Club 600


Well-Known Member
It's cool to see people experimenting with vertical growing (not horizontal Sunny, lol, that's how everyone grows.) Anyway, I think if you were to have the pots the way they are they will need to be secured in. I have been growing vertical for a while and I can tell you, thin shelves = Danger Danger. Reason, because you are growing vertical the plant will start leaning into the light, well I think you can imagine the rest, Weed plants turning into Lemmings!!! Weyhey....

So, I would:
A/ Tie down each gallon pot (whether you have them on there side or standing up)
B/ Look at the possibility of getting caps for the pots. You will need that if they are on there side, believe me, I have also grown in all sorts contraptions verticall (even grow bags slung on shelves with plants in) and believe me, water is effected by gravity and boy, what a mess that can be (colllecting run of or not - there's always some that comes from somehwere you don't expect it!)
C/ Think about the possibility of having the plant on that stand/shelf unit, and when it comes to watering, moving the whole unit and to water it by laying it down on the ground as an option?
D/ Another options would be to train the plants through the shelf above the pot so that the plant is actually growing into the unit itself.
E/ Cover the whole front of that unit with a net set up. Then you can grow vertical scrog, and won't have to worry about MJ lemmings....

Just some ideas....

i know i'm small but ya gotta start some where right? in prep for the 600 in a few days, i took the table out of the closet and set the plants on the floor, i got the shelf unit at home dePot. i think it should work well. i have a little girl in the purple 2 litre bottle in the first 1 gallon pot. LOL i am gonna fill that closet up. gonna see if i can get another 600 out of the mrs, shhh ixay on that brothers. so i think 2 600s and 3 walls full of 1 gallons? i'm gonna catch and drain the run off. gives the mrs something to do, shhhhh on that again, she comes on here sometimes ;-)

anyone grow horizontally? idk why it wouldn't work? any thoughts my pals?

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Well-Known Member
outstaning BKB!!!!!

edit...;why do pics never show in my quotes anymore....grr, must be Firefox.
Here is to a great weekend, I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend. Giants won and I got bud curing...Here is some prOn for all

Cougar Kush Harvest Curing

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Cougar Kush F2s Harvest Day 66

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Cougar Kush Harvest Day 56....

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Sour OG Coffee Can Harvest Day 66

View attachment 2002258View attachment 2002259View attachment 2002261

2012 is starting off to be very nice!!!
View attachment 2002249



Well-Known Member
Here is to a great weekend, I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend. Giants won and I got bud curing...Here is some prOn for all

Cougar Kush Harvest Curing

View attachment 2002262
Cougar Kush F2s Harvest Day 66

View attachment 2002246View attachment 2002255View attachment 2002247

Cougar Kush Harvest Day 56....

View attachment 2002251View attachment 2002252View attachment 2002253View attachment 2002257

Sour OG Coffee Can Harvest Day 66

View attachment 2002258View attachment 2002259View attachment 2002261

2012 is starting off to be very nice!!!
View attachment 2002249

I know!
I can see the images in the WYSIWYG editor when replying to a post with a quote, but they disappear in transit.
Just another Sweet Mystery of Life ;-)

*Oh, and I use google Chrome, so it's not on our end of things.

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Well-Known Member
Good morning, afternoon or evening...or even happy summer for those on the other side of the equator.

This clone thing about the guy who wants his cuts killed, reminds me of lord of the rings, precious, it's all mine.

Strictly, I can understand and respect your point of view especially when you depend on what you grow to pay your bills. With that said there is still one fact that doesn't change, at least for the moment, you can't own a plant. It's one of the reasons big business is still tending to not be in the marijuana industry. Big business can't put a sticker on a strain and claim it exclusively for itself. So if big business can't own a strain, how can an underground grower own one? To me it is strictly an ego thing, this is my creation so it's mine. I'm the only person allowed to make money on my strain, hogwash. Call me an old hippie but weed is to be shared, that doesn't necessarily mean for free but like DST, I would be thrilled to death to see one of my creations in coffee shops where the world could enjoy it.

