Well-Known Member
im sorry i have to chime in here.. fuck that bullshit....kinda like the alien kush that went for 1500.. its lil logic tryn to bid it up.. crooked lil kid... second who would pay that much for reworked genetics,... shit you want real alien i still have the original seeds from Obsoul33t... 16k for seeds.. shit im sure for that price OBS would sell original Alien genetics....not new alien kush hybrids... dam makes me want to put out the aliens again to calm the market....what do you guys think alien kush, alien dog, grass knuckles, alien 4, and others?? for way cheaper....
do it. but if you do it, don't charge something stupid or it will be a waste of time. because seriously if you dropped some CC Alien gear and it was marked at the same price as the other CC gear, that shit will fly off the shelves, strictly because of all the hype and bullshit surrounding those retardedly outrageous auctions going on at the farm... it's going to make less retarded people (like myself) easily drop 100-125 on a 10pack of your alien gear, if for no other reason than to check it out.
and i <3 my tahoe mom i got from ya.
good luck with the project, i do hope you decide to re-release some of those Alien crosses