Wikipedia to go dark for 24 hours to protest anti-piracy bill


Well-Known Member
will black out the English language version of its website Wednesday to protest anti-piracy legislation under consideration in Congress, the foundation behind the popular community-based online encyclopedia said in a statement Monday night.The website will go dark for 24 hours in an unprecedented move that brings added muscle to a growing base of critics of the legislation. Wikipedia is considered one of the Internet's most popular websites, with millions of visitors daily.


Active Member
Umm yeah that will work! Shut down out of protest because they want you silenced... Sounds like they won and never passed a bill!


Well-Known Member
Awareness by shutting down?

Reverse psychology!
A lot of people in the world are tragically uninformed about current events. When the entire english speaking world tries to access wiki that day they will know about it and in an inconvenient way that a banner add just does not convey.

If it is important enough for Wiki to lose advertising dollars I support them.


Well-Known Member
What they should do is expose the fed for what it is on there site all day, whatever some one searches on wiki, they go to the same page, the fed bullshit page


Well-Known Member
What they should do is expose the fed for what it is on there site all day, whatever some one searches on wiki, they go to the same page, the fed bullshit page
Yes, because that is somehow relevant to the anti-piracy software they are protesting....


Well-Known Member
My point man, if you would know just how many people do not about all these issues.

Everyone i talk to either dont care or dont know... This country is fucked with people like that


Well-Known Member
My point man, if you would know just how many people do not about all these issues.

Everyone i talk to either dont care or dont know... This country is fucked with people like that
I understand that and I see how important the Fed is to you.

However, Wiki doesnt care about the fed right now...

So your suggestion makes no sense for them at this time.


Well-Known Member
Honestly.... It's Wikipedia, the online dictionary "ANYONE CAN EDIT"!Half of the definitions are based on opinion not fact.
They have some pretty sweet game play guides and other stuff that makes the site not worthless...

I wouldnt base a master's degree college paper on it however.


Active Member
They have some pretty sweet game play guides and other stuff that makes the site not worthless...

I wouldnt base a master's degree college paper on it however.
And type BF3 game guide into Google and you will get 100 other ones!


Well-Known Member
Nice strawman dude...

I hate the fed more then you do...

Who ever takes wiki serious has got to be a joke!

Who made you supreme oPinion ruler?

I understand that and I see how important the Fed is to you.

However, Wiki doesnt care about the fed right now...

So your suggestion makes no sense for them at this time.


Well-Known Member
Nice strawman dude...

I hate the fed more then you do...

Who ever takes wiki serious has got to be a joke!

Who made you supreme oPinion ruler?
Wikipedia has a higher accuracy rate than Britannica. Wikipedia has the capability of being updated as facts are established and this alone gives it more credibility than any other source of info that does not have this capability. Furthermore, all edits are logged. Wikipedia has the distinct aim of making the sum of all human knowledge accessible to all humans.

You just parrot typical GOP memes and as such you are nothing more than a self appointed guardian of the status quo.

Anyone who takes you seriously has got to be a into demagogy.


Well-Known Member
Honestly.... It's Wikipedia, the online dictionary "ANYONE CAN EDIT"!Half of the definitions are based on opinion not fact.
yea because usually in my spare time i conjure up bullshit to plaster on the professors said all the hoopla about wiki is mostly bullshit-and encouraged me to use it. professors, graduates, researchers etc have the ability to spread accurate knowledge to the masses and normally dont conjure up fictional facts. and if you check out the bottom most facts are cited to credible websites and references (journal articles, peer reviewed stuff, college researches etc.)