I would go with a cool mist humidifier and one day just might myself. Winters here in the south can sometimes be a bit dry.


Well-Known Member
Good morning, afternoon or evening...or even happy summer for those on the other side of the equator.

This clone thing about the guy who wants his cuts killed, reminds me of lord of the rings, precious, it's all mine.

Strictly, I can understand and respect your point of view especially when you depend on what you grow to pay your bills. With that said there is still one fact that doesn't change, at least for the moment, you can't own a plant. It's one of the reasons big business is still tending to not be in the marijuana industry. Big business can't put a sticker on a strain and claim it exclusively for itself. So if big business can't own a strain, how can an underground grower own one? To me it is strictly an ego thing, this is my creation so it's mine. I'm the only person allowed to make money on my strain, hogwash. Call me an old hippie but weed is to be shared, that doesn't necessarily mean for free but like DST, I would be thrilled to death to see one of my creations in coffee shops where the world could enjoy it.

I would go with a cool mist humidifier and one day just might myself. Winters here in the south can sometimes be a bit dry.
Unfortunately, this is not the case. Leading genetic research has been used to create "Patented" genetics for corn, soy, wheat, Etc. EVEN IF SEEDS BLOW INTO A FARMERS FIELD, he can be fined, sued, and shut down for growing that "Strain" on his land without permission. I don't agree with this practice, but it is real. Unless the government makes it illegal, very few corporations will care about families, recessions, Etc.

Like good fellas. Awww, your crop died? Fuck you pay me! Your mom died!? Fuck you, pay me. You got the strain from a friend? Fuck you, pay me.


Well-Known Member
[h=2]Life Running Out of Control[/h](Leben ausser Kontrolle)
2004E94 minutes Since the mid-1980s, the science of genetics has exploded, offering hope for medical researchers and biologists seeking to feed people, as well as deep concerns for proponents of organic foods and activists worried about human gene manipulation. This documentary explores the powerful ways in which biotechnology affects our lives, from the sale of genetically altered salmon to the obtaining of consent for unwitting donors of human tissue.

Director:Bertram Verhaag Genres:Documentaries, Political Documentaries, Science & Nature Documentaries, Social & Cultural Documentaries This movie is:Controversial, Understated

I just watched the above film the other day on Netflix. It discusses what afrawfraw is talking about. Monsanto tried pushing around an organic farmer in Saskatchewan for that very reason, claiming that he was growing their canola illegally, and I don't even believe his crop was canola. He pushed back though and still is. This movie ties in with another great documentary called Dirt. That one is a must see for anyone here. This one is too really.

Hi all.

Here's the trailer


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, just wanted to apologise for being a bit absent of late. Things are a bit hectic over here in the real DST world (which is good believe me).

But the love is still flowing from over here and I am just about to go and snap a few pics so will lavish the 600 with the subsequent pr0n. But only after I have had my wake and bake....wake and bake at I didn't sleep in, lol, that's how am livin gee!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. I'm needing a little help here. I'm online looking at humidifiers for my tent/s and I'm seeing a few different things. One is cool mist vs warm mist, and the other is a vaporizer that has places for medicated oils and such, like vicks menthol, but you don't have to use that. Budget, as always is an issue. A vaporizer is 20 bucks and I could buy one for each tent but they are basic, no settings units. Or the humidifiers with tanks and settings are 40 bucks or so and I'd only be able to get one. If the vapos are a bad idea I'll just get the humidifier but then should I get cool or warm, lol. I'm thinking cool if it doesn't make any different. Anyway, just putting it out there for suggestions and such. Thanks :peace:
Iv used one with a tank for my drying room and it worked great.
thank you my friends
thats the ideas and tips i need. ah yes, vertical, horizontal, experimental = monumental :weed:
Liek dst said, I see spillage all over the place. How do you plan to water these? I like the idea of propping those up and scrogging all the way around!

