
After reading that abortion of an editorial, i took the liberty of perusing a few of the other articles attributed to the "Unintimidated Press." The entire shoddy publication, if it can even be referred to as such, is a juvenile amalgamation of repetition and finger pointing based in illogical reasoning and, seemingly, the inability to put a stopper in stupidity. It offended my sensibilities as an educated person as well as a human being, and it is my personal opinion that the contributors should be gassed like the apes they present themselves to be.


Well-Known Member
now i know that the article was a bit unsophisticated and tended to dwell on some rather petty points of logic, but that is precisely the point. religious belief depends entirely on a total denial of logic, at least a severe warping of any logic i am acquainted with. the very fact that the fate of one's immortal soul hangs on the ability to suspend disbelief seems to fly in the face of man's greatest gift, the ability to reason. i don't know that i'd call it mudslinging or even a real attempt to change anyone's mind, it seems more a simple statement and denial of one of the many mythologies that are tearing humanity apart.

i think i'll take a trip to ihop.


Well-Known Member
The piece clearly lives up to its title. Ultimately all it is is just a collection of simple facts. To those who have trashed it, I say be specific. Is there anything in it that you would care to dispute? Because ultimately that's the only thing that matters. Not whether people like the piece or not but whether they can dispute anything that's in it. Any takers?


Well-Known Member
the waffles were soggy, my eggs were runny and the coffee was as disgusting as usual.
.....Any takers?
the article's greatest fault is in its title. the concept behind most religion is the existence of an all-powerful deity, the mind of which no man could possibly understand. to attribute human reasoning to such a creature is an exercise in futility. there is always the fall back position that god's design is too complex for us to comprehend and that the decisions made were always in the best interests of humanity. when faced with the illogic of their faith a believer will usually end up citing the illusion of free will as the ultimate answer for why god is not more informative in his communications with us mere mortals, as if there were some holy version of the federation's prime directive. logic is no defense against the power of blind belief.

now, where should i go for lunch. today is my day to be very lazy and make a nuisance of myself on the boards.


Well-Known Member
The entire work is hardly worth a response aside from shame that someone so bigoted and foolish as the author is a fellow human, and yet somehow i feel up to the challenge. Look for the update tomorrow, it'll be rather lengthy i imagine.


Well-Known Member
I just want to implore people to make up their own mind about the piece. A lot of the people who will judge it are Christians. Christians believe that every word of the Bible is true so therefore none of it can be questioned. It's impossible for those people to go in with an unbiased mind. That's why it's critical for people to make up their own mind.


Well-Known Member
The title of the piece was probably not well-advised.

How do you 'debunk' religious faith? Contradictions, historical inaccuracies, scientific rejoinders, rigorous philosophical examination of laws and commandments, etc. may perturb the faithful but are unlikely to cause them to set aside their most deeply held convictions.

The 'essay' is preaching to the choir. As it were. It's more or less as ideological as any religious dogma.


Well-Known Member
The most true statement in that whole rant was the last sentence....decisions about religion should be made as adults, not by brainwashed children.

After they become adults if they decide at that point in time that they want to become delusional then that's their prerogative.


Well-Known Member
This one has been blistering-up the Internet. Christianity has been debunked once and for all:

The final debunking of Christianity

wow, ok. at first the article made a valid point about ppl shoveling religion down other ppls throats. im Christain and i also believe that everyone is entitled to their own beliefs. however, then you started to go into a rant about why you don't believe in christanity, and baicly calling christians morons for believing in god and jesus christ, and thats what im going to talk about now.

first and foremost you forget to realize that god is GOD, not a human, not a mortal, he is GOD so in jew-christian belief, he can do anything. and there is no time limit or any fault to his power. Secondly i do believe Jesus was the son of god because in the bible it says we are ALL gods children so by thecnicality he was the son of god. and even if he was just a normal person, its not the whole powers of a god thing but the morals and princibles he taught us is why we praise him. he taught us to love our fellow man and be good to each other. so even if he was muslim, hindu or athiest, i'd honor that man because of the way he was. Judging by your article I assume your not christian, so i don't expect you to understand. thirdly I have to say that nobody that is alive today was there 2000 years ago so nobody knows what happend, so you can't say what Jesus did or did not do.the man lived 34 years, im sure that not everything he said was in the bible. and also about the Devil, if you did your research you would know that the Imgage of the devil thats red and horns, is the imagination of early humans. the origan satan is a fallen angel, who was said to be the most beautiful angel in heaven. so why would Satan look like a monster? And with the whole dinosaur thing, the first man Named adam, wassent on earth persay, he was in the garden of eden, a isolated topia made just for him. and in genisis god told adam that he would only die if he ate the forbidden fruit. so whoes to say how long the man lived in eden befor he ate the fruit. dinosaurs could of lived and died out befor he ate the fruit. but nobody knows cuz we were not there. all im saying is you talk about Christian logic, but your logic lacks stability aswell. as an american i feel that the religious system in our government is just fine because this country was BUILT on the belief of god, so it should remain the way it is. to change that you would be changing the consititution and the rights of millions of americans and the purpose in which so many ppl have died to secure durring the revoulutionary war. thats like me going to Iraq and saying "yo i don't believe in you guy's religion, and i don't think its right your saying praise Alah all the time, so i think you should stop it". Every country has its Main religion and language, and to stop that would be highly immoral. i believe amarica should stay the way it is and let ppl who don't practice christanity practice their own religion if they wanted to. I also believe that we should keep state and religion seprate because there are so many kinds of religions in public schools and its not fair to alot of ppl to be praying in a school where some ppl might not believe in the same god.

