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Trichy Bastard

Well-Known Member

Hi Gang, listen, we got hammered by a snowstorm and the power is VERY sporadic. What do I do about my plants? No electric means no lights, and no heat in there. Temp dropped from 80 to 50 in a few hours, before we got some electric back and the heater kicked back on. What will happen if they don't get light tonight? Thursday is week 5 flower. I'm asking here because I know my peeps will respond. Don't know how mych longer I will have juice to see replys.
Try buying some coleman propane lanterns ;) They're bright as f+ck too!

Also they give off warmth, and tons of CO2... A single lantern will keep you from flowering a whole room, a few will probably grow plants faster than most bulbs...

Oh- and for safety make sure you crack a window, otherwise you're liable to suffocate everyone in their sleep.


Well-Known Member
The subcool ones are :

TGA Subcool Seeds The Third Dimension
(AKA 3D) This 3 way cross of super elites is our fastest maturing hybrid. Third Dimension is medium yielding hybrid with strong speedy buzz. Mainly Sativa with incredible speed and high resin production. Third Dimension cannabis seeds produce triangle shaped colas and are easy to trim. Third Dimension can be cultivated both indoors and outdoors and the the best way to grow is topped and vegged to a 30" bush. It takes it's cannabis seeds 45-50 days to flower. Having a very tropical taste reminding me of coconuts and Pineapple almost like a Pina Colada. The strain gets done very fast but does not lack in potency. The added boost of Jack’s Cleaner seems to really boost up the Sativa influence but the buzz is still very calming and relaxing with a nice mix of the three THC profiles present. I really enjoy smoking this weed so the smokability factor is high for flavour and taste. Third Dimension consists of tropical flavours ranging from Coconuts, pineapples, Kiwi and fruit punch. Incredibly fast plant great for making Red bubble


Weed Modifier

Hi Gang, listen, we got hammered by a snowstorm and the power is VERY sporadic. What do I do about my plants? No electric means no lights, and no heat in there. Temp dropped from 80 to 50 in a few hours, before we got some electric back and the heater kicked back on. What will happen if they don't get light tonight? Thursday is week 5 flower. I'm asking here because I know my peeps will respond. Don't know how mych longer I will have juice to see replys.
they will be fine with one day of dark...its when they get light during the 12 hr dark period, can mess them up...if done constantly...each day!

if you still have no power by tomorrow maybe look at picking up a generator, or rent one, Which you can run what ever you need til power comes back! :)

I've always thought about this and have decided when I go big ....i will have a few as back up :)