Hey guys, just wanted to apologise for being a bit absent of late. Things are a bit hectic over here in the real DST world (which is good believe me).

But the love is still flowing from over here and I am just about to go and snap a few pics so will lavish the 600 with the subsequent pr0n. But only after I have had my wake and bake....wake and bake at I didn't sleep in, lol, that's how am livin gee!
Good to hear your keeping busy bro :-) Cant wait for those pics!

EDIT: killer pr0n bkb!


Well-Known Member
Wow, I just can't imagine adding moisture to my grow, after all I do grow under sea level, ffs. lol.
And, that's whats up.....Tree's, Hella E's, that what's up.
Okay, so MASSIEF! hermie'ingalingus going on with the MTF sadly :( So gonna spend the next couple of days monitoring and deciding if I am gonna chuck it). I know I know, most peeps will be like, bin it, but ach fuk it, it gets another chance (Doob's, you reckon I should plant another bean?)
Now when I say herm I mean bunches of bolloxz below every flower. I have gone through every budsite and ripped them all out (at least 6 per flower site :shock: ) so that's the MTF, here's a few pics after it had its Baws Felt!

ccxcdxstomper og....extremely lanky, perhaps they have Dutch genes, lol. Looks og to me though:)

Sour cherry

Bolo Kush

And check this out, this is from my Jade plant (Money plant as some call it) It has a new shoot coming from one of the leaves:shock: nuts man.

Peace and money plants to all.



Well-Known Member
Morning/afternoon everyone bongsmilie

Lovely update D, thanks :-) Too bad about the mtf :-( I wouldnt risk it, then Id pop another seed or two. The color on the sour cherry is great, and the bolo looks good too.

Its rainy so Im inside doing some reading,,, trying to learn about growing veggies. I know how to grow, believe it or not, but when to plant Im not certain of... I may be over thinking this but it doesn't hurt to be over prepared I guess. I also need to find out how and where to sell these veggies lol. Ah, also will be doing flower bouquets :-) and herbs and spices.

hows that oatmeal Jig? I had coffee and cookies for breakfast :-)


Well-Known Member
i just had a wake and bake as well...casey jones joint and a dog bong with some hash sprinked on top....and now it's dinner time already. I am going to make meat balls with mash potatoes and gravy, and I have some truffle that I am goig to shave into the mash, then I'll poach a couple of eggs and plop them on top of the mash with the meatballs probably covered with the gravy.....anyone for PB&J then, lol?


Well-Known Member
i just had a wake and bake as well...casey jones joint and a dog bong with some hash sprinked on top....and now it's dinner time already. I am going to make meat balls with mash potatoes and gravy, and I have some truffle that I am goig to shave into the mash, then I'll poach a couple of eggs and plop them on top of the mash with the meatballs probably covered with the gravy.....anyone for PB&J then, lol?
Damn that sounds good! enjoy :-)


Well-Known Member
Mmmmn, we shall see, there isn't any nanners left so if they grow back with vigour it goes. If not it gets a go.

I am sure you will hit growing veggies with the usual aplomb good sir.
Morning/afternoon everyone bongsmilie

Lovely update D, thanks :-) Too bad about the mtf :-( I wouldnt risk it, then Id pop another seed or two. The color on the sour cherry is great, and the bolo looks good too.

Its rainy so Im inside doing some reading,,, trying to learn about growing veggies. I know how to grow, believe it or not, but when to plant Im not certain of... I may be over thinking this but it doesn't hurt to be over prepared I guess. I also need to find out how and where to sell these veggies lol. Ah, also will be doing flower bouquets :-) and herbs and spices.

hows that oatmeal Jig? I had coffee and cookies for breakfast :-)


Well-Known Member
A few shots of the crop from a few days ago. I did find a few banannas on the QT which was kinda a bummer, but w/e i just hope i can get some viable beans. I just plucked them off with tweezers. The Jack Herer's are beginning to fade a nice purple as well. The Qrazy Train's (or atleast 4/5) are coming down this weekend. bittersweet