I assume you are agreeing with me, so I'm gonna respond. All those figures can be halved, because I could easily double my production without doubling my costs. But then, I'd not be in compliance with anything in a legal state. My costs are based on utility rates here, and I'm sure that they are higher in Cali at least. When one gets an O (or a pound for that matter) of MY stuff, there isn't a stick anywhere in there big enough to poke a hole in a rolling paper. I MANICURE the fuck out of my weed. I also dry it and give it AT LEAST a one month cure before it even sees the light of day. I can assure you that I have the one of the finest quality products available anywhere near me in terms of potency, flavor, and bag appeal. Not to mention it is 100% organic! To ME, that commands a higher price. If folks are willing to put up with a bit of lumber in the sack, and a shorter cure (if any) I could sell for less no doubt. But then, it's not legal here, and I'm NOT a caretaker. According to some out there, I am a slimy drug dealer!! LOL. MY limited clientèle demand (and deserve) the quality I give them, and my reputation is only as good as the product I hand them. I may not the the BEST out there, but I defy you to find a better product anywhere within 200 mile of me.
I am not looking to support myself reasonably, That is a relative concept. Reasonable to some is a 2 bedroom apartment with all the bills paid and a full tank of gas. I live well, commensurate with others at my age, but have given up a lot. Like vacations (can't happen with a grow going), I have a 45' sailboat I haven't seen in literally 6 years, and I have pared way down the amount of people who can come to my house (not necessarily a bad thing, there).