im just going to leave you with this seeing how i made my peace. Seeing isent believing, Believing is seeing. and everyone is entitled to their own beliefs, even you. you talk about christains pushing their beliefs on other ppl, but by ranting about how much bullshit christainity is, you pretty much did the same thing as the ppl you dispize so much. Also you said Christians as in ALL christians push religion on ppl but I havent nor will i ever try to force somebody to believe in god. so keep that in mind the next time you rant about somthing.


Well-Known Member
I just want to implore people to make up their own mind about the piece. A lot of the people who will judge it are Christians. Christians believe that every word of the Bible is true so therefore none of it can be questioned. It's impossible for those people to go in with an unbiased mind. That's why it's critical for people to make up their own mind.
why do some ppl who are not christains think that all christians are the same? are all ppl the same? it cracks me up sterotyping at its finest. alot of ppl, if not all ppl question the bible at one point in their life, espicially growing up. and as you get older you come up with your own interpretation on the subject. i believe in god, and in jesus and i try to live and serve god the best way i can, but that dosnt mean i don't question some things in the bible.


Well-Known Member
The person who wrote that article has obviously never taken any logic or philosophy courses. Many of the arguments in it were written with a child-like understanding of the world. The religious world stands unshaken.


Well-Known Member
First, Cannabolic, I'm not the one who wrote the piece. Wish I was, but I'm not.

Second, shamegame, apparently when you read the piece you missed that the author relies on facts to make his points, not logic or philosophy. For instance, some of the facts noted, but not limited to, are:

Fact: Everything we know about Jesus is hearsay
Fact: Jesus didn't exhibit any knowledge of the natural world
Fact: Hindis, Muslims and Budhists don't believe Jesus was the son of God
Fact: The Christian god would have to cast judgment on people at the rate of almost two people per second
Fact: The Christian god cannot make himself visible in the here and now, in realtime, for everyone's eyes to see
Fact: The only evidence for the Christian god is supposedly some people who thousands of years ago supposedly heard a voice.

No logic or philosophy needed!


New Member
wow, ok. at first the article made a valid point about ppl shoveling religion down other ppls throats. im Christain and i also believe that everyone is entitled to their own beliefs. however, then you started to go into a rant about why you don't believe in christanity, and baicly calling christians morons for believing in god and jesus christ, and thats what im going to talk about now.

first and foremost you forget to realize that god is GOD, not a human, not a mortal, he is GOD so in jew-christian belief, he can do anything. and there is no time limit or any fault to his power. Secondly i do believe Jesus was the son of god because in the bible it says we are ALL gods children so by thecnicality he was the son of god. and even if he was just a normal person, its not the whole powers of a god thing but the morals and princibles he taught us is why we praise him. he taught us to love our fellow man and be good to each other. so even if he was muslim, hindu or athiest, i'd honor that man because of the way he was. Judging by your article I assume your not christian, so i don't expect you to understand. thirdly I have to say that nobody that is alive today was there 2000 years ago so nobody knows what happend, so you can't say what Jesus did or did not do.the man lived 34 years, im sure that not everything he said was in the bible. and also about the Devil, if you did your research you would know that the Imgage of the devil thats red and horns, is the imagination of early humans. the origan satan is a fallen angel, who was said to be the most beautiful angel in heaven. so why would Satan look like a monster? And with the whole dinosaur thing, the first man Named adam, wassent on earth persay, he was in the garden of eden, a isolated topia made just for him. and in genisis god told adam that he would only die if he ate the forbidden fruit. so whoes to say how long the man lived in eden befor he ate the fruit. dinosaurs could of lived and died out befor he ate the fruit. but nobody knows cuz we were not there. all im saying is you talk about Christian logic, but your logic lacks stability aswell. as an american i feel that the religious system in our government is just fine because this country was BUILT on the belief of god, so it should remain the way it is. to change that you would be changing the consititution and the rights of millions of americans and the purpose in which so many ppl have died to secure durring the revoulutionary war. thats like me going to Iraq and saying "yo i don't believe in you guy's religion, and i don't think its right your saying praise Alah all the time, so i think you should stop it". Every country has its Main religion and language, and to stop that would be highly immoral. i believe amarica should stay the way it is and let ppl who don't practice christanity practice their own religion if they wanted to. I also believe that we should keep state and religion seprate because there are so many kinds of religions in public schools and its not fair to alot of ppl to be praying in a school where some ppl might not believe in the same god.

im just going to leave you with this seeing how i made my peace. Seeing isent believing, Believing is seeing. and everyone is entitled to their own beliefs, even you. you talk about christains pushing their beliefs on other ppl, but by ranting about how much bullshit christainity is, you pretty much did the same thing as the ppl you dispize so much. Also you said Christians as in ALL christians push religion on ppl but I havent nor will i ever try to force somebody to believe in god. so keep that in mind the next time you rant about somthing.
You need to get high bro.
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